AMA: Autism Therapist

I work as a behavior therapist for children with autism. Ask me anything.

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>inb4 didn’t crop
Sorry m8

Did you go to school for Social Work? Whats your degree?

How often do you plant false memories?

Nope. Most of my coworkers have degrees in psychology. I don’t have a degree but I plan to go back to school soon. I was in school 3+ years for ECED, I’ve had experience across the board with children on the spectrum or not

how much do you get paid then without a degree? I ask cuz im in school for social work right now, but I guess these are a little different, though I did learn a lot of psychology and behavioral therapy tho.

It depends on where you live and the company. I’m currently getting paid around $15. Bear in mind I was working at a daycare for $9.50 an hour like three months before. It was a big jump for me.

How can I check if I have autism or not?
I watched 3 seasons of MLP and im concerned

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How do you know if you have autism as an adult.

how do people with autism make better friends and be more socially active and out going
asking for a friend

Sounds like you got it bro hate to break it to you

If you had these as a child or even now:
• speech delay
• learning disability
• sensitivity to light/sound/ touch
• impulsivity
• inappropriate social behavior
• obsessive compulsive behaviors

You should probably go to a doctor if you have legitimate concerns

Can you heal the rift in society that is Jow Forums's manchildren?

Integrate into environments that interest you but allow for smaller groups instead of large, maybe even one or two other people.

I cannot, but I shall heal their children

God bless you for your service

Also, try rewarding yourself with something you really love but can’t have too often when you do things such as that

how does a person go about making situations like this is role play a good set of training wheels

My friends always want to message me and replying all the time is a huge emotional drain in me ( I just want to be left lone after work, my job involves a lot of person to person interaction as it is) and they get mad at me when I don’t reply. How do I let them know that they’re still my friends without messaging them all the time? Is that an important concession on my part? Should I just try to find less social friends?

How do I deal with people without being a doormat? Any resources for adults with autism/aspergers?
Idk I just figured out I have Aspergers. I'm becoming disillusioned with people, no matter what I do they just seem to become hostile. Trying to be kind and helpful but people don't like it when you're not social.

Save the children, save the future

My ASD diagnosis is pending. I'm working a shitty summer job. A lot of my co-workers take overly long breaks, stretching 15s to 25s, and 30s to hour long breaks at times. This is among a lot of other lazy, inconsiderate shit that pisses me off, since I actually give half a damn about getting the job done on time, and the crunch that results from their slacking does my anxiety no favors. The result is that I have to keep getting on their case and, on one hand, I feel like an asshole sometimes, but on the other, I know I can't let them take advantage of me. I eventually escalated it but the relationship between me and my co-workers is still strained as far as I'm concerned.
Do you know of any resources that might help me cope with crummy social dynamics at work?

Are you the owner of the business? Why do you care do much? I knew someone like you whilst wagecucking in an office. Bitch had some sort of achievement complex, we weren't some altruistic do-good company, just a generic Insert Company Name Ltd. and she's there obsessed with helping the CEOs earn money and shitting on us for not going the same.

Two of my friends do the same thing you do. They both went to college and took on debt for it. They both get paid $16 an hour wtf
That literal chump change to be dealing with very difficult children. I make more money than them working from home wtf

Why are you guys so severely underpaid? Is it because they think youre just an above averagely skilled babysitter?

>Why do you care?
A. I'm expected to pick up their slack to some degree.
B. I'm fucking autistic, dipshit. That's why I'm here.

How do you differentiate between autism spectrum and other disorders, particularly in gifted children? Is it usually cut and dry? How much uncertainty have you had in cases?

I honestly think I get paid well enough for what I do. Your friends need to consider becoming BCBAs if they want more money.

I was diagnosed with asperger's in first grade and have had trouble integrating with society. I didn't really start going places with people until I turned 25, after I had a job for a year and moved out of my mother's hoarder house.

I find that I'm completely inept when dealing with sexual matters.This girl at work has managed to tease me into such a frenzy, my face turned perma-red the rest of the day, and I kept getting raging hardons. She was fine with letting me evaluate exactly how braless she was in the computer lab (saw her nips through her shirt), and if there wasn't someone else in there, I would've gotten physical with it.

I clocked out 30 minutes early and drove home. I feel like I'm going to get fired. It completely affected my ability to work, and I couldn't even think straight.

I don't even love this chick. It's nothing like crushes I've had, where I just felt like she was an awesome person. I just feel like a dog, starved for sex.
I hate this. I think other people noticed how out of sorts I was, or saw me crouching like the bottom box on a pallet was really interesting. It sucks.

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My therapist suggested autism but I could also be gaslit by my older brother as a child.

I don't know whats normal, I copy other people's behaviour. I'm never sure of anything. I have to check constantly. I hate changes. I one had mental breakdown, because my friends suprised me with a visit and insisted to enter my house, when I was totaly not ready to. I depend on stability and I'm affraid of changes. Also I got good grades in school, because I was memorising textbooks, but I struggled with understanding anything. I live in fear that I lost something important from my bag. Am I autistic?

Are some tics normal for a 4 year old autist? Like looking up in a weird way, and others, it looks a bit like tourette.