Instead of opposing the EU, why doesn't the right build it's own union...

instead of opposing the EU, why doesn't the right build it's own union? "pro-europeanism" has become synonymous with liberalism, that needs to be changed, because we are the real pro-europeans, not them

Attached: eurosiberia.png (541x541, 138K)

Take your meds or better still, KYS


kek you might as well include mongolia and kazakhstan, china too. hell add japan too.

We need to impose the current implementation of the EU. Then build a new EU, based on Whiteness and including Russia, and also America, a Northern Union. Also NU, catchy.


The United States will never allow the Eurasian landmass to unite ocean to ocean. Not by Russia, not by Germany, not by China, not by Brussels. DESU it might be a good idea, it just wont happen.

Attached: 1533408327940s.jpg (125x75, 2K)

>not by Germany

Duganites get the rope, too.

Because you failed. And now all wgat you can do is eatablish second Ottoman Empire

So then a united Russia/Germany/UK will just crush you.