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You guys are so dumb
Easton Bell
James Cooper
Lmao spot on
Ethan Jackson
Pretty based desu
Ryan Lopez
both look like idiots
Matthew Brown
Not really.
How do you think you all look to normies when you call the ok sign a 'white supremacist symbol'? When you tell them that exercise or drinking milk is a nazi act?
We look like retards to you. But the average 40 year old going to work who hears this insanity on the radio never sees us. They only see you sperging out over typical, everyday shit. The average 60 year old boomer voter sees you ranting about things they've considered normal their entire lives, and you look insane.
Sebastian Cruz
Hudson Davis
reminder that clownmeme is antifa psyop
Dominic Miller
The left can't meme
Austin Rogers
>Stop respect
>Rape women
Elijah Morales
Only the guy