I'm an Indian guy and got cuckolded. My Indian gf of 3 years was stolen by some White tourist dude. I'm fucking seething. Stop doing this you disgusting pigskins!

My Indian gf said she prefers White men because they
>Are undeniably better looking than shitskins
>Are beautiful like a piece of art with colored eyes and hair no Indian man could ever have
>Have bigger dicks than brown "men"
>Are taller and more masculine
>Are more intelligent and obviously genetically superior

FUCK WHAT DO I DO? White men should be banned from entering Asia. Indian thots who date outside their race must be punished.

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>t. Holidaying mutt

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>thread gets deleted
>make another one
I wonder what the outcome will be this time

Honor kill him. We don't like race-mixers either.

This is unironically true. All brown/black men get mogged hard by any White man. We can only pretend were hot in memes.

He just wants to fuck and dump her and the worst part is that brown girls know this. They still enjoy getting used like a fucktoy by White men.


I want to go to India and impregnate some women.
All white guys need to stick their cocks in indian women.

Post pic of your GF
My white cock might want her.

reportet for forbidden blog-thread

Are you that retarded anglo who keeps making these threads over and over again?

black mens too

Be me butt hurt indian.

Tell everyone how "alpha I am"
Lift light weights at the gym and get butt hurt when people laugh.
Get pissed off when people don't like curry smell coming out of my house, car, store.

Fuck you whiteys india super power by 1800.

Literally hundreds of dead floating in the rivers
Socially accepted shitting streets- not even china has that.

You people are a god damned disgrace to humanity.

niggers should be baned from all places except for their countries but what i can do?

please kill the white guy that is racemixing, thanks

Poo in loo plz

Stay mad Pajeet

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You reap what your sow. You fucks constantly brag about fucking white girls all the time and get triggered when the reverse happens.

Relax user. You'll get them all back @ 25yo when the hit the wall like a freight train.

Pajit BTFO

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Cope harder, but don't worry, doze whiteys along with u ar gonna wash our dicks.

No I got curry fever

Aren’t you the one who said that you’re an Indian girl who wants white dick? Make your mind up, Pajeet

Do this so he doesn’t try to take her back to whatever white country he came from and add to the non-white infestation. Best of luck m8.

How can we steal all girls you dumbass we are only a few millions and you are billions of brown people around the world

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Our low caste maid is better looking than her.

You not lifting poo?

real maid or just partially ?

Nepali maids look hot, kind of. Like the poor girl hot type.

get a new gf

Pics or it didn't happen

All Indian men should be castrated. We shouldn't be spreading our disgusting shitskin genes.


Reminder to sage all these pajeet attention seeking threads

Checked and based

Hi, Anglo. Wanna hear something epic? Right before independence, the wife of the Viceroy of India, Lady Mountbatten had an affair with our Prime Minister.

Mr. Mountbatten recalls, "The humiliation could not have been more complete."

I bleach non-white women but not indians. I don't want to go to a country that that constantly smells like shit, where people eat with their dirty hands, or where all the food gives you diarrhea.

Muzzies gonna muzz.