Holohoax humor

If the holocaust is a hoax, is it okay to make fun of it like this?

Attached: hitler ps 2.jpg (2169x3168, 741K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Holocaust is real and 6 million did die, that is a fact, it is literally undeniable yet you racist pieces of shit just hate us jews for no reason

holocaust is fake.

Attached: Holofunnies15.jpg (657x657, 92K)

Holobunga is realer. 12 million died for no raisins.

Attached: jewjew.png (836x808, 393K)

change it to soap.
it would make it more authentic.

there is 500,000,000+ million less white skinned people on this planet today because of wwII.

Attached: Theatre-1-Happy-Sad-Masks.jpg (580x428, 175K)

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You need to prove your case to the western mind. You can't just let your culture of "butt hurt and whining" create a cognitive bias situation where you yourself believe your racist hateful bullshit that whites are hateful. This meme is a starting point on where we disagree.

Attached: False claims about holocaust deniers vs facts.jpg (568x505, 154K)

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For example, this evidence of the "Transfer Agreement" shows that Germany and the Rothschild led Zionist were working for a common cause, getting jews to move to Palestine.

Attached: Transfer agreement .jpg (1073x1513, 957K)

you can make fun of it even if isreal

Attached: 1523336333995.png (500x384, 237K)

More than 99% of people in Europe believe it happened and almost just as much in America. The burdn of proof is on you to prove it happened.

That was proven fake decades ago, so some research first so you don't look like a fool.

The red cross reported that under 200,000 people died in the German concentration camps.
Where did this "6 million" come from?

Attached: holocast deaths.jpg (400x357, 56K)

6 million died != 6 million were killed

it's probably closer to 1.2-1.6 billion.
total loss since end wwII.
all whites/jews/japs.

Attached: 1556386185881.png (506x443, 151K)

That number is only the number of people that died from disease, again do some reseach

The six million has been a jewish lie for over a hundred year before WW 2. It is based on a Talmudic tradition that says that 6 million people have to die before the Jewish messiah comes to earth and makes God's chosen people the master race of all other peoples - peoples they believe have no soul and are here for the jews use and amusement.

Attached: 6 million jews.png (1200x1200, 1.9M)

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I guess it's funny. Sort of depends on whether Nazis actually liposuctioned fat from plump dead Jews to render it into soap.

Attached: DEAD Jew soap.jpg (600x458, 79K)

whenever you are alone, it's because the person you would have spent that time with doesn't exist because of wwII.

Attached: 1553104320508.jpg (1718x1080, 406K)

Or maybe they predicted the number right you stupid fuck. 18 trillion jews died and you think it's just a joke.

Attached: 1556388020949.jpg (750x992, 75K)

>That was proven fake decades ago, so some research first so you don't look like a fool.

we know the transfer agreement was true because a jew wrote a book about it, and his mom even disowned him for writing it.

now, answer the Ten Questions, rebbe

Attached: jewish grandmother.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Western thought is not racist, but skeptical. The fall of the soviet union and glasnost revealed that the Soviets intentionally lied and fabricated fake evidence to claim that these were death camps. We know there are lies trying to make a case that the holocaust was real, but we don't dismiss the holocaust as a fallacy fallacy.

Attached: death camps inspected by US.jpg (542x1099, 270K)

Omuhgawd that's epic! Does that picture have GPS location? Of course, not... duh!
Where, exactly, is this

It's almost too easy

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>muh red cross meme
it takes about 5 seconds to nizkor that shit you lazy shill.


Attached: ARBEIT MACHT MUDE.jpg (800x517, 126K)

One thing we do know, is that the Jews told many lies about the holocaust.

Attached: Examples of Holocaust Fraud.jpg (800x1370, 213K)

Please post the results from the site too cheap to get an ssl cert who's search function doesn't work on mobile chrome.

More jewish lies and slander of the German people.

Attached: absurd stories of holocaust witnesses.jpg (759x1023, 120K)

We're supposed to believe, for example, that this simple wooden door held behind a room full of Jewish people in a "gas chamber"

Attached: holocast gas door debunk.jpg (840x894, 274K)

If the Germans were going to murder all the Jews, why would they pass laws on how Jews and German citizens would live together in Germany?
You don't need such race laws if the other races are killed.

Attached: Nuremberg laws german.jpg (2000x1402, 587K)


And all the "confessions" extracted by torture, that is an anathema to western thought. Again, that evidence of a holocaust, gathered by sadistic torture, cannot be considered. Indeed, such torture of folk the jews consider to be soulless cattle is consistent with Jewish racism.

Attached: gas not proven, torture used to get confessions.jpg (1386x834, 269K)

>tries reverse psychology

say hello to the inbred missus for me, rebbe

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And we know the Jews are racist. It's very common for different culture to have racist thoughts. The American Indians, the Cannibals of New Guinea, the Chinese and Japanese, even the ancient Greeks, didn't not consider other peoples to be fully human.
It wasn't part of Christian culture, tho, so such thoughts are a bit alien in Western Thought.

Attached: Talmud red pill.png (1158x1621, 405K)

Show me the dead jews

get fucked shill - look it up yourself you lazy cunt.
lol, perhaps you can google it instead with your POS mobile - or are you going to need a hand with that as well ?

KEK thats pretty good

Oy vey! As a 5th generation holocaust survivor with inherited PTSD, this is bothersome! I'm being physically assaulted by this post. My great grandmother was born inside of a soap factory after both of her parents were turned into lampshades. These memes need to be illegal!

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Your first statement is not just a lie (the 99% is fictional) but is what is called a "bandwagon fallacy"
Your second you have no evidence of.

Attached: Wrong.jpg (1600x1131, 737K)

>Where did this "6 million" come from?
This wasn't the first time when Jews cried about 6 million Jewish victims. And not even the last.
They just love this number for some reason.

The Jews have been crying about the 6 million since before it happened.
Our Jewish friend says it was a prediction apparently with supernatural connotations. Not really a logical argument.

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Kek, nice bait

The fact is, nobody really counted the Holocaust victims, and the number was picked arbitrarily. Most definitely from their obsession with 6kk.

General Patton Noted that the Jews in the camp had terrible hygiene habits.
The Germans saw this as well. The Alternative hypothesis for Zyclon is that it was, indeed used to delouse clothes for jewish prisoners, and the showers were to clean them up.
Why would you do that if you were going to gas them? This hypothesis is consistent with the known real data.
And since body lice can spread typhus, it explains the typhus outbreak and the 200,000 dead in the camps and only 1/3 of those were the people that mattered, the jews.. the rest the jews don't care about - another case of jewish racism.

Attached: typhus.jpg (600x600, 107K)

The Jewish claim that the camps were only superficially humanitarian too fool the Red Cross is a bit idiotic. Why even tell the red cross where the camps were located if you were running an illegal operation? No, this too is a Jewish lie. Remember it is no sin to lie about the goys.

Attached: Holocast debunk.jpg (1096x999, 293K)

>autistically using cherry picked data to prove holocaust was fake
>use this as a basis for why we should gas them all for real

At least its real in your head

>Thinking you can gas people to death with the same typhus pesticide (Zyklon B) your country used on Mexicans

What do you think was cherry picked, user?
Make your case.
But so far, the case for the holocaust made in this thread consists of a fish being eaten, and a lot of hate filled ad homs, and your irrational, unsupported claim that all evidence against the holocaust is "cherry picked".
You are asking for proof that something didn't happen, and dismissing all evidence that shows it didn't happen.

Attached: Anti-Semitic is a Jew Trick.jpg (720x720, 83K)

kek great larp. hyper realistic af

Attached: spaceJew.png (300x250, 30K)

You just need to read ONE page:

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can we make fun of the holodomor too

Attached: wokeAF.png (300x192, 147K)

Königssee in Bavaria most likely

Bucket list to go there and stand in that very spot!


help I'm need help to make this a funny meme. anybody can photo shops?

Attached: mr.Skeletal.png (630x381, 503K)

What do you want to make of this pic?

just make it funny so the jews will laugh about it

The Bengal Famine...
Keep in mind, the Brits never had any inhibitions about racial genocide.
They also did this to Boer women in Children in South Africa.
You ask, how can white people do this? London is home to the head of the Rothschild family. The Bank of London is owned by them (yes, they took it "public" and then bought it up again via proxies).
And being Satanic jews, they don't consider other people as having lives. Just cattle, what is called "goim".

Attached: Rothschild red pill.png (1089x4677, 1.42M)

there are lots more photos about this. I don't know why no one knows about it here. its like they don't teach anyone in school about it or something. i wonder why

Attached: the real holocaust.jpg (800x645, 381K)

really. that is very interesting. is there anything the jews wont do for power and control? they do not teach this in my economics class.

hey, user - i found it!

Attached: Dibre David.png (1912x1027, 142K)

check out this meme its some nazis in a pow camp. I dont see any swimming pools like in auschwitz. strange i thought all concentration camps had swimming pools as part of the geneva convention

Attached: germanmr.Skeletals.png (275x183, 58K)

So Hitler only killed millions of whites, starting with blonde haired, blue eyed "Aryan" boys? Based.

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That kinda goes back to the rise of the Rothschild and fractional reserve banking first with Gold and silver, and then with debt based fiat money (aka artificial Jews).
The Jews should be worried about this, the Bankers don't really need them anymore, if they can find Shabbot goys to do their dirty work. And they know about the 6 million meme... so they should be terrified.
Nope, stupid fucks.
TL:DR; no. They don't consider us human and they've gotten rich starting brother wars between us. Their current get rich quick scheme is to destroy us with "diversity", watering down the gene pool with low IQ Africans and Muslims.

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Kewl. I'm saving that, filing it, and going to include it in my rational arguments.

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got some evidence?
or are you talking out your ass again?

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I knew a German girl who's father was in one of those Eisenhower death camps that the Jews say never existed.
But the history is clear, the jews wanted the German people exterminated.

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zoomer tier meme

I think zionism is fake. they dont rally want to occupy palestine. they just want to use it as like a safe house.

ingredients: ash

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Still fucking based AF.

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It is in the Talmud. The Jewish messaha will come to earth after Israel is recreated, the Temple of Solomon is rebuilt, and 6 million jews are sacrificed in fire.
It will be nuclear fire.
It's Abraham and Issac sacrifice for real this time except the Jews really get sacrificed.

Attached: holocaust means completely burnt sacrifical offering.png (500x755, 640K)

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baiters dont reveal they baited people.
you revealed both how new and retarded you are.

>It is in the Talmud.
It's actually in the Bible. OT, Leviticus 25.

Attached: Leviticus 25.png (1215x887, 781K)


yea but all that just seems like more jew bullshit. they dont believe in their religion. the marxist jews that moved there after the war were athiests

I bet you have absolutely no source for this

Nazis, I swear