I just accept the fact that the smarter you become the less friends you will have in your life...

I just accept the fact that the smarter you become the less friends you will have in your life. you end up leaving them behind in their ignorance, and leave for a lonely life.

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you won't have to worry about that as a brazilian

Being resistant to social programming makes life harder so you have to larp as a normie. Just think of it as a game.

yeah, but i need find new friends

Being dependent on outside validation is not just dumb, its feminine.
If you care so much about it you may as well chop off your dick.

i dont, just saying its lonely

find a thing you like doing. like reallly really like doin, other people are doing that same thing this very second. Most of those people are retarded. Some of them aren't. Keep doing that thing you like. The people most like you will stand out after a bit. Say more things to those people. Keep doing that thing. Plan to do that thing with the non-retards. Congrats, you have friends now. If they turned retarded, you are better at a thing. Now do that with all the things you like.

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Some Rick and Morty copypasta perchance

Reach for the stars brazilbro
Loneliness sucks but there’s plenty to aim for
Even if at times things seem bleak

Also, the most important part I forgot...TRY NOT TO BE A RETARD. That will ensure those people will call you to do a thing. if you happpen to be a retard for any reason, apologize for retarded thing.

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Just find smart people to talk, Evandisclayvison.

>tfw 2 smurt to have friends.
Who here isolated NEET for over a decade?

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Wrong. When you leave your dumb friends behind you better yourself by surrounding yourself with people you consider way beyond yourself. In time you get on the level or surpass them and the cycle continues (if you have it in you). Just leaving people behind and going it alone is a recipe for failure and means you aren’t as smart as you thought you were.

great tip, thanks

looking for...

yes, now im looking for these new friends

we can be friends


and thats ok

That's true

So if you are so smart you should have understood that there is a God up there.
By that spread his words.
By that be humble and help others to understand.
Instead you are a pompous,vane, useless very intelligent man.


Wrong. As your financial iq increases you have better friends.

As you dumbass iq increases, you’re the outcast and they dump you.

if you want to learn and develop skills then you can't afford to have friends. successful people don't have friends they have acquaintances who create background noise while they conduct business on their phone.

yes, but these "Better friends" are hard to find. the majoraty are stupid

>there is a God up there.
at what altitude?

I would agree with this. At 45 years old I have no "friends" left. My wife and kids are my friends. I have no patience for the witless ramblings of 99.9% of the people I've met throughout my lifetime.

WRONG. increase your fin iq and the law of attraction does the rest.

Central Happenings Network or CHN
Has had his channel of 7.4k subs and 300 plus videos and streams TERMINATED for no reason.
>NOW his Twitter was suspended for a BORAT video of throw the Jew down the well.
No strikes were given or warnings
>then his backup
Was locked so he cant use it but people still think hes around!!!
They completely deleted him and memory holed him as it used to say he "violated hated speech" when i clicked his channel.
We are in an Age of mega Censorship!! Everyone is at risk!!

Chaotic-Good Accelerationism


And Twitch BasedBellagio (((suspended)))

This is fucking nuts with the red dot going to pink and Assange getting arrested THE DAY AFTER!!!!

>stream from Friday, EPIC

>This HONKLER video got flagged for hate speech on his new channel by discord Tranny fags
What is wrong with this video??? Too many red pills.


Discord Trannys are targetting ourguys like Kommadante
>NPC meme series part 1
THEY fear the power of Based Bellagio's morale boosting skills

Also these are becoming CLASSIC quick
>GTA RP vids
He will defeat the faggots and trannys at Google with Algorothmic Meme magic!!!
Fuck Jews

If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.

You can accept that there are different talents or choose to stay within your logical intellect.
In the first case you can be friends with people because they are sources on information on the world you don't usually access (a different perspective). If you don't value other perspectives because you are ingrained into your reality as I was there is an alternative.
Find a group of people just as smart as you.
Admittedly the truly autistic are antisocial and harder to track down while the exceptionally smart aren't as autistic and you are unlikely to have the patience to recognize them for who they are.
There are plenty of people also very smart who you can be friends with that equally see the world as a logical puzzle of facts.
They often don't seek or maintain friendship for the same reasons you don't. They find socialising boring.

Idk what to tell you. Try acid. It'll open your mind to a different level of reality.

At the height of eye-contact.

I'm experiencing the same. But I also made a lot of new friends.

I enjoy being alone. Can't stand being around people for a long time. My wife and kids will be the people i'l enjoy being around

good answer

how? where?

for now, i only have me. trying to find a girl too

I don't need (((friends))) when I have Jow Forums

I love you guys

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You are making a bug mistake I made many years back. You think you know shit and you think you know what is important. Trust me, you don't. Things change in life. Just look back. Do you agree with what you thought five years ago? Do you agree with what you thought ten years ago? No, you don't. Living your life making absolute decisions based on thinking you " got it figured out " is what teenagers do and current society likes to keep us in that day-to-day carpe diem shit so we don't learn anymore.

Try to be humble and accept you don't know shit. It's worth it.

>t. 34y old oldfag

Do you remember when you were like him?
I remember being like him.
I remember reading the same words you wrote.
I remember it meaning nothing.

The words were there but the meaning wasn't.
Now I see what you mean.
Now I want to convey the same message.
Do you see the issue?


ok, i can agree that i dont know shit, but i know more than the majoraty of people, who are normie retards, just that.

It's tragic really.
They said you can't understand it until you experience it.
I thought that was utter nonsense.
>I've understood everything my whole life!
>If you clearly explain something it is easily understandable.

The Truth was not that it cannot be understood.
Simply that it wont be.

There were other messages.
Seemingly cryptic ravings that held no meaning.
I liked to think of it as "faux wisdom".
>These so called enlightened people
>They think they're so wise but all they say is meaningless shit
>If they're so wise, why aren't they successful, huh?

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.


You can effectively organise information in your head.
Learn a piece of data, see how it connects to existing knowledge and extrapolate the various interactions it has on reality.

Do you like challenges?
Finding out how things tick?
What connects where and in which way this affects the rest of reality?

Science asks "how?"
Philosophy asks "why?"

Why do you not connect with others as they do with each other?
>because I'm smart and see more of reality than they do
>because what they discuss is trivial
>because I'm not as simple-minded as they
This is misattribution.
It's because you fundamentally don't yet understand what it means to connect.

Socialising is not the exchange of data.
Do you imagine that behaving like a book is social?
Even your desire for knowledge stems from a want to satisfy an emotional need.
You /feel/ good when you learn a new bit about how the world works.

Problem that I had is that a lot of my friends said im crazy and wear an aluminum hat. They don't even listen to what I'm saying. Made me realize who are the real friends and who are just claiming to be.

This is actually really good advice

wrong. them being afraid and opposed to you making them question their life decisions doesn't have anything to do with you.



Friends do not exist. Everyone is solely rocused on their own ego based world, and altruism is a social construct created by your social overlords. If you are seeking friends then you are seeking third party validation. This is often a consequence that you doubt the sustainability of your reality and want ratification that its authentic. If you need validation from others you have already lost the quest for truth.

That's tough.
Many people are in it to be heard and not to listen.
They care about getting attention.
If someone is defining the conversation for a topic, explicitly stating what is and isn't, trying to educate others. Then others don't have a chance for their opinion to be heard.

They feel like the person talking doesn't value their input.
Now perhaps you're very informed and have what you believe to be absolute truth on a topic that other people are ignorant about.
Perhaps you feel that you are benefiting them by teaching them about the world.
They, however, will not see it that way.

A good teacher is not one who reads out of a book.
A liked teacher is not one who simply tells people they are wrong and this is what is right.

Kraut is right people don't like their reality challenged
If you wish to explain to someone that they are wrong it cannot be forceful.

On the other hand many shallow "friendships" don't care what you say at all.
They just want you there to listen to them.
Not really seeing you as a person with their own opinion. More as an observer at a performance.
If you're not paying attention they don't want you in the audience.
These people are not real friends.

But some, some just require a more delicate touch.

never dump all your spaghetti in one go

>everyone is solely focused on their own ego based world
Not everyone. Many. Just how many people are "normies".
Friendship is about the person. Not about whether they believe your reality is acceptable.

This line of reasoning leads to "happy is the same no matter how it happens".
Drugs cannot substitute joy.
They can merely approximate the shallow aspects of it.

Seeking validation from socialising is the equivalent of taking drugs to feel better.
It is not complete.

Any more questions before this 404s?
had the best actual advice
Find something you like and do it in a public/social setting

well said

It is.

>I just accept the fact that the smarter you become the less friends you will have in your life.
This is a stupid meme.

The one who accepts he is ignorant is also the wisest

great way to snag yourself a gold digging thot

That's the trouble with these things.
They lack the context to help those who they are targeted towards understand the intended meaning.

It seems that many who have Seen forget what it was like before. How the messages they heard did not come with the meaning they now try to communicate.

There is much elegance and beauty in condensing several paragraphs into a single sentence.
However there is also a very real loss of effectiveness.

Too long and people will not read.
Too short and people will not understand.

Am I the fool for thinking it can be done by the teacher? Is it a waste of effort to explain?
Saying a wise thing and leaving it to the student to ponder it over is less effective when the student does not devote the time.
You can say that without the will to devote time the student will not learn regardless of how the message is conveyed.
That seems very Ivory Tower. A teacher must also adapt to their pupil if their goal is for the student to learn and not merely for them to appear as teachers.

>I'm smart, that's why I'm lonely
>I have standards, that's why tfwnogf
Hate people that excuse their social status (which I don't even fucking care about to begin) by saying shit like this. You're not as great as you think.

a lot of words for such a meaningless post. give yer balls a tug, titfucker.

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>You're not as great as you think.
They are, however, great.

Showing contempt for a type of behaviour works better for women who care about approval of their peers.
Men are not ass connected and will not react as you imagine you would.

Yes. It's long and says little. You're right.
I'm also making mistakes.
It's a learning process.

>Accepting ignorance is wisdom
can mean many things
OP thinks
>I know I don't know everything, therefore I'm wise!
OP knows he doesn't understand quantum physics and accepts it
This does not mean he will also understand that he is ignorant of why his behaviour towards others in not being received as he might imagine

Fine fine.
You guys suck (win)
All I wanted was a middle ground between t-shirt quotes and a 3-page essay
So I'm still too long-winded, so sue me

you are not wrong but you should really get rid of that narcissism. it's obvious to anyone but you.

Being smart has little bearing on your ability to make friends.
Some of the most socially affluent people out there are also amongst the most intelligent.
Life isn’t as simple as: smart=sad, dumb=happy.

It's a process.