>dude fuck your employers lmao you should get hundreds of paid days off work if someone in your family gets sick
This is completely illogical. Most people have something like this happen to them at some point. It’s complete unsustainable. Sometimes bad luck is bad luck.
Dude fuck your employers lmao you should get hundreds of paid days off work if someone in your family gets sick
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>bossman says if I work extra hard this week he might buy a new lambo!
lol at worker bees.
Being a NEET is much more respectable than having a job and then complaining you can’t take extended periods of time away from your job
Simply adjust productivity to account for fewer employee hours.
Nothing at all respectable about it, unless you have five hillbilly children is a trailer park. If you're a video game playing virgin than you're as bad as a childless whore
rule 1 and rule 3
Where is the mom?
if that kid has cancer that young, it will be cancerous its entire life. No sense it wasting time and energy on it
How many doctors would abuse the system and give diagnosis to people for bribes, etc.. or some super liberal feminist retard who has an agenda and just abuses it for free?
How many?
>lol at worker bees.
an owner is responsible for everything and everyone
a worker is responsible for his subsection of the business
I wake up when I want to, I haven't worked in 10 plus years and my life is going great.
... wonder what kind of society this mentality creates?
I had cancer at that age. 25 years later still alive.
6 inches of stunted growth due to chemo sucks tho, thank god my predicted height was 6'3"
STFU you retarded boomer.
Who actually works in this country? White people.
This policy subsidizes white births at the expense of kike corporations.
I understand the sentiment of maternal leave, but I also think it is retarded GIB ME DAT.
>being a manlet
>life worth living
Human beings are expendable. If you didn't exist. Life would go on as normal. We are too overpopulated and need to at least remove 50% of the world population. Starting from Africa, India and China.
Would have been better if the cancer had won mate
This one always makes me laugh, in 5 years this will be reality they already have the 'wage cage' prototype on the factory floor as we speak. Im glad I will never work a day in my life.
I love being free.
Only if it can be handled through some kind of insurance program. Small businesses can’t afford to pay for an employee who is absent, there isn’t enough margin.
Don't you have some work to do? Ill have a large big mac combo please and make it snappy.
I'm sure it does make you laugh given that antifa are the footsoldiers of global capital
Paid leave benefits white people way more than minorities since it's whites that work full time most.
Minorities are already extracting resources from the state and we need to do the same to offset it.
you live under fascism yet you complain every single day still. Fascism is retarded and you really want to give up your freedoms for it?
>poltards throw shitfits over OP image but then praise the god emperor when israel gets more gibs cause fuck muslims that live 2000 miles away from me
>edgelord memeflag underage NEETposts outside of r9k attention whoring and gets easy (you)s
pol is dead
>private citizens come up with charitable solution to help out a father and child going through a tough time.
This is great, and that's how it's supposed to work. We're not supposed to make new laws based on things that are extreme outliers, no matter how heart-wrenching.
"gibs are okay if you are white" patethic.
Imagine charity working??
this is the funniest thing. 20 years ago antifa was against globalization as their main goal. somehow now they march in favor of globalization, just shows what useful idiots they are
This... and that's why I hate nat soc fags. When you boil it down, it's just about gibs for whites. They're no better than niggers.
End gibs for everyone and end cronyism and class protectiond, and whites will naturally rise to the top. It's been proven. It is exactly why SJWs think western meritocracy is "racist". Because whites (and Asians) disproportionately succeed under meritocratic systems.
im not Antifa just hate authority
I was going to shit on this post until that last part.
2 weeks paid, 2 unpaid, and weekends/holidays seems fair for salary employees.
An additional sick time use could be used for emergencies, but for rare circumstances like this, sorry to the dad, but charity really does make more sense than wide reaching legislation that just leads to further decay in productivity.
>I live under fascism
Retard alert
This is 4th generation warfare brainlet
>I'm going to stick to boomer conservativism as whites die out because my arbitrary principles are more important than survival
You deserve extinction
How do you deal with the fact that authority and hierarchy exists in non-human power structures?
I can see that
Imagine lying to yourself this hard. What a fuckin loser lmao
What is controversial about this? We already have FMLA which is covered by law.
>lets base our political structures off animals
lmfao burgers are another breed dumbest fucks ever
not everyone bases their happiness off of money or materialism, I know that's hard for a burger to believe
Shut the fuck up Boomer. We work too much and gain too little. Anything that hurts the capitalists is s good thing.
Ah so you just deny that we share the same basic reality by saying that humans are magic
How do you get by?
boomers don't get it, they had everything perfect and handed to them. They deserve their asses beat or even killed.
Welfare, lied about having depression and vertigo lol. I made some money from bitcoin too but nothing substantial.
>We must secure a future for white children
>Unless it risks profits, then they should die
All hail the holy shekel.
>an owner is responsible for everything and everyone
>having a system that awards the people who actually run and maintain it.
Imagine that. If there's anyone that deserves incentives it's white people. Just look at flint Michigan. It's managed by retarded blacks and they still blame whitey.
I felt the same way.. So I quit working for my boss and started my own company doing the exact same thing. And guess what? I make way more money now, and if and when I fall short, I have no one to blame but myself. And after all the stress, sleepless nights, and financial risk, some retard employee is going to say "gibs me more money and lots of vacation" . And if I don't, some politician is going to force me to, all because you're a lazy fuck. Nah man, go fuck yourself, and take all of your nat soc faggot buddies and fuck their asses while you're at it. And the kindly kill yourselves.
>I don’t work for my employer, my employer works for me! Adjust and compensate me for everything that happens in my life!
How did we get to this state?
t. Millennial hating millennial
>Slave away for your boss goyim, it’s your fault for making a parasite
People talk about niggers having short time horizons
None, that’s the most bullshit speculation I’ve ever heard.
>caring about dead educators or their retarded offspring
How about we organize production to cater to human needs, instead of enslaving ourselves to the endless accumulation of capital?
>I'm a transient Jew who has no country and no people and cares about nothing but money and ever rising GDP
Scum of the earth.
Sounds great. I need a vacation. Worked 6 years without one. I really need one. You gonna give it to me?
Sure, lets seize the means of productions senpai
There definitely needs to be at least some kind of relief for the middle class when this happens. The overbloated medical system sucks families dry for having a sick child so that the oncologist can go yachting once a week with his buddies.
>you should be able to take 1/3rd of the entire year off
yeah it can't be like that, we would never get anything done. this is what a wife is for. i don't see any wife in those pictures.
Yeah that's why all those owners got in trouble for failing to be responsible in 2008.
Nice comeback wigger. Kill yourself and all your white nigger leech friends. You're seriously just as bad as niggers and "muh systemic raycism"
>How did we get to this state?
Boomers took over and stripped away all worker protections and benefits to meet the bottom line because they were dogshit at managing production.
Becoming a teacher was his first mistake.
No, I think I'll kill you and other rootless capitalists instead. You've done nothing but harm good and honestly people with your greed.
only the brown ones. the brown doctors in my area are all dr. feelgood. want a script? Dr. Pajeet will be happy to write one for the cost of a second co-pay
I NEETed for two periods, one two years one three with a gap in between. It’s balls-to-the-wall fun for the first 25% and then it becomes an abysmal, torturous ordeal.
Don’t lie faggot
Medical licensing should go on the engineer model rather than the current model (4 year degree + 1 year apprenticeship/residency gets you a doctors license)
Underage migapede
Die kike parasite.
Fortunately for me, you'll probably die of a fentanyl overdose before you can come after me.
>I hate banks and the capitalist system that they created
>die kike
Clearly I'm the kike in this situation, since I'm advocating for a Christian way of living instead of a Jewish one.
Capitalism is a jews game.
The same people wanted your wife working. Families were ruined a long time ago.
Imagine living in a third world country like America where you're not even allowed to care for your family without risking complete financial ruin lmao
This. Neetdom becomes physically and psychologically damaging after a while.
>seizing this by force and redistributing them to lazy people is "Christian"
>a system of voluntary cooperation is somehow "not Christian"
I hope all your children have cancer, then survive but at high cost to you and your family, both financially and in terms of time.
Then I hope you get fired for taking too much time off lmao
At the G20 they demonstrated against globalisation and at the same time pro open borders.
Your logic ends with destroyed families and child prostitution.
You're right, artificially defining the natural order of the world as a concept to which an alternative exists, is a Jewish game. There is no "capitalism" and it is only because of Jews that you think that there is.
Nope... bad parenting combined with incentivizing single motherhood leads to those things.
>seizing property from families doesn't destroy families
Die kike.
I see the two of you are quite butthurt about being called out for your rootless, Jewish capitalism and your contributions to it. What you fail to realize is that there are things more important than money. I will pray for your souls so that you might be freed of your greedy ways.
Owning property is not "rootless", kike.
I’ll just leave this here
I haven't criticized the owning of property, glad you can't read Boomer.
Did you clear the land? Build your house? Work the acreage? Start the companies you own shares in?
No in 99%+ of cases in the modern world, property ownership is transactional and absentee; its the definition of rootless.
You clearly have never been to Eastern Europe. Foreign companies give rewards to doctors which prescribe their meds.
The result is you go in with BPH, leave with some herbal garbage. Or you go see your gynecologist due to a UTI, and they add in some additional useless trash (which you pay for) besides the regular ABx regimen. Can someone in the know/a fellow MD see through that? Yes. But most people dont, and are scammed - potentially with consequences to their health.
the owner is responsible for keeping the other shareholders happy, period
>I haven't criticized the owning of property, glad you can't read Boomer.
Yes you did kike, when you claimed that there is an alternative to "capitalism". Don't use Jewish terminology if you don't want to be called a Jew.
Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?