Why does the US rank 31st in terms of life expectancy?

What's holding the USA back in terms of life expectancy?

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GMOs and 5g

70% of adults are obese, murder rates are far higher here than in most developed countries, our suicide rate is surprisingly high too, and of course everyone's got access to deadly weapons (especially 13% of the population)

Fast food

Because everyone here is a fucking fat fuck who can't stop funneling shit food down their gullets.

Food and obesity.

Same reason why Americans are shorter than Europeans.


Car culture I'm sure has a lot to do with it. They're a more acceptable version of mobility scooters.

Higher drug use, obesity, alcohol abuse, and tobacco use than the rest of the world.

Our healthcare system is shit but you're retarded if you think that's the main problem. A jap that dies at 90 of old age = very little healthcare cost. An American that dies of obesity at 50 = massive healthcare cost


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Cause of most problems across all religious and race based issues.

Jews not wanting people to collect their pensions and social security

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America will never have socialized health care because of our massive obesity numbers. 2nd highest in WORLD.

opiod overdoses

Jewish extermination of whites.

vaccines, oppose vaccines, vaccines kill, never vaccinate

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go figure an kangaroo fucker would derail the tread with bogus science. If so this person is competently autistic and therefor had a lot of shots as a kid.

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Stress and despair. Obesity, drug use, and other addictions are effects of a shithole society.

You already know what /pol is going to say. In fact why have pol anymore it’s the same ten threads recycled everyday with one or two new ones depending on what happens.

is it true that on average the burgers have 46 vaccines before they turn 5? Explains your autistic schizophrenia.

who's number 1 these days?

As to OPs question, it's opiates that are most responsible for the recent dip in life expectancy actually, not Burger King. But of course the reasons that opiates are the huge problem they are are numerous

Don't forget the US has a major drug crisis that many druggies die young.

Dat's dah brice of freedum :DDDD
