I can understand dating a guy who's successful with money but "bad boys" tend to make terrible providers and life choices.
Why do women love badboys?
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Seeing people as projects
What is a bad boy actually everytime I hear this I just think of some edgelord with too many tattoos
beautiful people are just as often bad people as ugly people are, and bad people gravitate towards each other.
Wonen sometimes want to help someone become better, nurture and fix them. with bad boys, kinky hot sex, participate in fun and adrenaline fueled activities like parties/concerts.
basically it's the draw of someone pulling you out of your comfort zone, exposing you to new experiences, and challenging you.
Also the level of confidence and lack of fear bad boys have is "manly".
not healthy for a long term relationship, but the appeal is understandable.
I don't really think they love the "badboys," I think they enjoy the experiences they get when they're with them because those types of people are willing to risk it a bit more. I can't really speak from experience because I'm not an extrovert but that's just what I've noticed from the "badboys" I know
So a bad boy is just a shithead who cant get an actual job
You will have to define "bad boy" or give us some examples.
why couldn't they get a job? I've known "bad boys" with great jobs. their risk taking and arrogance got them ahead. are you jealous?
If you believe in evolutionary psychology, bad boys wouldn't exist if they didn't have their own strengths. risk taking, lack of fear, assuredness. Basically they fill a niche.
I avoid men like this, they are trouble, but your fixation on them is weird lol.
I guess it's just me not ever really seeing one every guy I meet is just some other guy the whole "bad boy" cliche just seems to be nothing more than that
The archetypal badboy is emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, has no respect for anyone and has low moral values.
>"Women want a bad boy who will be good just for her, men want a good girl who will be bad just for him."
>I can understand dating a guy who's successful with money but "bad boys" tend to make terrible providers and life choices.
Why hoes pay the pimp?
We all know it's not really protection since the pimp beats them more than all her aggressors combined.
First off don't assume all women are of equal value, they are humans after all. Though a woman can seem like good person they may actually be fucked in the head here and there.just us.
Second there is a pure raw feeling you get from individuals who fight, do drugs, drinking, breaking the law and being a piece of shit. Lots of people mistake this feeling of rawness as some kind of "transparency" or "honest" trait. Women who are naive and stupid fall for this trap.
Also depends on the womans age, younger women are fucking retarded but the good ones mature into a fine wine and bad ones end up being some pigslut who works at a fast food joint spending all day sharing shit posts on facebook with broken fucking grammar.
Badboys know how to fuck.
My take has always been that badboys are chosen over the nice ones cause a lot of the time the nice ones are also limp wristed, wet, boring faggot doormats. Of course a confident, charming asshole that had no compunctions about standing up for himself and challenging a girl and not treating her like God's gift is more exciting and appealing than a wet faggot. But I imagine the guys that kind, good, etc. but also strong, confident, not doormats, will stand up for themselves, see a girl for what she really is, etc. is more attractive than either.
nah women want good looking men. just because they tend to be a douchey doesn't mean they like them for that in particular. maybe some of them do, but in generall it's not the factor which determins if they find a guy attractive or not. it's about looks
Because you aren’t as nice as you think you are
This is important to understand if you are actually considering doing criminal things for pussy. Ugly guys become just another nameless inmate when they try risky shit for the wrong reasons.
Because most women are evil terrible creatures.
Women want strong men. Strong men who treat her well are preferable, obviously, but men who are just aggressive/sociopathic assholes can also be construed to fit the requirement of 'strong' (especially to psychologically damaged women) in appearance.
If you're a meek, passive male, you don't stand out as someone who can either protect her or provide for her.
That being said, sane, non-degenerate women don't like degenerates, and you shouldn't concern yourself with the kinds of women who chase "bad boys".
This is just your own inferiority complex talking.
Women don't like bad boys because they're bad - they like them for their confidence or the appearance of confidence.
As someone else said, sometimes it's because they are the mother-complex who think they have a diamond in the rough.
Others might simply have gotten together with them before they took on the "bad boy" persona and it's just momentum and inertia that's keeping things going.
Still others are with them as an act of rebellion.
Then there are a lot of "bad guys" who are actually really good people with a rough exterior.
I mean what's actually hard to comprehend? There are lots of different women with different guys for a whole host of different reasons, just like men. Why are some dudes with cunts? Sometimes it's cause they're really fucking hot and they make good trophies. Other times it's because the guys feel like they can't get any better. Of course there are also times when they're just gritting their teeth because the cunt happens to be reaaaallly good and extra juicy.
Girls don't love badboys. They love the idea of them.
Sometimes they fuck themselves by forgetting that badboys irl suck
Being a "bad boy" shows how resilient you are and resilience is attractive to women. Unfortunately I'm not resilient at all, which is why I'm foreveralone.
Why do guys like bitches
Majority don’t love bad boys. Guys end up thinking they have to be bad to get their spouses attention and turn into dicks for no reason. Guys will switch up halfway into the relationship and just be dicks for no reason.
>ex is nice
>ex has no red flags
>1 year in he becomes big douche
>people now think I have bad boy complex even after breaking up with him
Just remember this means you offer less in prospects than a criminal.
Thank you for the reminder.
Let me ask you something. Are you attracted to good, faithful boring girls that don't attract unwanted attention, and that will make reasonably good mothers. Do you pursue these women romantically? Do you dream of these women, or do you require prettiness first and foremost.
So why should a woman do the same...
People should be well adjusted while still showing so excitement and personality in their without being destructive towards themselves and others.
Society has trained women to be lazy and go against their biological strengths in the areas of courtship/dating. All of the weighting of priorities etc that sane men apply in life inhibit them from specific types of risk-taking in courtship etc.
This is actually a good thing -- high intelligence, for instance, is known to inhibit reproduction in male possessors while making them more desirable to the opposite sex.
It doesn't help that women consistently fail the Ultimatum Game, either. This basically makes it easy for "badboys" lying through their teeth and reduces the chances of the sane men. Not that it matters, since a woman in that position is very unlikely to be reasonable.
The men who fail to have these "sane people" sorts of traits indulge in risk taking that complements the lazy method used by some women. It may seem like they're having a good time from the outside, but anyone with sense will tell you that it is actually very horrible and life destroying within the relationship.
I'm not sure what you are saying, but young good looking people are not looking to be well-adjusted.
You could eat healthy every single day, but that is if you don't mind sacrificing the taste of delicious food.
I think you read too many scientific articles.
Is that even possible? Someone should do a study.
Too many scientific articles... I don't get it. Where's the punchline?
Unlikely. The study should be done anyway though, just in case. You can't have too many scientific studies. Inb4 someone says the inevitable anyway.
They're more fun, more interesting, better in bed. They make you feel special because you're their one true love and so different from any other girl they've pumped and dumped.
That's the gist of it.
>"bad boys" tend to make terrible providers and life choices
Irrelevant now, the government has taken over the responsibility of provider (actually, the former beta providers took it over, involuntarily, with the IRS as the middleman)
This idiot autist creates this same thread every day. He doesn't want advice, just whining. He probably is underaged too.
OP, why are you such a homosexual?
Spot on. It's all about being attractive. It just happens that if you're attractive and girls shown interest in you even in elementary school, you're going to end up being more confident.
Good looking + Scary = Irresistible, unpredictable
Good looking + Sane = Irresistible, stable, settle down with
Bad looking + Scary = Disgusting, avoid him at all costs
Bad looking + Sane = Disgusting, use him for resources
Stop spreading your incel cultist lies.
have sex
because bad boys do stuff with girls that are exciting and make her release adrenaline and dopamine, same things that are released during sex, so they chemically get attracted to bad boys
How do I know that you're a beta incel orbiter? Because I'm a bad boy like that
cause theyre good at sex
once a girl told me its because she cant be bored with him
People try to recreate relationships that are familiar to them. Chances are her dad is a shit head.
You don't want to get into a relationship with someone like this either. She's on a self destructive path.
Look for women that are interested in successful, intelligent, and hard working men.
no generalisation is ever correct
I "get" the "joke"
>this thread
Good fucking god how do normies not kill any female in their vicinity
Women are attracted to power, bad boys display power and masculinity.
>Let me ask you something. Are you attracted to good, faithful boring girls that don't attract unwanted attention, and that will make reasonably good mothers. Do you pursue these women romantically? Do you dream of these women,
Umm, yes? I mean, I would still have sex with a pretty girl who is an asshole, but I would be attracted to her IN SPITE of her personality, not because of it. Yet for women, assholish behaviour in men is definitely part of the charm for some reason.
I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate.
Nice dad humour, scrotum
If we were in the same kind of environment that the vast majority of our ancestors were in, then bad boys are the best possible providers, they'll stay attractive unless theres enough pressure selecting against that to change it, which there isnt
You should be saying "some" women; the number diminishes the further from 16 she is.
Those with some braincrease will judge personality, not jamesdeanery.
Hey OP, this exactly. My brother is a badboy, uni girls avoid.
Any ape knows how to fuck; any person alive has 80 generations of ancestors who knew how to fuck.
Badboys arent special in bed; they're just callous. What do women tend to waant after sex? A cuddle, "do you live me". A man doesnt have the capacity to do that, i dont care how bad a boy he think he is, the woman will feel like a cocksleeve.
the regret that follows has nothing to do with the initial attraction
it'd be great if everyone was 100% self aware at all times, but it doesn't work like that
in the same way shitty nerds project perfection and innocence on shitty women without realizing, women project what they want to see on a confident man and only when proven otherwise will see their mistake
this is just how it goes
You have to go through a badboy or two to appreciate a normal guy.
You are so wrong.Making love and fucking isn't the same and sometimes I want to lustfully fuck and I can promise you this not every man is capable of fucking. They can pound or jackhammer thrust but that doesn't take me to another place and tingle all over. All it does is make me wish it were over.
It’s a thrill to a mundane life. A guy with a motorcycle and a guitar is good for a bit as he won’t be serious with a relationship and don’t want anything from you. Other than getting laid, ofc. Guys tend to get very serious as soon as you open up just a little, even as a friend. So it’s nice to balance it out every now and then.
My gf doesn't like cuddling with me after sex. I make her cum too hard, so her whole body is too sensitive for a little while afterward. She gets chills if I just run my hand lightly over her
tl;dr not all girls want the same thing
Women have peanut sized reptilian brains, that's why.
It's all good my friend, bad boys tend to brutalize them, so they get the full consequences of their choices.
Not the guy you replied to, but can you explain what makes a "lustfull fuck" for you?
Stupidity. There is no other reason. All other "reasons" are lame excuses.
>make her cum too hard
Well besides women having shit taste and not knowing what they want. You behaving like an autistic twat and and self entitling yourself as nice guy doesn't help your case either.
The average American is $400 away from bankruptcy. People don't think far enough into the future to care about breadwinning and long-term life choices.
>>As you generalize about generalization.
things tend to fall to the ground on the surface of earth, unless a force is applied to them.
Sometimes girls just wanna have fun
femanon here, I absafuckinglutely hate the bad boy type. I dont know why any woman wants a shitty ass bf who is mean to them like damn. Relationship need kindness love respect and trust, if im not getting those things its done.
They don't.
Shitty people like other shitty people.
being a provider has little to do with sexual attraction.
>muh relationship
But would you fuck him tho?
Not all women behave like that. But some may be missing out on something "bad", so they need a "bad guy" to fulfill that...
This sums it up pretty well
They have shit values, so they worship people with shit values
That's simple. I'm great at oral, I'm in sync with her body and I can control my orgasm so I won't finish until she has several times.
Dude attraction is 90% money for women and the ones who say they're different are repressed
Who cares. Worry about your money, stop being a goofy cornball and women will chase you. It's that easy.
ITT: low intelligence incels like OP thinking they know what women like in men.