Today is the Orthodox Easter and the Lord has risen!!! Χριστός Ανέστη!!! to everyone in here...

Today is the Orthodox Easter and the Lord has risen!!! Χριστός Ανέστη!!! to everyone in here, good health and happiness to you..

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Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!

where was lord before that?

Boи́cтинꙋ вocкpéce!

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crucified and for 3 days in His tomb

>the Lord has risen
You are a liar. Jesus never existed. He was not a real person.


why is orthodox church lagged behind a week?

Vaistinu vaskrese

nice man good luck with your religion

Google could help you with that

Reminder that hades is a nigger!

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because some bad people didn't like what he said and had him crucified

Αληθως ανεστη

How religious are you gayreeks?
I heard you guys are the world's biggest fornicators

read about differnces between juilian and grigorian calendars

because the Old Testament was a future echo of the New Testament

>Abraham told by God to kill his son
>God allows his only Begotten Son to be killed

>Adams brings sin and death
>Jesus brings forgiveness and eternal life

Αληθώς Ανέστη, χρόνια πολλά

Is he the god of hell fire?

What sort of wood?

Who gives a fuck christfag. Pay debt and fuck off. This is not related to politics.

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