You’re killing people

This isn’t off topic

You are all indirectly murdering people. These poor white dudes come on pol and get radicalized further into your shitty ideas and SHITTY plans and SHITTY world view.

You may not like it, but this place is nothing better than an ISIS website now.

We should all work together and make this place more positive and less violent.

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>We should all work together and make this place more positive and less violent.

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>You may not like it, but this place is nothing better than an ISIS website now. We should all work together and make this place more positive and less violent.

true and I agree, but its the mods who are supposed to make sure a duty of care is exercised according to human rights.


Fuck yeah, I kill niggers, kickass.

lmfao militarism is the key to the revival of heroic ideals which is Europe's goal by Necessity

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thanks rabbi

If you want to make it positive, don't make it entirely hopeless for them. Don't drop them as friends, deplatform them, assault them, censor them, and ruin their lives. None of these attacks occurred until the left deprived them of their voice and power.

ISIS here, fuck off OP before we find you and behead you.

Boo hoo. Kiss my ass you cowardly fuck!

Assholes like you, who seek to censor everyone you disagree with, do more to cause this than anyone here.
You don't let people speak peacefully, so they lash out violently.

>We should all work together and make this place more positive and less violent.
Diversity = violence.

/pol is a board of peace

lmao kys

They go to FB and get radicalized , they watch the news and get radicalized , they live in the real world and get radicalized . Why do you think that WE radicalize people ? Because they find pol , after they've been kicked in the fucking face by the people radicalized by the juden press ? No juden press = No radicalized whites . Go talk to the kikes about their radicalization program .

If you kill your enemies, you win

Stupid fuck

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Fuck off the Jews are doing way worse things to the worlds since centuries you fucking kike. You are just like cancer and it is time to do something about it.

How is it that every time something actually happens the endless stream of "gas the kikes" and "kill niggers" posts turns into "omg guys ur raycism is akchully murdering ppl"

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Not my fault.

This isn’t off topic
You are all indirectly murdering people too.
With the fucking taxes you pay.
Millions of deaths

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Every time i post a thread on the actual conspirosy (the breakaway civilization - transhumanism - ai - the closed society - technology suppression - genetic engineering ect). It either gets flash archived or derailed into some brainlet thread about ''the joos'' (they arnt even jews - they are predeluvian luciferian bloodlines) but whatever. Its almost like someone is working 24/7 to keep everything at the lowest common denominator. Iv even posted actionable info on suppressed tech on the black market ect. Nobody gives a shit, they want tranny gifs and ''hitler did nothing wrong lel''. Its evidence that the bioengineering is working if anything, an entire subcaste of total brainlets

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Congradulations, you realized that pol is full of far right sissies that are sooooo pissed that they can't find a girlfriend, they blame their problems on Jews. They never faced prejudiced but they have a nanny fit which will one day result in a race war. The white race is not undergoing a genocide. You are not being taken from your homes and being shot to death. But they cry so much, that in the end they will commit these acts on innocent people.

It is okay to be Jewish.

you are correct in your assessment

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I didn't kill anyone
my words are just words
sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me

no he isnt

lole who cares

>muh taxes

Be gone boomer

not that I condone hate speech because it is counter-intuitive, but is legal and if you can't undrstatnd why that is ikporant you don't desrver to speek feraely

>Implying the average idiot doesn't out themselves as a dumbfuck, get bullied, and sort themselves out back to normalcy
>Implying the average idiot is latently murderous
>Implying Pol posters have accountability for inciting violent acts
Schizothread OPs and samefags on suicide watch. I agree something needs to be done about people who post here deliberately targeting the unstable in hopes they do something on behalf of/associated with pol.

those poor bastards become radicalized when their speech is silenced, when their media is censored, when needles are mandatory, when medications are mandatory, when conflicting culture is regularly imported by elected representatives who are supposed to be for the good of the people, when they read the truths about their history books, etc.

Jow Forums is a board of peace. when is the last time you asked someone if they are doing okay? that's right. Fuck You. you come here trying to be noble, but your intentions are misplaced. here they can speak their mind, converse about topics that NO ONE can talk about anywhere, and get to the bottom of their problem and daily life pressures and misunderstandings about reality. here, they can learn exactly what is going on, what the news doesn't show, how to better themselves, and how to help others around them.

Jow Forums is doing everything it can to stabilize society as a patient. everyone else is doing the exact opposite, doing what they can to extract as much blood before the patient breathes it's last breath. we do everything we can to help others.

very few here want violence.
we just want to play video games.

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Yes people are, guilding blind men off cliffs with your words directions, is murder.

Theres a reason Jow Forums never gets shut down user Jow Forums is a honeypot

Yes go be a kike.... in Israel

This god bless user

What about this shit, jewish shill:

I disagree


It would be 80% better in an instant if JIDF and anything similar just closed up shop instead of perpetuating their people’s time honored tradition of provoking people who want to be left alone in the hopes of manipulating them.

Dude, globalists have been murdering people all my life and telling people to believe in all kinds of wacky shit. They are murdering children in the womb and people are fucking cutting their own dicks off because they think they will become women.

Our lives were already getting ruined on the current course, we may as well try this pro-White alliance shit out instead.

If your ideas are so much better, why is Western civilization basically in freefall right now, with those very ideas operating behind the scenes?

Oh, right, OP = FAG

OP I don't care

no [spoiler]u[/spoiler]

You can have a discussion about anything with anyone who either holds a genuine very different viewpoint than the other 13 drastically different ones all in the same thread, and nobody gets banned, dogpiled for saying something controversial, or stalked. Just bait and genuine conversation.

And that’s a good thing!

This isn’t off topic

Jews are all directly murdering people. These poor liberals come on tumbler and get radicalized further into their shitty ideas and SHITTY plans and SHITTY world view.

Jews may not like it, but this place is nothing better than an mosad website now.

We should all work together and make this place more positive and less violent.

>suddenly "we"
Yeah no, being paid to post your garbage here doesn't make you one of us.

This isn’t off topic

people are all indirectly murdering people. These poor people come on the internet and get radicalized further into its shitty ideas and SHITTY plans and SHITTY world view.

You may not like it, but this place is nothing better than an civilisation website now.

We should all work together and make this place more positive and less violent.

Tbh if your retarded enough to get radicalized by pol you kinda deserve your fate. Shits just Darwinism. Jow Forums is for meming and being as offensive as possible in a sterile world, if you take it seriously you should just kill yourself.

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I dindu nothin faggot

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Everyone kinda radicalized themselves by looking at society and seeing all that is wrong with the world.

I'd say the only person responsible for radicalization to acts of violence is Tarrant since his manifesto changed the ENTIRE tone of chan culture. Nobody even spoke of such things 2 months ago, now we're all edger.

I don't think you understand how much the boards changed after Christchurch, someone had finally done something.

So ya if you wanna point fingers, Tarrant is really the source of a bunch of this.

If you get radicalised by the internet you deserve everything that's coming to you and your society deserves everything that's coming to it because of it.

kikes and shitskins aren't people

How many people HAVEN'T gone out and done a mass murder because Jow Forums gave them an outlet?

This isn't of topic
The internet kills people.

The internet is the monster of men combined.

Im trying to enlighten these stupid nazis with communism but im afraid thats violent too

Wait till they find out how many people /sg/ killed

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Ether our egos must die. or the internet must die only the fit will survive.

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Ya how many people have they killed? It's been a while since I've checked them out

You'll have to ask the Russian Ministry of Defense, but at least one Syrian airstrike originated on /sg/. Just ask them

Also why do we get the blame every time some retard shoots some people. Pol never helped plan it, Pol never told them to do it. Like just fuck off.

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> a couple of people are dying
Oh my...
you are cracking up one foot away from the departure line OP. You are not gonna believe what comes up next.
You are loosing your self control for some dozen of people while more than two hundred fifty Christians were massacred on the other side of the planet. Maybe this affects you because it's close.
Get your shit together, those are the appetizers.
Some cities are going to see inches thick blood rivers flowing in their streets.
You world is going to be raped, destroyed, burnt and raped again.

you were genuine in your concern you would stop shitting up the board and leave forever. Your BBC Israeli anti white incel shit posting is driving these autists into the real world. This was their safe space and you destroyed it. I blame you

Stop censoring people and telling them they are nazis for holding political views you disagree with. You are the type of person that creates this problem, the vast majority of people are peaceful and respond to your race baiting anti white racism with nothing but objection, but every now and then you create a murderer out of some nut. The blood is on your hands.

false flags the gay glownigs are the ones telling people to do that stuff

Penal responsibility is personal.

As for the vague concept of ideas killing people, leftists, commies and progressives are in no position to moralize anyone.

pol likes buzzwords, it works with their reptilian adhd brains. there is no saving this place, pray the cia keeps tabs on them.

Jesus french anons have been completely cold fucking blooded recently.

>You are radicalizing people, not the past decade spend destroying your nations institutions by the radical left, flooding your countries with Low IQ third worlders and completely shutting you out of normal politics by deplatforming- no, this meme website is doing it

Fuck yourself rabbi.

Jews did it.

>Iv even posted actionable info on suppressed tech on the black market ect.
[citation needed]


Maybe they should stop radicalising people by their own act against white people.

say that to the south african or worse the rodesian ?

I say they worked hard for people being like that too, the all islam thing and the congress think against white nationalist( no black crime against white in america) was depressing as fuck

>Free speech leads to killings

I wonder why.

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Not for nothing that tarrant was redpilled in france

That's true, maybe it was his visit to France that made him the cold blooded killer he became.

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It's just that people look into memes way too much
They end up actually thinking that jews are actually a hivemind of evil individuals that control everything on the planet
It's funny the first few times not gonna lie but i guess that people should really tone it down

this. The left is to blame by pushing a globalist agenda whilst simultaneously removing the abillity of the right to carry out politics as normal through a campaign of deplatforming.

People here are the way they are because of the left and its bullshit, not because of memes. All they have to do is back off just a little bit and a great deal of unpleasantness would be avoided. But we all know they won't.

I think the lesson here is ignore everything going on in places like France. Focus on important things like Mario speedruns.

>you should just ignore what the left and globalists are doing! make this place positive
>i like to crack some jokes while my wife's boyfriend fucks her to make it a little positive


bolshevik cocksuckers pushed me to the fringes when i did nothing, so now i'll embrace the fringe. we all will, until the fringes you've relentlessly brutalized and ostracized encircle you, enclose on you and swallow you whole

Demonic pacifist shitbag. don't talk to me about peace or innocence when this entire world is predicated on the annihilation of hundreds of millions of people in senseless wars. WW2 for what? Freedom, Liberty, where is it? I have the freedom to do what some silicon valley nigger loving sodomite tells me, is that what liberty is? Fuck you, you're going to burn and you deserve it.

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Indeed. And when you are a self declared 'something' of peace you can do nothing wrong.

>>Whites are so powerful they can kill with words

the answer is no, try again later

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Show flag kike

Agree with OP wtf with all the violence

Hate to say it but the movement needs a little bit more MLK


Power word HONK.

How come jews control every media outlet? Seems strange.

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