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Pedophilia isn't real. Years and years ago, being attracted to children was normal and ok. Now shitlords throw guys who have reoccurring thoughts they don't wanna act on into a burning fire before they can explain themselves. Just one of many reasons why society pisses me off.

No it wasn't. And where does the act begin? From fantasizing first.
Jail is the repercussion needed because it fucks a person up for life when molested or raped dumbass.

Everyone in the gym knows about L
Makes me wonder if this is all part of some plan or it was all a coincidence. I never asked for this.


I hate niggers!!

I want to see you .

Self-control is a thing, retard. People who have a good amount of it tend to know right from wrong and act accordingly.

I really want to see you. It's been to long.

Children are under developed and studies have shown how it damages children in the future to do creepy shit to them you disgusting fuck. user politely neck yourself you fucking cave monkey.

Would you be ok with your kid having sex with a 30 year old at 12? Point is theur brains just aren't developed at a certain age

Tumblr has a bunch of pedos that say they can control it then turns out they got arrested for fucking a minor. Not to mention they might not want self control because some convince themselves that being a pedo isn’t wrong.

I'll try again Monday and Tuesday night
I'll be there. Hope you show up.

People talk about pedophilia so much now I feel awkward seeng kids, like someone who's leaving groceries without purchase, being like "Act normally, you didn't steal anything". Back then kids seemed simply annoying to me.

Seeing your luscious purple hair and knowing your new fuck-buddy has tugged on it would kill me. Die your hair a different color before we meet.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

What'd you do?! Lose your thumbs?! heh

I stopped taking my antidepressants cold turkey and I am starting to think 75-80% of all of my shitty behaviors and things I hated about myself were side effects of the meds. Problem is that I was on them for 15 years (!) And I don't really know what kind of person I actually am, and the withdrawals haven't subsided in so I am going to feel like shit for a while.

I have had so many difficulties with interpersonal relationships, learning, even just like listening to people speak. I've pushed people away and driven people away because of my personality problems and I really suspect that it was the meds all along, but only time will confirm this I guess. I'm kind of really fucking disappointed that I didn't get off the meds 5 years ago when I was last considering it. Everything would be different and my present is p shitty.

If nobody cares about anything I have to say, why does anyone bother responding to me at all?

They say that niggies don't be like they is but they do.

Kys tranny

Attention and validation. You're giving your power away.

So if I want to keep my so-called "power" (if I even have any), I should simply never say anything?

Tfw no gf

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No. If you stay quiet they have all the power...

I thought that wanting attention and validation from others is considered a bad thing. I thought that wanting attention makes one an "attention whore", and being an attention whore is bad. I thought that seeking approval from others is bad. If I shouldn't seek approval from others, why should I bother doing anything at all?

this is all a dream i'll wake up laying next to mommy as she strokes my hair and tells me everythings alright

im not a pedo im not a pedo im not a pedo im not a pedo im not a pedo its my mind playing tricks on me

i swear to christ those dogs and that poor little kitty is still alive GOD DAMNIT BRAIN YOU TRICKERS STOOOP. FUCK.

Seeking validation and being a mute are both exploitable by the wrong people. You have to find the right people, the ones who don’t seek to hurt you or others.

>You have to find the right people, the ones who don’t seek to hurt you or others.
How do I do that?

Keep meeting new people. When someone hurts you or someone else in your presence just observe the first time... everyone gets in a bad mood once in awhile or has a fault but if it’s a hateful pattern walk away. Just keep filtering out the bad and meeting new people.

After you broke up with me, you tell me you value my existence as a person in your life, then you berate me behind my back and insult me on social media. Then recently I ended up in the ER due to some serious hemorrhaging, almost died, you sent me a message asking me what happened, then after I tell you, it takes you two days to respond? But you're posting stories and shit on social media in the mean time? You can go fuck yourself, I'm officially done with you.

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What if you've been ostracized by humanity because of something(s) that you did or said, and you're not being allowed to redeem yourself?

Which one are you? I can only assume you're the blonde considering your gay weebness you cuck.

Be warm and put a good effort in, there are people who will look past your history. Everyone makes a fool of themselves at some point and anyone worth knowing also understands that there are two sides to every story and that people learn and grow. Start by avoiding hive mind cliques.

My skeletal structure gives wide hips but no fat allocation on my ass or thighs, god is fucking cruel

I had to block my ex. Her last try at contacting me was just so sad. She lashed out at me for nothing, basically saying "guess it was a mistake to message you". That really hurt deep down, hearing it from someone you're still not completely over. I lay in my bed almost the entire day and barely ate. Blocked her number and her email two hours ago. I never did that before to anyone and it breaks my heart.

Please tell me it'll be alright, folks. It's been over three months now.

Figure it out yourself


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Fake and gay, can’t change genetics without surgery

Was about to come on here and post "I finally have found someone who seems to want to be with me", but then I get hit with the " I want to be friends" text and now I want to die. This is crap. Why did I get my fucking hopes up...

Shut up skelly


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You were right.
You always were and times like these make me miss you more.
I should have focused more on school. I should love myself more.
I thought I wanted to date but Im not ready. I thought maybe one of these guys would be it, but they weren't, and they wont be, but I get lonely. Not for men, but for closeness.
But you were right again.
Foster your friendships. Love yourself.
And do you know, that all of these men asking me out, it doesnt make me feel nice, all I can think is how they just want someone nice, how they want to take advantage like the rest.
I wish you could tell me it wasnt so, but being in uni doesnt help. Some of them think I'll sleep with them because of it,that Ill ok with their forwardness and it makes me want to cry
The first guy I met here who tried it works with me now, do you know what thats like? He'll say my name so sweetly I could stab him in the face with my pen. I'd forgotten him and here we are.
Maybe it's the place. It means different types of men.
I thank god nothing has happened to me like Anne and the other girls. It could have but it didnt. And what would you say about that? That they'd keep an eye on me and keep me safe more than they would for them?
I dont know what to think anymore
But I think of you when I feel at a loss, I see your face and I'd imagine you'd try not to laugh at these little pains like you'd do
I miss you.
But you're right. I need to focus on myself and love myself. Good things will come.

All you are doing is proving what an abusive guy you were and are.
Thanks for exposing yourself more. It's helping my case.

The insulting shit you said to me has cut deep and even though it was years ago, I still dwell on those words. It sends my depression even deeper. I dont want to be me anymore, I cant forgive and forget, but too afraid to die, just stuck in limbo living miserably.

I lost 'em because of you!

Shouldnta ghosted her faggot

That is more thanks to posing my dude
If you really think you wil go from a complete asslet to massive ass you are delusional. It can help, but it will only go so far.

Still better than "you know, I use tinder and fuck around, I hope you're fine with that and we are friends, aren't we?"

Family member had a dream about our dog dying. if anyone cursed my dog i'll end your laifu.

I feel ya. Same here.

I'm not a Muzzie, but all dogs should be executed. Inshallah.

I have been very happy with my girlfriend and I enjoy being in a steady relationship, i practically live at her house now for the last 7 months. But for a long time I was single and was having skype sex with a lot of older women.

Sometimes when I get a day off I like to think about all the previous online relationships I use to have and jack off. I don't feel guilty about this but sometimes I think I should feel bad? I haven't done anything to breach any boundaries and haven't like reached out to those people since I went steady.

I don't ever wanna cheat or hurt my girl she means way to much to me but sometimes my thoughts wander a bit about all the messing around I use to do.

I didn't, you double nigger
She ignored my message for an entire month and then out of the blue just hits me with, "how are you doing", not responding to my message.

Slowly realizing there is only one person in my life who I can actually connect with and feel secure with. He is the only person who helps me not feel lonely. I can surround with a million faces and talk to hundreds of people but it would never be enough to not feel lonely if I fail to have anything in common with them.

I am thankful I have at least one person, but it still feels lonely somehow. Damnit I just wish I could rid these negative emotions and just enjoy what I have.

Let's talk. It doesn't have to be for long, I just crave your presence.

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Press send, then.

She said she had the frame for it she's probably already genetically disposed to a big ass


None of it was true.

If her genes arent prioritizing fatness of the ass by now it is not going to get that much better, no matter how wide her hips are. The bone is there, but the fats and muscles aren't because her body is trollin', by the sound of it.

What do you mean?

Fuck. I think my shitposting/trolling was a mistake.

He really looked like shit to me at court. I only glimpsed him for a moment but that was all I needed. My thought was he needed to shower and wash that greesy hair, clean up the facial hair and stop dressing like you're an adolescent. You're in your thirties man. I don't know what I ever saw there? Complete embarrassment.

Because those are all things that can be easily corrected and when he cleaned up he was a lot more attractive to you

True true
I guess what I was trying to say is if she gained muscle her ass wouldn't look unnatural since she has a frame suitable for it

It sprouted...

You've seen the worst part/s of myself.. This is embarassing.

Can't gain muscle without fats.

Oh, sorry. The reason for this is the fats that lay over the muscle is vital to its growth. Its like a sponge your muscle draws from. You can however cheat this process with steroids.

This is why it is easier for a fatty to get ripped than a skelly.

Maybe the original poster just needs to up her fat consumption.
Might have to do with their metabolism or their gut bacteria too imo

I mean none of it was actually true.
I didn't think at all and i have posted more than i should have as a troll. I didn't think at all and now it's over.

Maybe i did want someone to kill me. One thing is true
None of it was the truth at all. Kill me. Idc anymore
Maybe this is what i wanted.

Sorry we ever met. I love you anyway.

We connect, you know it.

Go for it, okay?

No. His personal hygiene was never good. He looked as he always did but I just didn't see it. I overlooked so much with that guy. It was really sad.


Sure, she could bulk. However, she will probably have to get rather fat and it would make her lose all motivation to continue and then all she is left with is a fat body and an addiction to eating a lot of food in one sitting. As is the case for most people who try bulking. It only works if they are absolutely determined and keep motivated, and most people break.

Begone california fuckboy

Lmao we don't know what she's like tho

Then any assumption is fair game.

Yeah, go for it.

No, you only want to toy with me

You know you like it

You don't ask anything, so I am filled with doubts.

I really don’t.

For you

Thank you :3

Just gotta focus on what really matters.

I gotta be more humble. I really wish I didn't do any of that shit so people would treat me like a normal person.

I'm sorry we met. I think my life is over for trolling desu. I wasn't thinking at all!

You helped me a lot. But it might be to late.

Nope. not this time.

You even said people are a game to you. I don't believe you.

You're mean, you call me bimbo and hurt my fee fees. I know you are looking for someone else here but owie

Im not lying. i've learned alot about "humanity"? that's all because of you.
Im not gonna use you like a toy now that im aware that you've never treated me as a toy and im saying this as a woman who respects you and your boundaries.

I watched you do it. Twice. I’m not watching a third time.

I don't wanna be cucked anymore. Dammit. This is the reason I shouldn't have fucked myself over. I don't give a shit about the consequences of my actions. It's just that my dignity is irrecoverable. I would be fine if I just had dignity.

Just give me a chance. I'll do anything, please..

There is no way for me to trust what you're saying. It could easily be a part of another one of your games. I won't give you anymore chances, go be a good person to someone you haven't hurt.

What is it? Tell me.

I told you what I wanted to say. If there's something you want to say...say it. I'm waiting

I guess as long as I'm left alone to wallow in my indignity I can cope with it.

Then i'll fix it. I promise.
that's what im good at. fixing all the good things i've ruined.

I admit all of your apology fell deaf into me and ignored it.
sorry for ignoring every apology you've said before.