I met this guy at my math call a while ago and I feel like he’s somewhat fancies me

> I met this guy at my math call a while ago and I feel like he’s somewhat fancies me
> I like all the Pokémon related stuff and he knows about it, we used to talk a lot about that
> somehow I discovered from common friends that he’s getting me pic related and ALREADY did a pre order
> I do not want to owe him with such a sum of money and rather buy a thing myself
> at another hand I feel it might break his heart and put into a dumb position if I get it myself

What do, Jow Forums?

Attached: 2FD4890F-7B85-416C-83CA-EBFAF0D85097.jpg (1500x1500, 189K)


Tell him you feel uncomfortable accepting it as a gift. Itll be ok he can just sell it

if you were going to buy it anyways you should do so now. cut this weirdness off at the pass

Yeah. He expect things to develop romantically between you and he hopes buying you expensive shit that you like he can hold you emotionally hostage. How nice of him.
Snark aside; you really should talk to him that buying stuff for you is uncomfortable as you don’t know where you guys stand. Sooner is better than later.

Tell him you only enjoy his company as a friend. Congrats on having a soul and not using him. I wish I could find a woman like you

Most are fake

Tell him not to worry about the gameboy thing

Pic related the guy giving you advice

Attached: 20190710_202933.jpg (2560x1920, 846K)

You should be 18 to post here you know.

I don’t have a soul, I’m just too proud.


cool hair bro. sucks that sexism is a turn off for me though

Is right. His snark is right

You could USE him, but choose not to. Congrats yo....im impressed


While I agree that he thinks you're reward him with being his girlfriend if he buys you an expensive gift, learning how to accept love (accept gifts, compliments, attention) is an important emotional skill you have to learn as an adult. If there's a universe where you think it's just a benign gift between friends, stop thinking of it as if you're going into debt by being given it.

I view everyone as my superior because I learn from them

The last thing I want is for someone to think I'm better than them. Idk how I'm sexist, but I hope you're having a nice day

And thanks

- aside from some nasty connotations, he’s sweetest guys, this action of him is really sweet and I don’t want to do that to him
- the thing I should mention first actually is that I’m moving out before November which means I’m not getting a thing anyways. Hope you lowered your evaluation of me, I could use him, it’s just not suitable.

Blah I'll never get married

He needs to learn this valuable life lesson. Just take the gameboy before you leave. Can't buy love.

You're doing him a favor

> If there's a universe where you think it's just a benign gift between friends, stop thinking of it as if you're going into debt by being given it.
Didn’t get your point sorry. Idk I guess I’m not receiving it anyways, he just did what he did without considering what situation I am in.
Please do not reply to them.

Realistically I'm not meeting him. Please, let's be real. Plus I have to explain my parents (I yet live with them) how I get 200 bucks worthy gift from somene I barely know.

At the end of the day the only person you need to justify things to is yourself

Its just a nintendo

Just ask him on date and accept the gift.


Sweet Jew hook nose


I don’t think it’s possible taking into account my situation.

UPDATE: turns out he has an actual gf which makes spending money on gifts for me even weirder.

oh nice, then you're the lover... you either feel some self-respect and cut his shit, or take advantage, but do know that that would be a scummy thing.

agree with user. buy now stop this shit now

Hate I need to even say this but you accept the gift he will have hope something will happen and then you will have to parry constantly to keep him away. Why do that when he might flip the fuck out and saw your head off with a hunting knife.

actually makes this whole shit show worse. Walk the fuck away from this.