Seeing a ton of people trapped in a cycle of negative energy on this board lately...

Seeing a ton of people trapped in a cycle of negative energy on this board lately, so this is a spiritual guidance / positive energy / self improvement thread. Feel free to contribute or ask questions.

Attached: spirals.png (1600x2400, 1.34M)

kys hippy.

Attached: maturityclimb.jpg (1324x1101, 1.83M)

Attached: prayers.jpg (605x720, 136K)

Attached: selfother.jpg (800x845, 219K)

Attached: selfcare.jpg (474x671, 62K)

Attached: heavenhell.png (500x522, 135K)

Why does Jow ForumsSIG/ keep getting deleted?
Can we move it here?

Attached: i want to be fit.jpg (454x600, 55K)

Attached: Fix-vs-Growth.jpg (842x1528, 434K)

Attached: sig.png (1473x2000, 1.14M)

Attached: gogetter.png (680x680, 105K)

Attached: justaride.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Attached: 12rules.jpg (869x1000, 137K)

Attached: aristotleexcellence.jpg (650x900, 125K)

Attached: success.jpg (1156x775, 259K)

where's the Jow Forums god goat?

Attached: voluntarysuffering.jpg (720x960, 90K)

totally accurate except the god part

Here's that version of it

Attached: goats.jpg (1763x2034, 952K)

Attached: problemsgrowth.jpg (850x400, 75K)

yay, I asked for something on the internet and it happened with no bullshit or weird side effects

tomorrow is gonna be a good day

Attached: sig2.jpg (640x611, 35K)

Attached: failurepath.jpg (480x480, 47K)

Attached: selforder.jpg (736x484, 67K)


Attached: selfcontrol.jpg (550x550, 63K)

Attached: 5rules.jpg (800x600, 104K)

Attached: placesyoullgo.jpg (1200x902, 200K)

Attached: kaizen.jpg (236x173, 15K)

Attached: ready.jpg (700x420, 201K)

Attached: lifelessons.jpg (1000x1250, 134K)

Attached: physicalmentalhealth.jpg (736x1840, 214K)

Attached: motivationcycle.jpg (736x488, 57K)

Attached: step.jpg (500x750, 82K)

Fuck you and you spiritual crap. Get aborted you piece of subhuman shit.