Question for non-Muslims.. do you have at least a little back thought in your mind saying “Islam might possibly be true, I don’t know for sure”
Question for non-Muslims...
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I’ll be honest, I’ve thought about it once or twice. I found a Quran written in Arabic and just looked at it for a little bit
Lol nope, it's a social system for 80 IQ cousin fuckers like you.
The only thought that sits in the back of my mind is to exterminate you heathens in the next crusade.
no, never, purely based on how mohamed was was a merchant turned bandit turned warlord who died rich, fat and surrounded by women
No. The only true god is Krishna.
Not a single time, mudlsime. I hope you and your family of cockroaches get exterminated from the facer of the earth like you deserve.
No. Not once. It's a meme religion that's only been practiced for a short time. Plus the elephant in the room that many muzzies hate to admit is much of it is based on Judaism.
no, fuck you and your jewish cult
fantasy desert religion made up when high on glue