John Earnest is a Mentally-ill Christian

Another mentally ill christian snapped and went on a shooting spree. This time it was a 19 year old named John Earnest and he went and shot up a synagogue in southern California, killing 1 jew and injuring 4. Why are Christians so mentally sick? It’s almost like Christianity is a mind-virus. You never see buddhists or hindus walking around in public ranting at themselves and everyone else like a crazy homeless person.

Jesus never even existed in the first place. There is not one single scholar or historian who existed in 1AD Palestine who mentioned him even once. Funny because if someone was going around raising the dead, feeding thousands, and yet no one thought to even mention him? The first known record of the mention of the character called Jesus only popped up a couple of centuries later. Therefore it is no wonder that Christians are mentally ill. They are worshiping a fictional character who was basically a communist anti-government protester.

If you are a Christian and are reading this? You need help. And the truth can set you free. Go to and read that site thoroughly. It’s time for you to give up your mental illness called Christianity and become sane. I remember what it was like to be a Christian. It was like being possessed. Once I gave it up, I felt tremendous mental freedom, like a fog had been lifted from my mind. Christianity is basically the Alzheimer’s of religion. Try reading Buddhist books or Hindu books. You’ll feel much happier.


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Other urls found in this thread: Jews and Bolsheviks /'d, me those Deus Vult / Scott Bennett, counter-terrorism analyst/

No he's another mossad patsy and you guys are spamming threads across this board because nobody believes your bullshit and you wanna drown out everything else. How pathetic is this shit. Get a grip Mossad. You're not cut out for the 21st cetury.

wow, you replied fast

Yeah and you're still a sloppy mossad faggot whose gonna watch their mother get killed by Iranian soldiers.

>This is one of the reasons cowards so shrilly screech that Brenton Tarrant and Robert Bowers were Mossad false flag operations. They can’t fathom that there are brave White men alive who have the willpower and courage it takes to say, “Fuck my life—I’m willing to sacrifice everything for the benefit of my race.” He projects his own cowardice onto the White race. To the coward it is just a hobby. He is a LARPfag and a traitor. Ignore him. He has nothing useful to offer. That or it’s just a Jew shilling, “Don’t oppose us.”

>Buddhists and hindus

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He's right though, you're a spammer. Jews and Bolsheviks /'d, me those Deus Vult / Scott Bennett, counter-terrorism analyst/

They fucked up so bad putting that in the manifesto

you are a terrorist nazi

They are mentally ill. They're so fucking stupid they used AI to analyze the word usage on Jow Forums and they thought it was legitimate data. How do these faggots not realize that censoring social media means that it doesn't represent reality anymore. They think twitter and facebook still represents how people think. They also think that despite the fact JIDF make up 80% of Jow Forums and say the same thing over and over again that the word data they got was usable.

Attached: It's Mossad..jpg (1431x1788, 1.33M)

>Goys, getting angry over seeing your country turned into the third world and your neighborhood crumble is mental illness

Christians are retarded mentally ill white trash

fuck off boomer
day of the pill soon

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who cares? She would have grown up to be a roastie whore anyway, white women are whores!

You're retarded and so is your post. "How dare you read things on the internet" . Fuck you , eat a bus load of dicks

wow you responded fast, memeflag.

more antichristian divide and conquer. sorry faggots nobody is buying killing random people as victory. nobody is buying this guy as organic. it was an intel operation.

ahh and progressive shills attacking christians as usual. fuck off people are waking up, this is a false flag.

yes how dare you read the TRUTH that Jesus Christos of Nazareth never existed!!!!!!!!!!

I must pour salt in my eyes to save my soul from your words.

Continue gobbling dicks fagmiester

jesus ain't real but i wish he had been. I would love to crucify his faggot ass

Men and women are supposed to empower each other
The fact our women are obsessed with empowering each other through punishing low status and especially young males is evidence that we are a doomed society

white women are the enemy of white men

why are you stormfags such white-knight cu.cks?

>when your bait isn't working and you start to get belligerent
wew shill, you need to practice some more

stay mad goy

show flag. sage
