Why do normies love this shit?
Why do normies love this shit?
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Idk, why do they love Game of Thrones?
idk and idc now kys
cool thread about politics, faggot.
because normies love shit
I just got done watching endgame
and the ending is kinda hard to explain.
Captain marvel is barely in the movie 10 minutes at most.
Thanos from the other universe dies
Everyone killed by thanos comes through a portal and isnt explained why.
Tony dies.
Captain America dies an old man.
Movie was over rated.
Because they need them to listen to the bells of the moor
Because it's fun
because normies have a monkey level IQ. there are elephants that are more capable.
It has flashy effects, famous actors and a lot of money put into advertisement. I'd be surprised if normies DIDN'T love it.
Because it’s promoted. Cmon bro didn’t you see the ads???!!? If they’re promoting it then it is the BEST shit to spend money on.
Because its corporate garbage made to make money from those incapable of reasoning for themselves.
Anybody who is even remotely surprised at anything that happens in endgame is subhuman
Hulk uses the Stark Gauntlet and undoes all the damage caused by Thanos in Infinity war. Dr Strange assembles all these people to fight Thanos. What’s so fucking hard to understand?
That's because all super hero movies are trash. Pro tip. The good guys always win. If they don't it was to sell you tickets to the sequel where the good guys win.
I've heard people were crying at the end. I just really don't understand it.
Why do alt-normies love complaining about it?
It’s retarded
Because they are soulless people.
The real world sucks. You enlightens Jow Forums people should know better than anyone. This movie is escapism. You people ought to know about that. You come here to your circle jerk of white nationalism and railing against muh jooos all the time.
In an age without myth the circus must still go on, the jewish shamans of hollywood tap into the human unconsciousness with archtypal forms to fill the vacuum that the death of legendry has left. Marvel (SPECTACLE) is a bacchanal ritual to placate and neuter the proletariat
Sweet thanks. Glad I don’t watch that garbawj
it fills the void that religion once filled
sad but true
People love myths. Essentially glorified comic book superheroes as godlike beings on screen.
capeshit is to movies what shounen is to anime and what pop is to music: engaging but low-quality entertainment for the masses
It's too long. I made soup while it was on. Lots of talking. Didn't miss anything.
its because they are very affected by what their friends, and other people who are similar to them think about them.
There are 10 normies in a room. 9 like Marvel. The 1 normie thought-process, who actually doesnt maybe like it, will be like: "Hmm everyone likes it so maybe i should too. Im not wierd or anything"
Is funny. The movie is so banal that even though you cunts are spoiling it, it's all so predictable there's no real revelation other than good guys win.
The only thing in contention was would Thanos survive. And it didn't matter even if he didn't.
Why do people keep treating this paint by numbers capeshit as good viewing? Even ledger had to go insane to make batman not bland shit like the first and third and even then it was close.
I come here to escape normies and marvel shit
I like it because I'm an eco-fascist and support Thanos
Good point
Escapism. It's complete bollocks, fantasy, unrealistic shit. Only a nutters take any notice of any inbuilt propaganda, as long as its light. Too much is a turn off. So you can get a few beers, or smokes, a few munchies and switch off the real world for a bit. That's what movies are for.
dr strange died i dont understand you autist
But also: some good guys must die to make for dramatic effect.
Sometimes the really important good guy will look like he died, but then it will turn out it was merely a flesh wound.
Google tvtropes and you'll never have to watch another movie in your life.
don't try to tell pol that. this website is escapism as well and they can't deal with the fact of being larpers
Y'all shunned Jesus so now you worship Marvel characters.
Hulk snap brings everyone back, exactly where they were. Dr Strange contacts his people to bring all the soldiers to the battle using their magic wormhole things.
I assume many people died because they re-aterialized in the middle of a highway. Or 30k feet in the air where a place was 5 years ago but isn't today.
Hulk not too smart.
Jow Forums is a place where people discuss politics and current affairs. How is this place a 'larp' / escapist place user?
Superhero movies use to be fun before the studios pushed politics and sjw bullshit into our media.
oh it that what they do? all I see is people prtending to shill and virgins screaming about jews being the reason they can't get laid. this hasn't been pol since at least 2013. It was b with flags, now its just leddit tier.
Feminist power fantasy for the girls, boobs for the boys.
when you realize that this is the new mcu
damn richfag
holy shit the amount of amerimutt in that picture is overwhelming
I just watch for the special effects to be honest.
Explosions, space ships, stuff like that.
This. Honestly the biggest reason I became relatively immune to it is all the black and genderwashing. If I see a movie coming out that should have starred a white man (Dark Tower) I don't even bother. Star Wars was ruined for me the second I saw the nigger and the horse mouth chick running away from danger in the preview.
Its all about story-telling and rootlessness.
Our old European mythologies had complex systems of legends that portrayed higher truths that were aprehended by an elite on a esoteric level.
The plebs were given the stories, while the nobles were given the true meaning. These stories were tightly connected to our ancient religiosity and piety.
Indeed, we could say that myth is the foundation of any truly traditional society. When boys wanted to emulate Hercules or Siegfried.
The best way to conquer a people is to disconnect them from all this and produce mere entertainment, with no meaning to speak of.
Its no wonder that these movies are made in the most plebeian country in the world - the USA. And financed by covert societies that aim at intellectual and spiritual numbing of our populace.
While I haven't watched any capeshit since the original Iron Man I sort of understand the need for simple escapism. What I don't get is how you could ever become that invested in a 5/10 corporate moneygrab franchise
conditioning and power fantasies my dude. it's really not hard to figure out. a better question is why do so many of us love Jow Forums, we're the defects of society even if hitler was right
frens since this is offtopic already how to cure hangover? i made mistakes last night
Mineral water and a raw egg usually works fine.
eggs, bacon and coffee
also, drink a glass if water before going to bed if you're drunk of your ass
best cure is not drinking the liquid jew in the first place
You guys don't have dine in movie theaters in Germany?
thank you guys im gonna do it
Let me explain you something:
Superhero movies are very scary. Dystopian even. Superheroes are not superheroes - they are super-hitmen. They will go after anyone who is threatening NewWorldOrder. You will be suppressed and you will be killed.
Chug some water and take ibuprofen. Drink some coffee and then more water and wait it out.
thanks fren
i love marvelproduct
what would my life be without marvelproduct
You forgot old man captain America passes his shield on to a nignog to be the new captain America
I shouldn't really complain about it since I play computer games, but I like movies to have some proper characterization and actual vulnerability
I watch movies for emotional fulfilment, not boom pow crash spectacles. I can get that from a video game.
>Why do normies love this shit?
I used to be a super-depressed autist, and I loved capeshit. For me, and in my armchair analysis this holds true for all the people who unironically get offended when you criticize it, it was because I actually psychologically replaced my real world with this gay furry ass stick. Another huge problem was the enormous size of the fedora I was wearing at the time, I felt the innate need for a god and a savior and substituted it with corporate fiction. Very gay, 0/10, would not recommend.
To get the normies away from this shit, we need to start getting normies interested in FUN and ENTERTAINING things that are NOT mindless drivel easily manipulated by corporations. Even getting them interested in """current events""" backfires because they just watch Funny British Man because the jokes he makes are so ebin xd. Real-world hobbies like mechanics and sports are no good either, you just make a bunch of new boomers who vote for le ebin Corporate News Man and know that illegals are great because of cheap lawncare.
The problem is, no matter what the subject is, you have to get normies interested in being actively entertained rather than passively. Passive news consumption just makes you a slave to the corporations, while active consumption (research, philosophy, grassroots reporting, and so on) gets the pill fairly red.
I'm 1/64th German
Go to Jow Forums fag
I'm 1/64th German
I saw it can confirm. Honestly pretty pathetic. If you are crying so loudly in a movie theatre that other people can hear you it may be time to fix some of your actual issues.
I just did a line of cocaine so now I'm 1/56th Columbian!
It's just so funny how someone can get emotionally invested into that
It takes two snaps of the glove, one to bring back all the dead people and one to kill all the badmen but it isn't explained why hulk couldn't just do that with one snap.
the next (((phase))) won't end well
cuz toby stars told him to bring the people that got dusted and change nothing else.
It won't even start well. Endgame is the official final for MCU, thankfully.
those are usually premium room screenings which cost 40€ a ticket. my broke ass can't afford that
lel wammenz
Overall I paid 75 bucks including movie and tip.
Even the dog is fat
It's the substitution of religion in their lives.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it was for three reasons that happened all in a ten second period. One, Hulk's arm was burned down almost to the bone from the snap he did, two, the bad guys had not made themselves known yet, so no one was tracking that they existed, and three, the first thing the bad guys do upon appearing is hit the Avengers facility with what looked like the equivalent of half a dozen space nukes, sending the Avengers in ten different directions. Using the glove to kill past Thanos was not even thought of until Tony got the idea from Dr. Strange's 1 finger gesture. The Avengers were just trying to get the glove out of their time and away from Thanos. They had full intentions of slugging it out with Thanos. I myself cheered when Captain Cunt got one shot by Thanos while Thanos had the power gem. Taught that bitch a lesson.
KEK no way
While Bucky is 2 feet away watching.
Underrated post
>being reddit irl
Despite the arcane wording this user nailed it.
Boomers watch that shit because cheap softcore porn and tits.
Go to /toilet/ fag
>even the dog is obese
Where do I start with Jung?
Which is too bad because dog is the only one on that photo whose death would be sad
Thought about this watching The Dark Knight.
Bane is rebelling against the (((corrupt))) while Batman is like a MOSSAD agent taking down the Bad Goys!
>75$ to get face full of marvel jew deluxe
How much onions do you suck out of your boyfriends dick?
y-you too
>Where do I start with Jung?
You dont. Psychology is a pseudo-science born out of the womb of Israel in order to control the goyim.
oh yeah Bucky, his childhood fren, who also happens to have powers very similar to his own and would make sense. but for some reason a nigger with no powers gets the shield.
we're pushing no agenda here folks, move along...
I was thinking more of Debord
Same reason they love visors.
Jung was a goy who DESTROYED (((Freud))) with FACTS and LOGIC.
Psychoanalysis, from which psychology stems from. Psychology is going into the realm of neuroscience now, but therapists and the industry at large still draw heavily upon psychoanalysis for their inspiration.
It's weird, but I actually enjoy the feeling of being hungover and smoking a cig. As long as im not throwing up. Also, smoking a cig gets me horny and i either fuck or mostly jerk off after having one, but this is probably due to similar receptors being activated. I have a problem, I know and am trying to fix it.
Even the dog is fat Americans probably give him Hamburgrs to eat
Feel bad feel really bad