US population predicted to be LESS THAN 100M in LESS THAN 5 years???

US population predicted to be LESS THAN 100M in LESS THAN 5 years???

What the hell is happening?

Attached: Screenshot_279.png (907x381, 45K)

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they gunna get bruh'd

Boomers dying off. Zoomers not breeding.

Third of US is boomers?

The whites are, yes.

>30m being illegal beaners and their progeny

Attached: 1553039880403.jpg (265x324, 20K)

Americans need more migrants

In five years?

According to that website the global financial system will crash. The U.S. is full of bubbles so we will be fucked worse then others. All the young people will leave the country and the old people will die. Then China will be the new U.S. of the world. But it seems like they've been saying that stuff forever.

US consumes 40% of the worlds resources. thats a huge problem for globalist, aka freemasons. so they need to keep the world in check.

Attached: fema coffins.jpg (1280x720, 45K)