it's another "Jow Forums kills minorities while claiming to be the real victim" episode.
TWO shootings, two shootings can be traced back to this shithole. When will you assholes ever learn that is not okay to kill inocent people just because they are different than you Stop killing innocent people you delusional fucktards
Remember that time a spic cut that kids heart out on video? I remember
Colton Jones
Jow Forums a good boi he dindu nuttin
Anthony Myers
Fuck off mexifag. Just image living in so cal , I grew up here and I can't blame him. Just image your hometown getting overran by mexifucks like you , blacks, arabs , asain and everyone else that moves to SD. It's only getting worse here. Sometimes ( a lot ) I am the only white guy ( person ) in a gym or room or line. My nation doesn't feel like mine. My bloodline has been here for over 5 lifetimes. Should I just bend over and get cucked out ? Nah fambam I will breed and defend my people at all cost. So cal the land itself is amazing and we might lose it but that's okay Kappa
that kid wasn't from the chans, he even says he wouldn't have dreamt he'd be in this position 6 months ago. So what he says he's into Tarrant? funny because most of us this hes a faggot, explain that one, nigger?
Try reading or at least asking others before you go looking like a dumbass
Luis Bell
>mudslimes >innocent Pick 1 (One)
Xavier Long
Please die. You would never understand how it feels to be replaced in your own contry shitskin. Fuck off and die thx
John Williams
Arent whites the global minority?
Noah Green
Liam Perry
yeah, me too, fagshit.
they never do shit, the are the real victims, you know. The jews, the mossad, the iluminati and the reptilians are the ones responsible for this. In fact, this never actually happened is a ruse done by the aforementioned to blame good inocent Jow Forums and force the authorities to shut it down. Geez.
sure, lad. Let's kill innocent people because my fragile ego demands it
>muh Jow Forums didndunuffin, muh it;s anoda conspiracy false flag done by jooooss! Sure, buddy.