Germany must pay reparations to Greece

Germany must pay reparations to Greece.

Attached: Germany.png (770x500, 857K)

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any reparations money coming from germany goes only to jewish pockets you little faggot.

Israel is the gayest country in the Middle East.

You don't want to see a trial, as usual. You realize we have seen the Greek Civil war documents with all the German names redacted, right? Be prepared for about 10 million new jews from the United States, we are expelling every single kike from this bitch. We caught you; the Katyn Massacre stunt isn't going to fly. Too many strikes, the jew should have been kicked out in 1862, make way, KIKES INCOMING. Haavara Agreement PART JEW.

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No, goat fucker, we will nuke greece and end, what Hitler started.

*must be paid reperations

100% agree

now empty your pockets

I never got reparations, lots of my people died in Brit concentration camps, don't see us bitching about it.


Also I'm guessing by now everyone involved in those events are probably dead by now, so what's the point of paying for something ghosts did?

You didn't turn down peace negotiations and lie about anything for 80 years either, these hook nosed kikes' ass is grass. It's not going to fly with us. Today's shooting has no surveillance again, and it just hastens the jew from getting bounced. Too much FOIA, what is remaining will outrage the population. We know NY jewry funded the Bolsheviks, we know the Vatican formally rebuked Communism in 1937, it's bad news for Schlomo, he's on borrowed time and he knows it.

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You shouldn't generalize all of them though, mate, I know some fucking top tier Israelis who are staunchly nationalist and practical guys, those same guys would probably agree with international jewish fuckery, they're not all bad people though.

Greece must pay rapperayshuns to the Gods.

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Sorry, Henry Ford tried that after WW1 and jews can't police their own. We owe it to the world to bounce the jew. We ruined this world jumping into WW1, everyone could have laid their weapons down and responded to Germany's status quo antebellum peace proposal. What followed was hits on the Armenians/Greeks, Russians and then the framing of Germany. Read Deuteronomy Chapter 7, the instructions were to utterly destroy the Baal worshiping filth and to not race mix or be friends with them. Philosophically, nothing promotes usury, it's out by every metric. They are just jews, WW2 could have ended in 1943, everyone tried, the last vermin anyone cared about was any pollack jew in a camp. The holohoax numbers are annoying. jews are annoying. It's over, they are leaving. I know all about South Africa as well, we all do, we can start a lecture from the year 1862 and ramble for an hour straight.

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1632 -- you know the story.

Poor fool

wrong, the Communist forces in Greece were defeated by National Socialists running Uncle Sam's CIA. Too much FOIA out there now, the jig is up. Germany won't have to give the Greeks 1 cent, and it's a nothing more than a Chess move by the Greeks to expose the nose. Remember now, they are only jews. We know all about Reinhard Gehlen saving Uncle Sam's ass from talmudic jewish communism.

Attached: greeceCIA.png (705x1032, 216K)

For what?

Its not that ridiculous of a request. I don't think we can ever pay off what we owe Europe and even the world for the two world wars.
So really if Greece demands money or if refugees demand entrance we really can't say no.

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Why is Greece not asking for reparations from Italy? Italy dragged Greece into WW2, not Germany.

Sure there is fuckery, would you lads should understand I'm against concentration camps and collective punishment for obvious reasons.

Except for nogs though, but they collectively punish themselves perpetually.

EU deserves to pay reparations to every nation it's fucked.

Because we have money. Italy doesn't.

Germany started the world war, not Italy.
Italy lost and Germany kept destroying Greece.

Italy started the war against Greece, read a history book.

And Latvia


And Germany started the world war that lead to everything else.