
I've been hearing this word around a lot. Obviously, the world is in decline--I'm not denying that. What I don't know is what could actually cause a rapid, catastrophic, apocalyptic collapse. Basically give me reasons why pic related won't become reality. To me, it seems like the current paradigm is just too slow and lethargic and globalized to really fall. What could stop the elites from continuing to plunder us into oblivion?

One I hear a lot is civil war. But civil war over what? And who is actually going to leave their comfort to fight in the modern age? No one, honestly. At least, not until it gets a lot worse.

Another I hear of is dollar/general economic collapse. This could happen, but it's unpredictable for one thing. For another thing it probably won't bring the elites down. Their banks will be bailed out. Their corporations will be subsidized. And it will be business as usual. Only now you'll be unemployed.

Convince me we won't turn into Brazil slowly. Because I don't see a reason for us to not.

Attached: thecollapse.jpg (1536x817, 396K)

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No you are right. It’s just people want to live with a convienient delusion that someday everything will change.

It's already be happening for years

Yes, but what reason is there for it to not simply continue for the long term?

Bump for interest.

Attached: 18318596.jpg (720x877, 64K)

>For another thing it probably won't bring the elites down. Their banks will be bailed out. Their corporations will be subsidized. And it will be business as usual.

This is good for bitcoin.

“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”.

It will continue, but not necessarily for as far as the pic suggests. Whites have a shorter tipping point than mystery meat bugmen

Nothing will ever happen until the (((industrial-military complex))) will decide that it's time for some war profits.
Pentagon spooks already decided that the next world war will be USA&allies against China and Russia.
The question is: when will we know that the fuse has been lit?

>Nothing will ever happen until the (((industrial-military complex))) will decide that it's time for some war profits.
That's an unfortunately narrowminded prediction. Anything can go wrong at any time. Nothing is in full control of anyone.

>Pentagon spooks already decided that the next world war will be USA&allies against China and Russia.
It takes more than pentagon's dmt orgies to decide this.

>The question is: when will we know that the fuse has been lit?
If you have to ask, it hasn't been lit.

may 10th 2019
that's when the 4 dark wizards will make their move
take care anons

Attached: ksolarindex911.png (673x481, 9K)