I took this IQ test test.mensa.no
I scored 106 and I only answered to 22 questions or so. I’m really disappointed. What having a 106 IQ means in practical terms? It’s something I was born with, it doesn’t matter whether I’ve been keeping my mind active or not, right?
I took this IQ test
>I got an average to above average score for Western countries
So? Unless you're planning to major in physics or something, it's not going to prevent you from applying yourself successfully.
At least you're not a midwit
Mind elaborating on how it's wrong?
Yeah, it would be easier for user to do many things if he had a 130 IQ, and he probably won't be doing anything groundbreaking, but then again neither would most people regardless of IQ.
I don’t trust iq tests I got 122 on it but I’m not even sure how because I feel like a low functioning retard most of the time
Lmao, do you need yor wrangler to tie your shoelaces? Jees... feel bad for you man that's barely functional.
I'm a retarded janitor and I just clicked randomly on the last 4 questions, you probably just needed to finish the exam to round it out.
guys this is bullshit , i found the puzzles kind of fun actually
My intellect (or retardation) exceeds the confines of this test.
These tests are obviously a scam to get you to think you might be some genius so you go ahead and pay for the real test.
Even if that test said i scored a 200 i still wouldn't pay for the exam. IQ is meaningless and pattern recognition can be taught.
>IQ is meaningless and pattern recognition can be taught.
>t. dumbass that took a free online test and now thinks they're smart
I had a real one taken.
Composite score of 135. Not a genius, but not a brainlet.
i got a 123 from that stupid test , and i doubt it in its entirety , solely because they conveniently placed a link to go drop some money on an exam.
Yet you're still here.
>good idea to practice tests like this
? are the questions random?
And why would I want another 107 if I'm going to take this standardized test? If you take a test that's more like a 90 IQ, you should at least be able to do half the things that they require. I mean, you need to think of it just like, what else does 90 intelligence require? And I have this amazing brain, I’d think that if I could‖t think, everything would just fall apart because I don't have all these little mental gears in there, I wouldn ‖t be able to learn anything. I wouldn ‖t really know how to do this stuff. I like to think of it like an IQ test where you learn stuff over time. When I'm doing all these activities and things that make me feel good, if I go to school and I think of these things as I do them that day, instead of a year from now, in a few years ‖t I‖ve really improved because I've learned to think about this sort of thing
Okay exercising your brain is a real thing, yes. I took online IQ tests years ago, and every test I took went up a little each time. So, because I'm a genius with a 150 IQ, I did not pay 20 dollars for an in depth report of how smart I am.
Aslo, 107 is respectable. What's your problem?
not cope, I used to do a lot of similar math puzzles when I was 10, went to all local competitions and grinded on these problems until I was the best.
Now I get 130+ IQ on every test I try and I suck at high level math and other high IQ shit.
That's dumb and false. These IQ tests don't explain anything or tell you the correct answer. Doing them over and over again will not make you learn a single thing or increase your intelligence in any way.
Those that know, do not speak.
Those that speak, do not know.
I just took and got a 135 i mostly clicked random stuff and finished it under a minute. I see no god now other than me
>I don’t trust iq tests I got 122 on it but I’m not even sure how because I feel like a low functioning retard most of the time
same. I scored 119 and i should probably have a helmet and a handler
I scored 145 on one I did.
Also IQ is nothing of value. You can't test the overall intellect of someone based on a few shitty questions in a few narrow fields. I bet the people with the highest IQ in the world would not be able do do a trade. Intelligence is not just letters and numbers but ability to apply you cognitive power to the task ahead. People that are horrible with letters and numbers tend to have a much better grasp of spacial awareness and practical application with does not mean they are dumb just their skill set is outside of what and IQ test can test.
How high an IQ do you have to be to beat games like the Talos Principle and The Witness anyway? I feel like most of this test was the equivalent of about the first quarter of one of those games. I think I got halfway through Talos Principle before I had to give up.
>based on a few shitty questions in a few narrow fields.
Sounds like you took an old-style IQ test, like pic related. Those actually are shit for most applications.
If you have enough time and autism, you can just power through games like that, I'd imagine.
What the fuck does 'or more' even mean?
If you're upset because of a bad IQ test result why don't you just practice for them until you get a result you're happy with?
It's a test just like any other, don't believe the people who tell you it measures intelligence and can't be changed.
But don't take my word for it, try practicing them and you'll see.
Is everyone here retarded? Real IQ tests are administered by people and timed. Online tests are total BS and unreliable.
I had to take a psychometric test to get accepted into my uni course
Also you realise that apart from the way they grade it they're the same thing right? The idea that you can't improve your IQ by practicing is bullshit
Mensa is pretty commonly regarded as a scam by and for insecure underachievers who miss getting congratulated by their relatives for being in gifted and talented.
Don't waste your time with that shit, user. Smart people don't go around bragging about and starting clubs around their performance on an online IQ test.