Why do you racist incels hate people of colour and women so much? Is it because you were bullied by one perhaps...

Why do you racist incels hate people of colour and women so much? Is it because you were bullied by one perhaps? hahahahaha And why do you hate jews so much too? That is actually really cringe. imagine being racist for no reason. Get off your chair and go outside and actually breathe in fresh air instead of the expired air in your bedroom and make friends you pathetic incels

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Other urls found in this thread:


>that’s really cringe

Fake and gay, Mohammed.

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What is fake and gay? Perhaps you? You are probably gay yourself since you hate gay people so much. Cmon bro come out the closet. Its 2019.


Yes, Ivan. You are an incel. Go outside.

Why are you so easy to make stereotypes based on minor opinions of people or stereotype an entire board when doing so would be boardist?

Imagine defending the Talmud in 2019 you right-wing religious extremist.


Did the Jews ever crucify anyone for calling out their crimes?

god doesnt exist retard

Very anti-semitic, goy. Arguing against the Talmud.

imagine acting jewish because u think all jews are le epic bad....yikes....yup..ur cringe

>Did the Jews ever crucify anyone for calling out their crimes?

You have to be over 18 to post here.

hello nazi

The closest thing I ever had to a bully was an Italian. Coloured people actively make our countries worse, if only you could see. Women have by and large rejected morality. Jews killed Jesus and have been playing the victims ever since. I'm not racist for no reason. Every time I go outside I see more mexicans.

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you havent bullied anyone incel

I know you thought it'd be fun coming from reddit to "le epic troll the nazis xDD" but once you visit Jow Forums there's no leaving. Welcome to the club.

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Are you advocating for bullying?

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but mexicans are christian

I was already a nazi here lmao. I used to hate blacks and jews. I never showered and i never went outside for a year and a half. Then something clicked inside me to force myself and try to make an effort. Now I have a job and a decent girlfriend. What have you done with your life you retard?

if its incels like you then yeah

if the skin is white, then your white retard.

I'll take the bait
Since I'm a person of color, let me answer you.
I don't gice a fuck about people being racist since in India we hate each other more than a Jow Forums hate niggers and jews, this fucking generation needs to grow a pair and man up. I hate niggers cause they are damn annoying and have done nothing to be productive to society, I hate kikes for being leeches. Also using "incel" means you need to go back.

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Can you really see Jews as human after you have understood their genetic character? They pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics.

A poetic justification for eradicating Jews down to the last child, is that contact with them destroyed perhaps a billion instances of the expression of love between virgins getting married for life.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else. The second half of the 20th century demonstrates the need for Jewish extermination.

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It doesnt matter if you are a person of color. You can still be racist towards, asians, blacks, etc. And blacks actually have been prodcutive to society. Look up black inventions. They the yellow light in-between traffic lights. And basically air conditioners.

all whites

No they dont incel.

cba reading all of that

nice pic you have there op.no that u've done posting go back and masturbate with anime porn.we all kow why you are here..

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ur pic is the truth. Trump is a racist.

There is no such thing as an incel, only volcels.
>Oi, do you got a license for that Aqua?

>and that's a good thing!

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what the fuck is a volcel

holy shit trump is a confirmed racist

u keked my dick hard

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Nah im pretty sure racist means that you are against a certain kind of race. I just searched up the meaning

also islam is not A RACE

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Yeah, I know that. It's a religion.

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Those compliments will get you nowhere also sage britbong

You do know that the majority of muslims are actually peaceful, right? Only a minority of muslims want to behead people who insult islam.

>I just searched up the meaning
Right, because Google never changes definitions to fit the narrative.

If they did that they would get sued retard


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like bin laden,the piecemaker

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That is literally in another country where islam is in it's most barbaric state, and thus that is where the minority of radical extremists operate.

How are you this painstakingly unfunny?

Again. Bin laden was a leader of a terrorist group that originated in a place where again, as I said before, where islam is in it's most barbaric state, because of the environment it is in. Those fake believers of islam killed basically over 3,000 people to prove to their "god" how good they are. When in reality they are literally killing people for no good reason. This is just getting boring now with you ignorant incels.

islam was made to make people radical...and that's just what it is

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why do trannies post so much anime

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I don't get what you are proving with this picture. Just because a Muslim man who probably went on a psychotic episode and murdered his wife, that means that all Muslims are bad? There are plenty of white people that beheaded their loved ones and they might even be Christian's. Does that mean all Christian's are the same?

Not even a tranny. Just posted that picture to piss incel's off because I know it upset's them.

I used to be the "never judge based on skin" type. They I worked my first warehouse job. Every single spic piece of shit that worked there refused to speak English unless they absolutely had to, would always talk shit about me thinking I don't know a word they're saying, would consistently fuck off whenever possible, and so much more. Ever since I've payed more attention to how others act, and the more I see the more disgusted I get.
I don't hate them because of arbitrary cosmetic characteristics. I hate them because of how they act.

As much as I would like that to be true I'm going to need a citation.

do you even know what quaran is talking about.Half of the quaran is preaching muslims to kill,torture all the other infidels (those who don't believe islam).If you are not familiar with what the quaran says and what is the beliefs of a muslim that is living near you what's the point of argument.You don't have a clue about islam,why diffent something that was made to kill you?do you see diversity in the picture....i see thousand of muslims here,no british

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Well, it was only those couple of mexican's that talked shit to you that way. They were probably racist and singled you out because you were (I presume) the only white person there. Just because you had a bad encounter with people of colour doesn't mean that ALL of them are bad people. I used to think the same too. I hated blacks and mexican's and I always wanted to kill one. Literally. I always thought that they were a plague on western society and etc etc. Then I started to goto improve your life threads and shit like that. And slowly but surely I have actually recovered. I still have some social issues but I actually do appreciate life more and I don't really have any issues with people unless they start shit first.

So does the bible. Literally every single book in existance was created in a time where if you were gay or if you didnt conform to that religion you would be killed. But that doesn't mean that every christian or muslim today starts to kill people based on that.

And by british people I assume white people? Yes. That is because islam is a ethnically POC religion. It started in the middle east. By the way Muslim isn't a race. It's a religion. I am sure more than half of them are ethnically british.

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Your bait is cringe bong

My "Bait" Is cringe because I am actually arguing against your incelic ways?

word racist exist before trotsky but it had a different meaning than the today 'racist'
he terms racist and racism have a long and storied history that predate Trotsky himself. ‘Raciste’ and ‘racisme’ crop up regularly in the works of late-19th and early-20th century French agitators, while their English language counterparts first appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1902.

Of course, at the time, these words were predominately used to refer to (a) the pseudo-scientific classification of human beings into distinct races, (b) the supposed hierarchies that result from those distinctions, and (c) the scientific and/or moral righteousness of white racial superiority.trotsky gave the today meaning in this writting ,so he basically change the whole meaning of the word.This word today is using trotsky beliefs marxists.org/archive/trotsky/germany/1933/330610.htm

Define incelic ways for me. I dont hate pocs but i am anti religion and against mass migration

because me being racist/sexist increases my darwinian fitness
learn what evolution is

I literally did 5 minutes of research and it turns out that A Brigadier General by the name of "Richard Henry Pratt" Was actually the first person to use the term "racism". And it literally had the same meaning as today and back then dude. Stop being blackpilled.

"of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.” — Richard Henry Pratt

His comment was in regards to the genocide of Native americans.

1902 predates Trotsky's comments on racism.


learn what evolution is

All countries with majority Islam end up like that.

I know what evolution is but I do not know what you hint at by that. Dunno why you are racist and sexist incel. I know you dont do any fitness you fat retard

how can you even know that?

>Destroy all abrahamic religions and erase history

I fixed the world for you

>The bible
>The old testament
>the tal mud (modified)
>the Jewish holy book
Opinion discarded.

Doesn't even fucking matter. Literally every one of those books probably has a text someone that says "Kill X because of X" Your "Opinion" Is so shit."


Je suis Charlie.

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You forgot the plently of white and asian terrorists too. Oh wait those dont fit on your le epic all muslims are terrorists quota.

you live in a buble and do not whant to face reality and what is coming.this muslim invasion is programmed,it didn't happend for no reason.They want to replace us all in europe.When you import many low iq (as we don't have in europe enough low iq whities) fanatic religious people in a more civilazed and technologically advanced country you automaticly downgrade poor /middle class people of your country .That is unacceptable by any means.Would the wanna be rebels in syria could achive anything without the backup of usa,france,germany,uk?We all no the answer...fuck no.Why should i take in my country people from pakistan?is pakistan in an actual war with other nation?No...why should i take pakistanes while pakistan goverment throw every year some billions for nuclear defence?how asked me about that?none...if you think that these rats in the pivrute (the 'rebels') was funded to make a war with syria regme for no apparent reason,well enjoy the polluted air in all european citiesr but it wont last gor long

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Common sense.

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an average muslim rat who killed many innocent people is enjoyin life in germany....lokk at this guy...he was cutting heads in syria....who is this acceptable?how could you feel safe with a goverment that fund a rat like that do his shit in syria and then throwing him in germany to live a 'normal' life?

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>Work retail, consistently outside due to my job
>Constantly exposed to fuckwitts of all nature due to being in Western Sydney
If anything I've become more hateful because of my job because I see the shit people do. I'm fully exposed to the selfishness and laziness of the average individual, entitlement included.

Never been bullied by minorities, but women have been very emotionally abusive, with or without intention. That's mostly because the only power they have over people is social stature, and they can exploit their position within the sexes to be very condescending/patronizing/manipulative.

Need one like this about britbongs being paki shitskins

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>Not all nazis kill jews therefore they are not bad
Islam is a threat to humanity and crying won't change that

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I am facing reality and they literally dont want to replace us. They want to come over here to live for a better life. Yes. Some terrorists might sneak through and they plan terrorist attacks there. But you cannot disagree that the majority simply want a better life.

read above.

source: your ass

Because retard they might not even have known that he was in isis at one point. And I agree with you. I don't feel safe at all with him in the country and he should be deported. And I doubt they are funding him.

Again read a post that I have made like 10 posts up.

I'm actually white. But I'm a paki shitskin just because I disagree with your shit opinions? Okay bro.

How is it a threat?


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Ah yes. Le epic bait because i cant think of an argument in my sub 10 iq brain

DARWINIAN fitness, you literal nigger woman person

no idea what that is

*schlop schlop schlop*

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dumb aquaposter.

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