Night sky

Anyone ever seen it? the kike's jewboxes are polluting the sky with their lights, at most you can see a few specs in the sky.

Attached: starcatalog_600x600.jpg (600x600, 76K)

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I saw them, they were Jews.

you can’t be redpilled until you’ve seen the Milky Way on a moonless night in the desert or on a mountain higher than 7500ft

You can't really blame a nigger.

suck my fours bitch


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Sorry about your thread OP. At least you got bumps.

Attached: maximum_fuck_by_bigorca107_d4aqsxb-fullview.jpg (900x675, 141K)

Not out in the country.
Why do you live in a city? Do you like living next to other humans like a giant rat cage?

All those stars and gas clouds make it look busy and cozy. That's the appeal of things like Star Wars and Rick and Morty, imo: depth, or a galaxy/universe brimming with life and also interconnected.

Attached: 9043983_p0.jpg (1800x1783, 1.12M)

>all it takes to see the Milky Way is for everyone to shut their fucking lights off for fifteen minutes
>this is impossible to manage in 2019
inb4 muh streetlights, muh roads: pull the fuck over for fifteen minutes.
inb4 muh ambulances: the 3 ambulances that really truly need to be out at that time of night will not, alone, cause enough light pollution over an entire city to block the starscape

Humans are garbage.

I saw it 3 years ago and it blew my mind. Too bad Tokyo is a shithole and I never see stars ever unless I spend a shit ton of money to escape this concrete jungle and go camping on one of my sparse yearly long weekends

seen it plenty, it's not fucking purple that's for sure

Anyone ever seen op's picture and can confirm it's not CGI? That seems incredible.

Just went outside for a ciggie and saw it.
>be me working a mine outback 5 years ago
>at the mess after shift having beers with brand new just off the plane pom from Luton
>genset falls over, entire camp without power
>pom looks up
>"Farking 'ell look at them bludy stars!"
>"Even wif vat big cloud right along the middle you can see so many!"
>me:"that cloud is stars you limey fuckwit"
>cunt doesn't say a word, just stares mouth agape for 10mins till the power comes back on.

Right here. Rural Americans unite. I teach my kids which planets are which from our front porch. We can clearly see 4 of them and the milky way every night (unless it's overcast). They already know half a dozen constellations.

Attached: Nav.jpg (225x225, 7K)

now, but I'm considering going out west this summer to see it.

a couple of weeks with nothing but a backpack and a rifle.

Maybe some day I'll see it.

drive 3 hours away from whatever chink enclave you inhabit, arriving at midnight, and look up, it's not hard

You have to go to the desert for optimal viewing, right?

Can you actually see a sky like that? I thought those pics were just photoshops.

Attached: 1425892861381.png (350x338, 67K)

Yes, it’s quite nice. Take a drive to the countryside sometime OP, and bring a good pot of binoculars. You won’t regret it. Try and time it with a meteor shower.

>mfw on some company retreat and only the whites understand how to find the North Pole or how to read a map

not necessarily, just away from light pollution on a clear night, cold weather helps, when the air is super clear, the stars hardly twinkle, they are like pin-pricks of light, I'm 40klms from a town of 150000 and I can see the milkyway any clear night.

This. I've never seen so many stars in my life as when I was in the desert. Literally thousands you don't ever see because of light pollution.