Why do women also set themselves up for failure?

Why do women set themselves up for failure? Can't they see past their hedonist temptations?

Can you imagine any of you men being in her position? You would know how fucked she is in the head.

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Women never think, they just let their emotions drive them

>Can't they see past their hedonist temptations?

No. Next thread


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If life were too easy then we’d be bored all the time user. That’s what life with white males represent, easy mode. Only faggots play easy mode.

>Brown eyes
nothing of value lost

Why on earth would she take a photo of such an embarrassing scene . Disney really fucked up whire women with the princess propaganda. Females are retard tier

Because the dad is in for life and the daughter will need SOME photos from her childhood.

Pic is why we need artificail wombs. White women are finished. I hate them MORE and MORE everyday. They make me want to puke on them.


The Jews taught women that burning Coal is a cool way to fight the Patriarchy

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Because much like niggers who are all "muh dick!", they're all "muh pussy!" meaning if it feels good, do it.

So, I take it you are a blue eyed speciement from the waffle country?
Blue waffle for everyone!

Someone should make a compilation of those with
except, I'm not sure there's enough capacity on all of the interwebs for it.

>Can't they see past their hedonist temptations?

No, that's kind of the whole point of a patriarchal society. Don't get me wrong, women are wonderful and lovely people, but they need a man to guide and shape then so that they can live up to their full potential.

It goes the other way too, because a man needs a woman in his life just as much.

is a woman a loser if she attaches herself to a loser?
do incels believe this?

NIGGER prison cock.
What could go wrong with that.


Was probably framed by a jealous white cop who planted fentanyl on him during an illegal traffic stop without any warrant or probably cause. Good thing this black gentleman's wife's brother is an excellent attorney. Feel sorry for the arresting officer desu

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Women no longer face the consequences of their actions. 80 Years ago, if you married wrong or had kids out of wedlock and the guy wasn't around. Guess what? You starved. Population checked, and the gene pool was strengthened with smarter and stronger people.

With the state providing for their every need. Many of these women live more comfortably than the women who plan correctly. I have seen research that says those who live on welfare receive close to 80k a year.

Furthermore you see the reluctant boomer parents taking care of their spawn. All responsibility taken away from the millennials that live in a perpetual state of youth. When things get tough, the grandparents take the children further enabling the millennial to participate in reckless behavior.

Eventually a Malthusian catastrophe will destroy the systems that these females rely on causing a majority of them and their children to perish.

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Women are property, they lack their own values, their own beliefs, independent agency. They are effectively bio synthetic support AI that reflect the dominant viewpoint in their lives. Women will always have a master, and will always be acting on another's behalf. In a healthy society this is their fathers until he transfers ownership to his future son in law. In our society it means government, media, corporation etc takes their reigns and whatever foreigner has the interest in doing so. Don't hate women for their nature, accept them as they are and guide them accordingly. Accept that they'll never be a man, never have the ability to be like a man. If you fail to accept this truth you'll always be disappointed and bitter regarding women

Religion. He clearly raped her and she decided not to abort.

Yeah but even if she's awesome now what if she fucked 15 guys by age 16?
Is there any true salvaging that kind of woman?

It's up to the individual man to asses the value of any potential asset and determine what time resources they're willing to put into it. One of the largest factors in determining the worth of a woman is her previous owners, and how often they used her. Be diligent and don't settle for less than you're after

can you see her face? shes like a 3/10, a nigger cirminal was the only one desperate enough to fuck her.