Why hasn't pol been able to stop him?

>Sargoy of Kukkad
>radical centrist

None of your attacks have done a single HP of damage and he is now poised to become Prime Minister of the UK.

Attached: NINTCHDBPICT000483893175-e1556441599923.jpg (960x644, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Seriously every picture I see him with that stupid pink tie shows what an utter failure he is at even tying it.

I honestly can't remember a time when he wasn't shilled here.

>being this new

>being that new

His political career is fucked and everyone hates him... what are you fucking talking about?

So how dumb are brits? Do they believe everything they hear from their left wing media? Do they like being disarmed? Floods of muslims? Genuinely curious. Although they did vote for Brexit.

You said the same thing about Trump tranny.

Attached: 1555163724765.jpg (785x731, 101K)

Where do I find myself a masculine gay/bi daddy like this?

Attached: carlbenjamin2.jpg (1000x1000, 137K)

Attached: carlbenjamin.jpg (1000x1000, 141K)

Attached: sargon.jpg (761x676, 82K)

Found the nu-Tory Maggie is cringing in her grave

Attached: maggie.gif (448x324, 1.86M)

Based boi

>holocaust jokes
>islam jokes
>rape jokes
>even shouts nigger at the end


I know, that is why the JIDF ZOG smear campaign against him is failing. He's based AF.

Attached: sargon2.png (1026x676, 441K)

>meme flag
The only fag great then Sargoy

The MP it is based at is such a fucking dick, he has pictures of black Jesus with dreads on his twitter, he's the we wuz kangz type.

Attached: nigger.png (577x608, 314K)

seriously though, what does pol have against this guy?

Because he's not onboard with the alt-right?

Sargon is going to deal with those types in good time shadilay

I'm starting to think there's literally nobody who will fit pol's purity test. Sounds very similar to the SJW crowd who claim Trump is racist, everyone is racist bla bla bla

this is so fucking weak...

Agreed, this sounds like something a fart sniffing antifa faggot would make. I really feel bad for you guys and hope that you have sex - SOON.

the meme flag and wording makes it sound like bait but your still correct.

not right enough
richard spencer:
cia asset, gay

and even when you find someone who isnt necesarilly bad its just muh eceleb shit like that even matters.

pol purity spirals worse then the sjw's they cant accept that anyone whos not adolf hitler is good enough to get behind and anyone who is actually as far right as hitler is muh controlled opposition

no one should seriously believe pol can do any damage, it just brings light to people by volume. if the person behind it isnt that bad then they cant do much.

>self important and overly confident in his intelligence
>shitposts in real life even when its autistic and not funny
While he would be better than the clowns the UK currently has, sargon is still a flippant piece of shit.

I wouldn't even vote for you

I fucking hope so
Honk honk

and how is that a bad thing?

Good. Anybody against the sjw faggot baby screaming white guilt revolution is alright by me. Are you a gibs migant OP? Because you sound pretty far from based.

sargon of mossad may be a zionist shill but at least he's pro free speech and makes the (((media))) and (((elites))) mad.

The whole eceleb thing struck me as odd. I see it as, I'm glad they're doing it so I don't have to. I'm a government employee father of 2. If I say even one thing remotely off color it means my life. I'm glad there's a real life shit-poster out there who can say/do things I cannot and hopefully turn this shit back around. If not for me my kids sake. I can't imagine them growing up in this ultra-gay tranny feminized world. I need Sam Hydes and Karls to make shit not AS gay anymore. Even if he's a little gay he's still 100%less gay than most politics right now.

Maybe this is my own fault for listening to this shit, should I just go to eightchan or gab?

if he gets in they will truely sperg out

The text combined with the meme flag makes me siick to my stomach

The UK is long lost dude


Sargon will have the heads of these (((dissenters))) when this election is over

Praise Kek

Attached: 1541785214221.png (500x413, 122K)

Kind of admire him for actually putting his name into the political arena. As opposed to all these 'all talk no action' types like Russell Brand.

A radical centrist who admits to it.

That is progress I think.

Kikes are so assblasted right now. Death to Judaism


>implying we want him stopped
The organized kikeposting trying to use Jow Forums's meme wizards as your personal Jew army are amusing. The Shabbos goy responding need to go back to Plebbit.

>stop him

This. Jow Forums is full of losers who will never do anything more than post memes and iotbw posters. This cunt is actually getting involved in politics which is the only way to change shit, not that he will.

>Can you cite something a bit more complicated than a tie as a reason sakkad man bad?

Attached: ^5F98E10140981FF8236F3318942CCD2F0083F86964D1B6F9AB^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png (926x804, 1M)

he's the best chance UK has to snap back into reality
i know it's sad af

Good, I'm glad you're sick. You're probably more sick from all the tranny porn you've been jerking off to faggot.

Mainstream media is so fucking MAD right now with him running for MEP that in act of desperation try to dig years old dirt on him or straight up invent shit. This is fucking golden.

Attached: c7f739ea61f03914e215fb7d5e339ac8[1].jpg (600x450, 30K)

UK poised to return to based fascism

Who's first against the wall?

>your attacks

lmao fuck off fed

Him being PM would probably be the best thing for our NatSoc plans.

He will actually push the UK overton window to the right. But at the same time he drips in faggoty incompetence. So he will fail. Which means peope in the UK will have seen the failure of the left, the globalist right and the libertarian center. They will realize that NatSoc is their only hope. Well, like 40% but that was enough for Hitler.

Normalfags are attracted to anti-SJW shit
He regularly talks to people farther right than him
More people are exposed

>Sargon of Akkad for prime minister

Attached: my_body_is_ready.png (463x462, 256K)

Wasn't this guy a brexiter? Doesn't running for EU elections seem hypocritical?

I like him and have no interest in stopping him.


How about the fact he tried to portray himself as a quadroon so he could get PoC points despite the fact both his parents are clearly 100% huwhite

Attacks your kidding right i want him to win because we live in clown world, atleast hes honest about being a clown unlike the rest of the political class

Not using the broken system in your favour when its obviusly skewered, every white in the world shiuld claim to be non white to break the system.

Only a fool plays a broken system and thinks he can win

Eh. Jared Taylor is ok. Thing is sargon doesnr share our views so of course we dont support him, hes a centris so in the end anything be proposes will still ultimately lead to white genocide (something he has claimed to not care about). Richard Spencer is either a CIA asset or extremely incompetent, either way not someone i would want to follow.

Dude Sorekuck of Kukad is just as milktoast as Trump.
He's not redpilled on race or anything.
All he can do is, like Trump, make feminists and commies mad just using a slightly more updated vernacular of memes to "how do you do, fellow kids" a younger and stupider audience.

If he did it for that i would understand, but he used it as reasoning to be against white nationalism, because we would kill his grandpa or some shit

Why on earth would Jow Forums attack Sargon?
You got it mixed up, faggot.


can't even make the font consistent. What a retard

I'd rather him over those other soulless sellouts

Better him than theresakikeinmyass may
or jeremy kikebin

Yes because lying about things you can easily disprove is the red pilled way of starting a political career. This is why Elizabeth Warren is the queen of Jow Forums.

we have a 50 50 split of city dwelling leftist knob jockeys and mussie darkies etc to the white country dwelling whites
half are leftists half are NOT
you'll find the rural working folk vote right wing and the left do the opposite in the big cities
Our cities are like your california etc.

He's not based you faggot. Sure he's better than your average politician, but he's no Andrew Anglin or Jared Taylor.

>im an individualist
>we need principles
>I support the NHS


You know what's more sad? That we have niggers in congress.
Diane abbott the classic hire 3000 police for 300,000 quid for example

Yeah who pushed to make drinking on trains in London illegal and then goes ahead and drinks on the train and the left support her. Wtf.

Then that other criminal black woman with a tag on her.

Trannies, shitskins, MIGA etc shill all these candidates because their mud and nog pets have turned on them and they're now hoping for white man's protection from an increasingly shitty violent and impoverished world. They all get the rope first.

We have to find out who came up with this paki visa idea.

In my opinion in this particular case it wasn't soros or merkel who wanted this, but someone in the anglosphere with the intention to cause trouble and harm to the EU.

It was America, I guess. But we have to take into account the fact that Imran Khan was installed and works for the british secret services.

The EU should punish them. If it was America, tariffs should be raised to cover the cost of these migrants.

If it was someone in the UK who insisted on having this visa condition, 500k of the most problematic least employeable paki and black migrants should be sent to britain by the other EU countries in retaliation.

From now onwards, these punituve measures will be implemented if similar things happen.

Why would the EU suffer because someone did a stupid false flag project with Pakistan?

The EU shouldn't tolerate this. Migrant related externalities should be internalised, by dumping unwanted useless migrants to britain or by increasing tariffs on us products, or both.

All of these attempts by the anglosphere should be retaliated by Europe.

I am sure Imran Khan will enjoy watching the EU dumping 500k niggers to Britain in return for this problem he caused. They have EU passports. He should be ashamed of himself. He will be charged for war crimes in the EU. He was an EU citizen when he committed this fiasco which had the potential to cause problems for Europe.

All evidence and related intelligence should be gathered. The EU should go after the kashmir problem perpetrators.

The same tactics should be applied to any similar attempts in the future.

His son looks exactly like him where does this "my wife's son" shit come from? Projection maybe?
Cope more faggot

>implying Hitler wasn't just a jewish plant all along

>why hasn't Jow Forums gon after my bottem feeding eceleb
>another sargoy of applebees thread
Fuck off back to your subplebbit

Attached: 1552686943112.gif (249x141, 1.98M)

>peope in the UK will have seen the failure of the left, the globalist right and the libertarian center
>So they'll go for an ideology they perceive as having failed even harder 70 years ago
Yeah, riiiiight...

>Thing is sargon doesnr share our views so of course we dont support him
For the millionth time, Jow Forums is not a natsoc echochamber.
Take your "we" shit elsewhere (especially when talking about UK politics, you soft-brained yankee cunt).

I really like the guy and watch his content and if we have Theresa May as PM, I think Sargon is a better choice

lol triggered

i personally dont like the guy, but i respect how he is dicking the political correctness and trolling

Let me guess....
A white nigger

Attached: RQnhH1QWGAGS_640x360.jpg (640x360, 28K)

I'm totally fine, they wouldn't dare misrepresent what i say to that degree
>They do
Well, i'll just tell them to watch thousands of hours of videos to see the context
>Noone does
Well, at least the edgy faggots will still like me
>is made out to be a pedo and those edgy faggots were denounced by sargon
They'll still vote ukip, we're the brexit party!
>UKIP members jumping ship specifically because of him and going to a party called the brexit party
But i'm correct!
>Perception is all that matters
But trump had all kinds of dirt
>trumps dirt is 10% as bad as his

Sargon is retarded. Today I will remind them.

Attached: ween.gif (320x240, 498K)

I support this.

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?


Fuck you faggot, the real work continues elsewhere

Attached: sargoy.png (1170x285, 153K)

Stranger danger.

This should probably be updated to how he likes to wear his tie: sloppily.

Attached: 32387.gif (280x297, 105K)

He doesn't shout nigger though. He censors it.

Also imagine calling farage an absolute legend and fanboying over him when you meet him and the now being demolished by him

Attached: 20190418-eu-election-uk-intention-indy.jpg (660x495, 30K)

1. He calls the alt right his enemy
2. He backstabs his way to get where he is
3. He's doing it for himself and not able to put the cause above himself
4. Everything he is against, he has done to other people
5. He can't take a joke
6. He protected people that took money from candid that helped censor people on youtube, while attacking harmful opinions for spreading the truth about candid (which was basicly just reading the terms and service of candid).
7. He keeps lying about himself (claiming to have a black grandfather, claiming he'd rather make his game, claiming he is cucking another man because he is raising his child)

Oh and he ruins memes like kek.

athens discord shills on suicide watch

You don't have to be natsoc to oppose white genocide, but you'll find the vast majority here acknowledges and opposes white genocide.



Attached: ClsELxRVAAAI1_-[1].jpg (607x342, 21K)

Looks like he’s stopping himself.


Attached: rape.png (631x812, 525K)

I think it's a strategy to distance from any disappointment, or embarrassment, or from atrocity in the event that an Hitler is ever actually memed into power. Jow Forums can always point to these comments and say

>Jow Forums was right again

God please let this happen. Nothing would make me happier than an internet personality coming to a position of power

Disliking carl of swindon isn't a purity spiral. He destroys everything he is part of. Why would you ever want him on your side? He's destroying ukip right now.

I can't believe Lammy just said "nigger" like it's nothing. Can you believe this?

See how easy that was when you don't give a shit about context?

Sargon of APPLEbees. Do you fucking get it???