He was too sane for this clown world

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They made a sequel?

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He truly is a patriot, not like the millions that serve in usa army

>The Importance of Being Earnest

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he will be replaced

his HS sweetheart will be impregnated by mohammad

He could have tried harder
Low effort happening

stop fucking asians omg

sloppy job. sage

is that him far left

if he's such a white nationalist, why'd he take a picture at the summit of "Black" Mountain???

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cool drum set

He unloaded in a room full of unarmed Jews and only got one kill. He’s a fucking embarrassment. I disavow.

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so lemme get this straight:

Lyin Jew media: Check
Theiving Jew Usury: check
Jews starting wars: check
Jews created Marxism and Communism: Check
Jewlywood: check
Jews made Feminism: check
Jews made pornography: check
Jews control USA govt: check
Jews over represented in slave trade: check
Jews persecute christians: check
Jews killed the perfect man Christ: check

Yeah, nothin to see here folks. Another mentally ill shooter lol!

>unarmed Jews
someone was armed dummy

>White Nationalist "conquering" Black Mountain
He has his reasons.

The NRA is going to go wild with this one.

They get to sing about the virtue of gun ownership while denouncing "anti-semitism".

He went and ruined his own life doing absolutely nothing to support his cause, killing 1 (lol) jew and pretty much nullifying his chances to ever inseminate a non drug addict white girl.

Fucking amateurs man...

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How would you do it then, master of deception?

It's afraid

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sounds like mossad to me

Can someone give me a basic gestalt, I've been out all day?

They would be wise not too. It was an ICE agent right? Hence the only guns should be controlled by the state.

loosing people to jews at 1/1 ratio is a barging

Why did he do what he did? Only thing he managed was to kill an innocent person and land himself in jail.

WTF happened? Who was this guy?

Some nut who visited Jow Forums.

either false flag or some kid with no exprience tried to pull a saint tarrant 2 electric boogalo but on jews

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If he went for one shot one kill and just took out the rabbi that would of been pretty badass.

1 dead and a rabbi only injured great effort but not great results.

Goes to camp was best



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Where’s This

Literally who

Brenton Tarrant was alpha

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He was just a kid but he wanted to make a difference. Spent 4 weeks planning and probably only really spent 2 days actually planning the attack it seems.

The youth of today (genZ) is probably going to be the most violent generation since the silent gens. Both is giving and being exposed to violence. This kid is just one of probably many more kids who are going to act out.

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The kid was not prepared he needed to play more SpYro and fortnite to get a higher kill count.

>be brown untermensch
>commit mass shooting
>kill count: 138 million

>be master race
>commit mass shooting
>kill count: 1

just take a hint wh*teboi cucumber jellos, you're not superior in any way or form in waging warfare unless getting help from the Mossad like Breivik or Terrant. you'll be raped to your skinny wh*te bones in the future race war

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That's not actually him.

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The sad part about this was this kid was a talented musician and a nursing student. He had more potential than murdering an old Jew.

wouldn't shoot some rando at worship. would take out at least a high-level tool, like a reporter or rich fucker

all of those are actually him though

No, that was literally fake news. You unironically fell for the memes.

Is this for real? I thought Lush was a #FreePalestine fag

Dumb teenager who spent too much time on Jow Forums thought he'd go shoot up a synagogue in the hopes of becoming famous (in his "manifesto" he asks Jow Forums to make memes about him). Planned his attack for two months.

Killed one person.

This is so try hard.

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right, shouldve gone to israel to whine and complain about jewish privilege and how jewishness needs to be dismantled

See this is the problem with jews you faint sympathy for your own basicaly like cocaroaches

Well there’s 3 options
A) His weapon jammed. If he prepped for 4 weeks with a newly purchasd weapon, he was probably no familiar with unjamming in combat
B) Border patrol guy shot back and Earnest fled
C) Earnest gets a kill in, hears death shrieks and doesn’t have the stomach for it
I’m thinking its A, weapons malfunction causing him to flee the scene along with some degree of incompetence.

This. After each shooting/attack, more white people start sympathizing with minorities, and the ones that already sympathized with them, land up sympathizing more - and hating conservatives/right-wingers even more as well. This literally has the reverse effect every time. Right-wing terrorists are literally the dumbest people out there.

Lol, look at what even the Charlotesville march did --- literally killed the Alt-Right.

Which one is he? All mayos look the same.

this but the media plays it down becouse it doesnt fit their anti gun propaganda.

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I heard on the radio parts of that foot hill have dangerous Amounts of natural Strychnine on it probably from certain plants and closed some of its trails.