
There are only 16 million Jews in the world. How do we allow them to have so much control over our people, to they point where they have brainwashed us into accepting our own destruction? All it's going to take is an effort aimed at removing Jews from power. Focus on the Jews and only the Jews. Expose what they've done and what they're doing. Get them all fired.

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When your life purpose is subversion you eventually become exceptional in it


pick both

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Judaism needs to be declared a RICO

Maybe because they have no control over anything and you should stop spreading false conspiracies on the internet?

That's what a Jew would say


I'm sick of fuckn jews. They RUN America...they own everything that makes Hollywoodand the music industry. They have ALL the money and only help other jews. Good job to the kid that shot up the synagogue. It was only 1 dead but at least he did something. We are bitches to Israel...they are behind 9/11 and i will have equal hate for them and these fuckn non showering musslims

Central Banking is very powerful and used to tribal benefit. Take down the banks and the Jew collapses.

I'm not advocating killing anyone, because that would be illegal, although I totally understand why people can snap in the face of having your entire people genocided by this RICO crime family claiming to be a "religion". But in practical terms, how can we get these anti-whites fired? We need to shut down their money flow. How can we spread the message? They immediately shut down pro-whites by engaging in behind the scenes letter-writing agitation and defamation campaigns. We don't even need to engage in defamation. For example some anti-white Jew professor. If the situation was reversed they'd be organising campaigns and protests, targeting individuals. And they'd be fired. Why don't we do the same?

Found Moshe? Who want to gas him?

There are 500 billionaires. Do you follow ?

Because whites are too lazy and fat and play vidya. They don't know how to take back a democracy by waging a war of propaganda and pressure. Whites need a king to tell them what to do.

It's because they worship moloch (go read their Talmud).... And the devil is real

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Step 1 : Usury : Jew give 1$ take 2$, then 2$ and take 4$ .... in the end takes trillions$ without working

Step 2 : Invite white politic notable in their pizza sex clubs with $ and wild promises, blackmail him into their slave, introduce kike laws, abortion, immigration

Step 3 : that's it, jews have not more science than this

People : Wew they must be so smart

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What if every pro-white sent one complaint message about an anti-white every day?

Yes usury is the root of their method. How do we end it? Boycotts?

Checked. This. The last few countries without Central banks strangely got war or are constantly under threat.

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Sloppy post Paki

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This kind of thing is good work
dailystormer. name [slash] white-nationalists-disrupt-jew-authors-dying-of-whiteness-book-reading
They get away with literally calling for our genocide completely unopposed. Other races wouldn't stand for that.

Moloch worshippers must be destroyed

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The thing that built America, curiously, was INTEGRITY. There was once, in America, an ethic of responsibility. A “Man’s word is his bond.” Deals were settled on hand shake. A very real part of America’s success was there was no “traction lost to corruption”. At least not nearly the amount elsewhere. All that has changed in the last 75 years. Now the path to wealth is a team of (((lawyers))) who can crank out miles of EULA and various other boilerplate. The winner is the guy who can get the best “I can screw you because your lawyers missed the fine print”. So no one trusts anyone anymore and without that “civic trust” shit starts to fall apart. Yes, AMerica really is just about dead now and yes, the Jews had a lot to do with it.

Time to love Jesus again

To much work when playing vidya is so much easier. I've tried to get white guys to do practical actions. They don't want to. They just want to sit and bitch like women. The best way....just get all white women to quit working and stop paying their bills and taxes then when they have nothing...they can march to Washington and just camp out and choke the city with stagnation. The the world sells of US treasuries becasue the IRS can't collect taxes from their plow horses. The dollar collpses. The military and all Federal employees can't get paid. I think you can see how this plays out. Basically just do what Ghandi did. REFUSE to cooperate. The system would get so jammed they couldn't find enough Hispanics to fill the jobs. The stock market would crash. Quite literally the world could crash if white men just stopped working and said fuck it. And if DC didn't feed them they could riot and take what they needed. The roll in the army. The same shit happens. There is no winning move for the government at that point. It is game over.

>Basically just do what Ghandi did. REFUSE to cooperate.
I like this. But we can also take more active measures. Campaigns to get people fired and stuff.

It is the Jew's greatest fear that countries will have a debt free monetary system. This was the backbone of the NAZIs rise to power and their economic miricle. Once you get off the Jew fiat debt based money, there is not limit to your success. The Jews use this method to get nations into debt so they can bend the will of the politicians and also give their people favorable loan terms so they can buy up all the productive assets like the media etc. Take away their money system and they lose everything overnight. But you have to protect it by not allowing polticians to sell you out. Democracy must come to an end once and for all.

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Christianity literally domesticated a huge portion of the European population.

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white people are stupid.

most of white people's inventions are actually jewish. white people are only good at taking over lands, and looting. now the nignogs are coming back for their share. serves them right.

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Agreed. They hated Germany's pre world war 2 economic success and independence.

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>white people are stupid

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Yes agreed. But what practical steps can we take to achieve this?

From Around the World in 80 Days, and how gentlemens behaved :

"Let it be observed that the Bank
of England reposes a touching confidence in the honesty
of the public. There are neither guards nor gratings to protect its treasures; gold, silver, banknotes are freely exposed"

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>comparing self to nignogs

congrats bro. you are smarter than an ape.

but do enjoy your country, however long it lasts. kek.

>Mad because black

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no at all friend.

but let's be real here, have you gone outside in australia lately. it's full of nigs and moslems. sooner or later you will have a nignog/moslem majority then you will have a caliphate.

hot air ballon might be the way to go when the poles shift.
manadatory gps updates are sign of the times?
or jew shekel rake?

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>manadatory gps updates are sign of the times?
>or jew shekel rake?
Some of us can still navigate using the stars and the sun

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American Monetary Institute (Zarlenga)
Public Banking Website (Ellen brown)
Japan is nationalizing its public debt. Essentially cutting out the Jew
Italy has called for a new metric of success OTHER than pathalogical GROWTH like our presidents push like a nigger on the corner slinging rocks
Russia was considering a crypto
The first country that officially drops debt based money will dominate the planet.
People have to grow to HATE the banks. But people are too fucking retarded to understand franctional reserve banking and how is accumulates power for the Jew. All they can understand is muh mortgage interest rate and muh tax rate. They can't extropate any further than that. I've tried and tried user to make them see. They just can't. This is why the Jew has power.


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salam aleikom inshallah Ahmed! Muh j00s am I right?

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Yes I noticed the JIDF slide tactic of posting another thread from a Muzzie VPN with the same image. They must be pissed about this thread.

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Pretty accurate I think