Would Jow Forums ever do this again? do you guys think if we actually met up in real life we could start to network and organize, like actualy effecting the real world? im working on website meant to do just this, mainly for normies tho, ive made 2 or 3 threads about it in the past. Anyway just a thought
Would we ever do this again?
Im in Seattle BTW, lib shitcappital of the US. I'd be willing to meet some fellow seattle nigs.
> effecting
fuck americans
your country died long ago
There are a number of good groups in the area. We don't work together as much as back in 2017, but it's still a great network.
Like I would like to meet up with you filthy degenerates. Learn to find friends aside this mongolian basketweaving imageboard
I love our meetups
I’m too white to meet up with any of you retards
>that one glownigger who was forced to be there because none of the other glowniggers wanted to go
America isn't white, it's a very diverse country
imagine the total psychology bill
this desu
pic related a pol-meeting
This picture looks like it smells of grease, hamburgers, and onions and I’m not talking about the food they’re eating. Take a bath degenerates.
>actualy effecting the real world?
Not until the economy crashes again.
Then we'll get together and have some real fun.
They are provably all psychologist
Unfortunately most came from /b/
pretty sure that's one of the many /fa/ meetups that are always infamous
Unfortunately most came from/b/
This board is /b/ now
We have the same cancerous “post 5 year old funny screencaps lel Jow Forums humor thread”, and shills spamming the same thread. Is infinity Chan any better?
Wow so many fucking doomers and boomers, in this thread, why are you all such lazy faggots that you dont even try and make things better?
So much apathy and self loathing on Jow Forums nowadays. Shame on you guys
If there ever is another Jow Forums meetup I bet it will be the target for some jewish trickery
hahaha can’t forget about this one
But for real, previous meetups weren't all that political or centered towards activism. If we could start redpilling people in real life on the street, we would be far more effective if we only kept to ourselves online.
Bunch of slightly off-looking guys.
Id fit right in yay!
You take the screens away and all the retards come out of the woodworks because Jow Forums is just a big fat larp to them. It truly makes me wonder how much on here is just ironic shitposting from shitskin mutts, and how much of it is legitimate
Probably the single most demoralizing image ever posted on this forum. God damn.
Yeah I don’t even mind it when you guys call us mutts anymore. It fucking fits
Sorry, I'm actually white.
Is that Brittany Venti on the right wtf?
Does it fucking matter who these people are irl? what matters is we start getting active and organizing ourselves.
Getting out on street corners with boards warning people of coming automation while we continue to import millions of immigrants every year?
people seek out the red pill, it rarely comes to them.
>surrounded by beta orbiting nonwhites
Did you even need to ask?
full pic
Are they white supremacist aryans or refugees?
Jow Forums Meetup is guaranteed to be half glow in the dark spooks trying to round up some low hanging fruit.
Jow Forums is the most diverse white supremacist soical platform.
Choose your fighter.
>does it matter
Yes. Non whites aren’t facing the extinction of their race, and expecting them to organize with us, will either destroy us before we’ve even started, or turn it into a retarded civic nationalist movement.
I'm saying you're late to the party, fren. 2017 was the year of wacky street antics. You can read all about it on antifa websites, if you want.
I always knew you guys were mutts larping as white people
stephen hawking
I'd consider it but shills would leak the location to some liberals and a meetup would turn into an autistic SJW screech fest.
these are Jow Forums posters? they look like these "shitskins" you're always talking about lol
>actually being racist makes me white
sure it does :^)
>greeting fellow redpilled young people
I hate everyone on here, if /co/ did it I wouldn't go, I'd probably just pretend to be a regular customer and watch from the distance.
Isn't that reddit?
holy kek
Every time i make threads calling for activism schitzos suddenly seem to comeout of the woodwork.
Guys its not only white people who are dealing with the posibility of our lives as americans being uprooted.
AMERICA WAS NEVER 100% WHITE WE ARE NOT AN ENTHO STATE. Our problems are not just the entinction of the white race, its so much bigger than that.
Wheelchair guy looks like he was photoshopped in.
What is wrong with the middle dudes head?
I don't know what's cringier
Jow Forums during the election
or Jow Forums after the election
But I do know all the cool kids are shooting religious minorities over on 8pol. Not sure what the fuck I'm still doing here with you losers
>Coming from a guy who's government can break into his house to kidnap his kid so they can cut it's dick off, followed by leaving your child in the care of a notorious sex trade.
I'm moving to New Orleans. Any of you faggots there in nig central?
I'd meet any of you fuckers I'm not afraid. I was a navy seal.
>"you're shareblue!!"
My name is John and I hate you.
says the maga npc
Why do the people we meet have to be white? does the red pill not transcend the color of ones skin?
>go to Jow Forums meetup
>get fed cummie brownies
Have fun
>"come at me bro I'm 6'6" and make 500k a year"
The manlet looks like a bro
prove it
these meetups always remind me how there really are no white people on pol
prove it
Go to the gym for 6 months solid, get some classy clothes, become socialized and then join AIM. Anyone who would go to a Jow Forums meetup is faggot.
There. Im not the one you asked for, but I can prove it
I guess I'll go over to Stormfront where the real Ubermench surely are.
Get off of grangran's favorite stool! Last time I told you granddad fisted my ass!
I just wanted to be cool. Phone is a note8 btw, so you get a better idea of the size of my hands.
Fuck hahhahahah /fa/gs
Yeah.. newfags think there are actually huwhites on here. Im the last of a dying breed.
so you guys all look like a bunch of school shooters?
im bet these guys know all fortnite dance moves
third from right is kind of cute desu
rest look like fags
actually he does too but he's still cute
Meet me at the Dicks burgers near Seattle Center at 11:30 user. I'll be wearing a MAGA hat.
And the classic
>lone white man was the only one to score venti-pussy
I'd for sure go, being the lone white in a sea of mudmen. Maybe I too can score a weeby octaroon...
>too stupid to hold the camera the right way
OOF. so much for those superior genetics.
also nice BLM roleplay ... I can only assume you're the emasculated cuck who's been posting all that pro miscegenation shit in every thread
Maybe a few yuro flags like iceland or austria but ya not burger flags and not many UK flags for sure.
>tfw diversity really was our strength all along
Don't a lot of chicks go to /fa/?
>scoring venti pussy
>this is some kind of feat
How ugly are the women in Canada? I thought the french sassy women were supposed to be hot?
Oh wait I figured it out solving the capthas hi Brit.
based, cock pic now plz? no homo
>5 years ago
>when reality is actually worse than the memes
honk honk
Not with false flags left and right we aint. Stupid ass motherfucker.
this leglet forgot about leg day
Our diversity of thought is what the jew fears
>Every time i make threads calling for activism schitzos suddenly seem to comeout of the woodwork.
>Guys its not only white people who are dealing with the posibility of our lives as americans being uprooted.
>AMERICA WAS NEVER 100% WHITE WE ARE NOT AN ENTHO STATE. Our problems are not just the entinction of the white race, its so much bigger than that.
t. civic nat fuck
I do agree tho.
I think a lot of people don't understand how destabilized America will become when Mexicans take it over and demand all wealth be transferred over for them as reparations for colonization.
Despite what liberals say, all IMMIGRANTS came to America for a white nation.
Everyone smelled fine except for maybe the thot who stank of bitch
You are right about that, but your country died way before
wewwwwwwww thats not even forgetting leg day, its something far worse
>Would Jow Forums ever do this again?
You have to remember why that pic happened in the first place, which was because a few guys in the area wanted to troll, most of what came after was just it snowballing until it had to be shut down
That it ever happened to begin with was pure coincidence, the way it should be
It was one of the first operations by the ****. So no. Jow Forums never had a meeting as far as I am concerned.
Holy Sheet this is pol? lololololol