Honest question here, is a society in which only manually reloaded guns (revolvers, bolt action, lever action, bump action, breach loaders / flints etc.) are available really so much worse off than a society in which semi-autos / full auto handguns and rifles are freely available?
No matter what people say, manually reloaded guns just have a reduced rate of fire which reduces their usefulness in gang crime, mass shootings and general crime. All the while, manually reloaded guns like lever actions, revolvers or bump action shotguns are actually all good for home defense and self defense and hunting should be done with dedicated shotguns / bolt action rifles anyway.
because if you try to take the ones I have I’ll blow your brains out
Aiden Taylor
why the fuck is a german talking about guns and "our society" in english? who is this directed to?
Zachary Martinez
guns should be effective so we can kill people who oppress us. that's the point of the second amendment here. you don't understand because you believe in the nanny state.
have you looked into the percentage of your population under five years old that isn't ethnically german? if you had good weapons you might be able to do something about it.
Michael Perez
Why should manually operated guns be freely available? All the while a baseball bat or a k Ife are actually good for home defense and self defence and hunting should be done with bows and arrows anyway.
IN Switzerland everyone has a fully functional assault rifle capable of automatic fire. There are no mass shootings and the Swiss are the richest people in the world. Explain that.
Because semi-auto guns are useful for killing cops and soldiers of the ZOG military.
Aaron Ramirez
All citizens should have sufficient weaponry to kill every member of their government. That means to have weapons equal to their local law enforcement or greater.
>INB4 every member of the government is escorted everywhere they go with tanks, drones, and nukes Almost every government official has zero protection the second they leave government offices and no protection beyond their own weapons at their private homes
This nigger has made shit threads like this for the past six fucking months. KYS you fucking subhuman German nigger. I hope your fellow countrymen string you up by the neck until dead when the coming white revolution happens over there.
Camden Cox
Sorry, meant pump action. Got screwed up because of reading about “bump stocks”
I disagree. If you are an 80yr granny you can easily shoot a 6’7 250lbs burglar with your Colt revolver. But that granny cannot fend him off with a baseball bat or knife.
No, in Switzerland the militiamen have long stopped keeping their military assault rifles at home with ammo. Also, once your militia time is over, you need a license for the gun just as it is the case in Germany. Same for the license for semi-auto handguns even during militia training (95% of crime in the US is done with handguns, nearly exclusively semi auto handguns).
Angehörigen der Armee können ihre persönliche Waffe zwischen den Dienstleistungen mit nach Hause nehmen. Von 1952 an fasste jedermann ebenfalls die sogenannte Taschenmunition. Diese war dazu bestimmt, dem einzelnen Soldaten im Falle einer Kriegsmobilmachung zu ermöglichen, sich zu seinem Einrückungsort durchzukämpfen. 2007 wurde beschlossen, die Taschenmunition einzuziehen und sie nur den Alarmformationen (v. a. militärische Sicherheit) zu belassen. Die persönliche Waffe kann weiterhin nach Hause mitgenommen werden. Seit 2010 können Armeeangehörige ihre Dienstwaffe kostenlos im Zeughaus hinterlegen. Wer nach Dienstpflichtende die Waffe behalten möchte, benötigt einen Waffenerwerbsschein.[16]
Also, when has anyone killed “faggots who know better” with semi autos?
Daniel Flores
yesterday in San Diego apparently
Austin Anderson
Why is some g*rmoid pretending to know about weapons? Stop reading Wikipedia articles
Jaxson Evans
History has proven to me that with a neighbour like you, it's a nececity. I wish people in the Walkans realized this. In any case, it is to make women (and children who are mature enough) able to operate those as well
Why does this make me thing "boltgun"?
You need to play Taharush much more often to understnad the point
Jeremiah Hughes
1 faggot isn’t “faggots”
Dylan Murphy
Dominic Morgan
Counter the argument then. How is a granny better off with a semi auto rifle for home defense than a revolver?
Here's why: >When thousands of people are rioting, as happened in Los Angeles in 1992, or more recently with Antifa members in Berkeley in 2017, a 10-round limit for self-defense is a severe burden. When a group of armed burglars break into a citizen's home at night, and the homeowner in pajamas must choose between using their left hand to grab either a telephone, a flashlight, or an extra 10-round magazine, the burden is severe. When one is far from help in a sparsely populated part of the state, and law enforcement may not be able to respond in a timely manner, the burden of a 10-round limit is severe. When a major earthquake causes power outages, gas and water line ruptures, collapsed bridges and buildings, and chaos, the burden of a 10-round magazine limit is severe. When food distribution channels are disrupted and sustenance becomes scarce while criminals run rampant, the burden of a 10-round magazine limit is severe. Surely, the rights protected by the Second Amendment are not to be trimmed away as unnecessary because today's litigation happens during the best of times. It may be the best of times in Sunnyvale; it may be the worst of times in Bombay Beach or Potrero. California's ban covers the entire state at all times.
Andrew Morales
I want select-fire rifles to be readily available for purchase without licencing for any civilian. Fuck off retarded Kraut.
Mason Gutierrez
Revolver springs are stiff af and kick back like a mule. Also, you have only one hand to handle the kick back. With an ar15, you have leverage to fight against the springs, recoil is gentler, and is shared on 3 points (2 hands and 1 shoulder), and shouldering the weapon helps you so much more against recoil
Aiden Jenkins
It's a slide thread. Ignore it.
Jacob Sanders
Reinho? Depuis quand tu traines ici?
Joseph Phillips
Aren’t semi- autos already banned in your country? Are you scared of Americans coming to Germany to shoot you?
Levi Bell
likes in overdrive today
Noah Fisher
What should it not?
Jacob Miller
>a 10-round limit for self-defense is a severe burden. When a group of armed burglars break into a citizen's home at night, and the homeowner in pajamas must choose between using their left hand to grab either a telephone, a flashlight, or an extra 10-round magazine, the burden is severe.
Pretty sure that a 6 shot revolver and a 10shot shotgun is what you need in 99.999% of all burglar situations. The situation in which you need to shoot more than 16 people invading your home just doesn’t arise. I think it really never happened in modern history.
A nigger that jumps into my home with full auto AK should be given a response in kind.
Gabriel Johnson
>>a 10-round limit for self-defense is a severe burden. When a group of armed burglars break into a citizen's home at night, and the homeowner in pajamas must choose between using their left hand to grab either a telephone, a flashlight, or an extra 10-round magazine, the burden is severe. >Pretty sure that a 6 shot revolver and a 10shot shotgun is what you need in 99.999% of all burglar situations. The situation in which you need to shoot more than 16 people invading your home just doesn’t arise. I think it really never happened in modern history. Stop denying the holocaust. Raffles were real, you antisemite
Jason Brooks
No, semi auto guns are freely available in Germany after a short hunting test (multiple choice) or for gun club members.
Kayden Green
>Bump action shotguns
You made me think of a semi auto shotgun with a bumpstock and now my pp is Hard
Just because it isn't likely to be needed doesn't mean you can just throw a liberty away when its out of fashion. It's better to be a soldier in a garden than a gardener in a war. This applies to weapons of war as well.
Brody Jenkins
Revolvers are made only for big calibers nowadays, like .357 mag, .44 mag, etc Plus, revolvers in 9mm parabelum, .45ACP, etc simply aren't produced anymore, and why should they when glocks do that job so much better?
Nathan Miller
I didn’t make any laws. I was asking questions. I think societies would be better without minorities shooting people with semi autos. I have less problems with them running around with shotguns, bolt action rifles or revolvers. And as law abiding citizens wouldn’t really be impacted by not allowing the ownership and use of semi autos, I think it would be an effective strategy to create a less criminal society that still preserves self-defense gun rights.
Jaxon Peterson
I'm willing to bet that more people were shot and killed during cowboy days. Then now. Sure a revolver is semi auto, but not for that long.
Arguments suck. I want a full auto SBR with a can and there is nothing you can say to change my.mind.
Luis Gray
No, no they arent you dumb faggot. Bought my son his first .22 revolver the other day
Caleb Jones
I see nothing wrong for a population to be armed, but do you really think you could win a civil war against your government ?
The belief that the second amendment protect you against them is really delusional.
Sebastian Flores
>The situation in which you need to shoot more than 16 people invading your home just doesn’t arise. I think it really never happened in modern history.
Look mein freund, semi autos are fun and full autos even more imagine if you lived in a country that only allowed you to drive a trabant because thats really all you "need" to go from A to B
Andrew Martinez
Explain pic related. You really think this is all due to America having so many more minority people? What about German, Britain and Switzerland then? London is way more diverse than most US cities.
No gunz faggot right here. You know nothing. This is an American subject
Joseph Ward
How do you defend the freedom of speech without fully automatic weapons?
Angel Jackson
>minorities nonwhites are 7/8 people on the planet. Whites are the minorities so you’re either a brainwashed moron who fell for the dem po PoC meme or you know whites are the minority and want to disarm them in the face of higher numbers of hostile and feral browns. Semiautos need to be mandatory for whites and completely prohibited to anybody darker than a burlap sack. Now fuck off back to your cuck shed, useless fuckin euro. You probably don’t even own a carcoon with your tiny lil house
My AR15 has yet to jam, and it was probably cheaper than the revolver in the pic (prices have really gone down lately). Incidentally, revolvers CAN jam this usually happens due to neglect. My solution? Why not both? I have a revolver next to me on the bed stand and an AK-47 under my bed. My AR15 is in the closet next to the shotgun and the bolt action rifle.
Jonathan Turner
>95% of crime in the US is done with handguns, nearly exclusively semi auto handguns by niggers
Sebastian Wright
>I think societies would be better without minorities shooting people with semi autos. Then get rid of the minorities, not the tools they use.
We outlaw private tank use too. Sure they would be fun and sure firing live ammo with a Tiger tank would be awesome, but as a society we said “better not because someone could use it for evil purposes”.
-Read John R Lott -Support Firearms United and your local pro-gun lobbies financially to defend your rights -Follow and retweet European pro-gun activists on twitter -Encourage young people to access legal gun ownership, strength in the number -Remove and shame boomers from the leadership of sport shooting associations which is the only key-entry to this legal gun ownership, replace them with young people who care for the undeniable right of gun ownership -Promote anti-statism, anti-communism and right-wing libertarianism -Refute any anti-gun rethorics with sourced documents using reason and evidence -Shift the blame to the government when it comes to lack of security/terrorism/immigration and watch leftists implode at the idea of the statist monopoly being unable to guarantee a safe future for their citizens
Our guns are for defense against the govt or a foreign hostile force. Stop walking on our countries founding beliefs. Guns are for more than the cooner in the night. It's for invading armies of hostiles foreign or domestic. You germs shouldn know about that invading force of muslims right now
Which do you use if a burglar breaks in? Honest q, would you grab more than your revolver?
Easton Wilson
For the same reason that I do not type on a typewriter, or drive a steam powered car. It is a matter of modernization. Can I defend myself against a home invasion using a pump shotgun? Sure. But I am much better suited to protect myself with any modern semi automatic rifle. Regarding your question; Look no further than Brazil, A country where high powered rifles are not allowed by law, yet criminals still manage to kill plenty of people with low powered handguns, revolvers, etc.
Carson Moore
The trigger pull on an AR15 is lighter than that of a revolver, the recoil is directed directly into the shoulder, and the elderly woman in this thought exercise has 30 rounds to dump into this home invader. Rifle rounds are more powerful than pistol rounds, as a general rule.
But minorities can’t be gotten rid off. There is no majority in Western countries to create ethnostates. So you need laws to make sure gun crime isn’t as high as it is.
Adrian Ross
because they exist. so long as they exist they will be in the hands of somebody and what better hands than the law abiding citizens of a free country? what is the alternative? those same guns in the hands of criminal organizations that dont give a shit about the law or oppressive regimes? as mass killings go - the governments of the world easily hold the record for most murders in mass.
Dylan Turner
>Why should semi-auto guns and/or full auto guns be freely available?
Equality of arms between the people and the state is a prerequisite for a society that acknowledges individual freedom and liberty.
Yet you let your D.C. government and Congress impose unwanted laws on you all the time. You hate your Congress and the establishment, yet you don’t rise up.
Because sooner or later Government becomes corrupt and illegitimate and they tend to fear people with guns more than just with sticks and insults. And guns are not going to help? then why the continuous consolidated push for control?
Christian Ward
>So you need laws to make sure gun crime isn’t as high as it is. Okay. How about "No Niggers"
Jayden Davis
And london more than makes up for it with Knives and other instruments Quit being retarded
Christian Morris
>No, semi auto guns are freely available in Germany after a short hunting test (multiple choice) or for gun club members. >Freely available >After test or for gun club members (i.e, after tests) Then they're not realy available you dumb shit. Here, have a freely available revolver
In the current day and age, those would be pointless in any other purpose than training
because some people need to subscribe to pewdiepie
Brayden Bennett
>But I am much better suited to protect myself with any modern semi automatic rifle.
For home defense? No, you are really not. There are two recommended forms of gun home defense: A. a pump action shotgun and B. a hand gun, ...typically a semi auto for people who can handle guns well, or a revolver for women, older people or people who have little to know knowledge and experience of handling guns.
See pic related for recommended home defense weapons.
I got my guns after paying ten dollars for a state background check. That was it. Money, state background check, gun. Not even a waiting period. No magazine limits, no checks to purchase ammunition, and you know what? I haven't hurt anyone; no one here really has. My town is VERY safe. Mostly because we don't have very many niggers. America doesn't have a gun problem; America has a Nigger/Spic/Saracen problem.
Michael Wilson
Look I know you are a troll. Fucking stop please you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Jordan Gonzalez
>better not because someone could use it for evil purposes”.
Might as well ban trucks under that logic because someome will use to rampage through a Xmas market, its a lazy solution instead of building a society thats free and fair you take away the peoples means of defending their rights so you can trample them.
Also guns are fun and in our fucking stressful modern world they are an excellent way of blowing off steam
Brody Lee
Are you sure Nigeria, Mexico, Congo, El Salvador etc. are the correct countries to compare the US to?
an SBR is the perfect home defense weapon and you’re a no guns moron taking out his ass.
Jack Gonzalez
>America has a Nigger/Spic/Saracen problem.
How do you solve that then, Mr. Quad-7
Thomas Hall
>Gun laws should be solely focused on what the citizens need for home defense, and nothing else Pretty huge mistake in that post.
Austin Cook
Look at the countries on the left then. Marginally higher deaths, exponentially higher gun ownership. Guns don't seem to be the problem.
Connor Phillips
idk maybe semiautos could help bigthink emoji
Tyler Hall
Cucked gaslit germans should be banned from /pol. All they do is shit up the board, along with various lo iq poc, with beta strawman arguments, whilst Germany disappears. Find your roots and your balls sodomite.
Kayden Garcia
Come for my guns and I come for your family. It's that simple.