How did this guy get so rich?

>Doesn't sing
>Doesn't act
>Doesn't dance or have tits/ass
How tf did he get so rich? All he does is be a stingy judge on Brits gof talenf.

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He wrote the theme song to power rangers, so he's probably a trililionaire tbqh

>only 3 things can get you famous
>t. brainlet

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>the Gordon Ramsay of music

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He produced some faggy boy bands

He played the system of media consuming morons.

Pic related

How did this asshole get so rich?

All he does is talk into a microphone.
Telling shit jokes and talking about triangle chokes.
I mean wtf?

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Rogan is probably pretty rich, but he's pretty normal by YouTube rich standards. He's not as rich as Logan paul or pewdiepie. And despite him being a Dud, he does have interesting guests and conversations.

He is worth 10-20 million.

>he does have interesting guests and conversations.
That is all he has.
He has no real talents or ever work a real job.

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his dad was connected to music industry

Every. Single. Time.

Simple as.
Nuff said

he used to be an actor in the 90's, zoomfag.

He was the host of "Xfactor"? or something before youtube, back in the 2000's where it was entertaining to watch people eat bulls testicles on TV.

by being a boomer and probably by sucking dicks at some point

> never seen a rogan side kick split a heavy bag

He is a music executive. He started out in a band himself, and then transitioned to a production/executive role. He was always a bit of a straight forward dick so when they were putting the orig tv show together they saw him as a good fit for one of the roles. You know the rest. And TV money, is huge. He then gets producer creds for those as well and even more of the cash now that he is wearing more than one hat per show..and it just compounds from there. AI,BGT,AGT..and all the other country adaptations he gets a piece of. Huge fucking money.

Joe Rogan couldn't pay the ticket price to sit at Simon's table. Different leagues.

He was a pro-wrestler ya know

hi simon

Fear factor

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ROLF yeah in what?
And even an actor =/= real job you fuck wit.

Wow that is really useful in the real world.
You stupid hick.

He sold people's miserable asses back to them. Next level kikery.

Fear Factor

Yeah what a contribution that show was to the world.
So much more than an open heart surgeon.
gtfo weekend kidfag