Band-Aid made a black man cry. This made me tear up. I'm so happy we're finally getting skin colored Band-Aids

Band-Aid made a black man cry. This made me tear up. I'm so happy we're finally getting skin colored Band-Aids.

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Her had 45 years to make a bandaid that was his skin colour but instead decided to piss and moan about it until most likely a white man did it for him.
Fuck niggers.

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Wait. Are band aids supposed to resemble your skin colour? Wtf. Mine never does

>Thanks white man.

>imagine being made so weak in spirit that you cry because of a bandaid

Yellow highlighter and colour the bandaid.

Just use a hello kitty bandaid like a normal person you fucking crybaby

The Hello Kitty bandaid on my finger doesnt match my skin. WTF?

Can’t wait for them to cry racism over them being in a locked case

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I've been using black bandaids forever. If you had a job you would know about this.

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lmao what a pussy

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double kek

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Excellent way to protect the superglue suture from breaking open too.

They already existed though. He’s just stupid.

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>grown man using band aids
Just clean the blood with paper until the wound stops bleading, you goddamn woman.

The main purpose of bandaid is to keep infections from the wound and to help in healing it, not to hide it.

>band-aid in my own skin tone
Until the turns his palm up, LOL

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Is this before or after they eat the guy?

why do you incels always have to insult a black man when something positive happens to him.

>when something positive happens to him.
If a piece of plastic matching your skin tone is the highlight of your year in CURRENT YEAR, you really need to reevaluate things.

I love my black hermanos, I just don't want them to fall for THEIR trickery.

>5000 videos of black people burning each other to death on the internet

>that balding jew in the middle

How many shades of nigger do they make?

This why we never gonna come up baka. For every redpilled black there's 500 niggas who think systemic oppression is over coz of band aids and black panther lmfao

What is this

>My people didn't invent bandaids and we don't wanna make our own version for ourselves
>You make my bandaids the way I want them made whitey


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Because he waited for the good thing to happen to him instead of creating it himself. Can't even make his own bandaids. Laughably fucking pitiful.

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Silicone RTV in my case but yeah that's true

Because the band aid nigger posts shit with subtle anti-white undertones, as is expected from niggers.

A representation of the ideal western civilization, summed up in a single frame

What a retard. I never used the skin colored bandaids, because the adhesive is always shit. I use the white sports tape.


I spent my entire childhood looking for Band-Aids that didn't match my skin color
what a fucking fag

Non-whites are bigots and assume all whites are the same skin-tone, and the vomit pink color used on band-aids is the way they see all white people.


The only positive thing that happens to most niggers is the results of their HIV or Paternity tests

This, only the aryan working man knows about the magical black tape

The $0.99 Harbor Freight Super Glue does a great job saving me a $6,000 ER bill when I only need a couple stitches. Granted, it will probably give me cancer in 15 years, but I'll be dead before then, I'm sure.

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Bandaids were always MY skintone
Hail Hydra

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>trips around the sun
>globe earth
heh, okay

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>my drudda you are so good to me bad my brudda
>now let's dig into our bruddas leg

What the fuck? Band-Aids are white culture, is that nigger seriously appropriating white culture?

Oh, Canada.

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Super glue/electrical tape GOAT combo

>tfw you sever the artery and tendon and electrical tape just doesn’t do the trick

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>appropriating white culture?
You would be an expert in that, Little Asian Hockey Nation.

Meh, if you're like me you've been exposed to so many toxic chemicals and gasses over the years you will never figure out what actually killed you in the end.

Heat shrink tubing to reconnect the artery, crown staple gun to rejoin the tendon.

>you wuz a gud boy, you dindu nuffin

Fu k it theydont work so why the hellwould the nigger need a bandaid...and oh yeah the palm is white so I guess we have to make another special one for that too.....and while we are at it maybe just maybe we could lase them with trylonexolhexothayne....

Maybe just maybe we could put chips in those so we canmake sure they werent in Chicago on that night.

So if I wear a black bandaid..

Not sure they make heat shrink that size, little artery in the thumb is small but it moves more blood than I expected. Severed tendon is a strange feeling, things just don’t move right when not connected

Lmao imagine being such a pussy that a band aid makes you cry. Grow up and get rid of that band aid, band aid are for faggots.

Someone should write a book, 'Handyman First Aid and Toolshed Surgery.'

I wonder what it's like to have such a simple and easy life, that something as insignificant as this makes you so emotional.

The joos will charge less .....oh I mean no....Um maybe well fuck they will be able to tell who the fuck buys shit or steels it. do you think they will find ?.. ...hmmmmmmmmmm... or maybe we could just make nigger stores adm everything in it can be free....I mean for black pipo....FKYS.

Fuck u ...I want black fucking jello now mutha fuckers.......damb racist jello manufaturing mutherfuckers......DAMMIT !

There are staple suture guns and kits for sale, its not hard to do it yourself as long as you aren't squeamish. Pricier then glue but you'd save it one ER trip.

Used hand sanitizer, duct tape and a napkin to patch up some drunk that had assaulted a glass table. During the procedure i had some basedboy standing there doubting my medical expertise saying we should take him to the ER (that was 2 fucking hours away) instead. What a fag

wtf my skin is lighter than my band aids!

Fuck it I want black fucking superglue you mutherfucking bioches.....DAMMIT !
Racist fucking superglue factory making mutherfuckers.....

Happy that blacks finally got the initiative to make band aids for themselves.
Unless it was just an historically white invention that black people are making into a thing about them now.
That'd be retarded, but also exactly what I'd xpect from them
Either way was a good idea whoever thought of it.

Don't worry I'm just filled with passive aggressive hatred bc of the kike mods here and knowing how often the kikes side w/ blacks keeps me PA towards them. tfw just want to have muh own continent or something
rip europe

Problem is these will require added theft prevention which adds significant costs.
Just not viable unless you increase price point.

Probably "invented" by a white guy to make money off the nig nogs.

I know you're joking ofc but black super glue is a thing

Yeah they need to start hanging them before paint ...cuz leaning them again the wall fucks it all up....if you know what I mean...

Aren't clear bandaids a thing?

Plus, I'm as white as fuck, and I've never found a bandage that matches my skin tone. Then again, I've never looked, because it doesn't fucking matter.


So what happens when you see a nigger colored band aid in the pool? Burn the place down for health code reasons?

> Finally a white invention (which doesn’t even blend in well on white people) has been designed for my skin


Kinda I guess
But the main point (like any other cloth used in hospitals) is to make sure blood is visible
And nigger colored bandaids dont do that

Nobody pointed out how retarded this is yet? Band aids and first aid shit aren't a bright color because they are made for white people, its so you can see when they are dirty and need to be changed.

He cant even spell reavlueriapes. Dick ,

He should get his testosterone checked

Its cuz you just cant tell when they are done......


I would use a marker if I gave a shit about my band aid being too light.. or better yet if there is a need fill it yourself make black ppl band aids. There is no need adhesives and bandages aren't racist they do their job on any peoples.

Doesn't matter to them

Hey now ...dont go throwing truths around here.

>standard bandaids
>skin coloured
didn't know white people are the colour of a cardboard box

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Well thats cuz you know it works.....

irl when someone does something bad in an african village they surround them and stone them or bury them alive or set them on fire.

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Niggers in their natural state of being disruptive and unproductive.

Dont forget least they have black crayons for coloring niggers as slaves.....flesh color sucks .....fuck this shit that color doent match my white skin....mutherfucken racist crayon maufacturing mutherfuckers DAMMIT !

>Band-Aid made a black man cry

Is this Black Fragility?

Do you trim your hand hair?

You are not a RACIST .....but if you wear a wyt won look out bioches.

a nigger got aids.
shitty thread, op


It heals slower with a bandaid because of no fresh air

Hell they make a white fucking babyruth bar ....hail know and WHY ? ....BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST MUTHERFUCKING MANUFACTURING BIOCHES.....thats why.

don't tell him about these

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(You) misspelled KIKES.
