since 11-09-2011 there have been 31.221 islamic terror attacks resulting in 146.811 deaths not counting the acid facewashes
>wir schaffen das
German newspaper makes list of islamic terror since 9/11
WELT is a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic newspaper written by angry old white cis-men.
1 jew dead.
leaf tier
Can't you do any better than this?
Well it's exactly what a deranged leftist would say, isn't it?
Why 9/11 2011?
146,811 deaths.
Wow. Are they counting ISIS war crimes?
It's none of these things. They have no problem with the state of Germany, all they want is more wars for Israel. They love the degneracy, infact their frontpage is always full of homosexual and transgender praising crap.
They are the absolute worst of the worst. Germany would literally getting nothing out of what they stand for.
how many of those happened in the Western world (NA, North, South, Central and Western Europe, Australia/NZ)
protip: it's ~3.500 deaths, spread out over almost two decades, across an area inhabited by 800+ million people. for reference in the past decade US police alone killed more people. there have been more homicides in Chicago in the past five years, and so on. putting 9/11 aside, as a singular incident, there have been less than 650 deaths caused by this form of terrorism, lower than the 829 people killed by ETA in Spain (over a 50 year period) or ~1800 people killed by IRA during its active terrorism campaign.
But you gotta be more deranged, to honor Krautism
Are there any good german right-wing news?
your math is wrong faggot. 9/11 alone was around 3000 deaths.
And shall we also count the high count of rapes by muslims against non muslims, robberies, normal murder, violence etc? The list only counts terror attacks with more than 18 deaths.
>your math is wrong faggot.
I know that 2996 people lost their lives during 9/11. All islamic terrorism related deaths since 9/11 add up to no more than 650 people (the numbers vary due to varying methodologies like whether to count a certain incident as terrorist attack or mass shooting, whether to count the attackers towards the death toll, etc.)
you're free to prove me wrong, but please do so in memearrow format instead of coping out by posting an unfiltered list, or Jow Forums infographic and accompanying it with the instruction to *look it up*
>And shall we also count the high count of rapes by muslims against non muslims, robberies, normal murder, violence etc?
why should we count this relatively ordinary criminality towards terrorism related deaths? are we gonna count every time an IRA member punched someone? do you really want to open a can of worms that is, say, the war crimes committed by Canadian, Belgian, US soldiers attached to UNOSOM?
yes open that can of worms stupid faggot. All those soldiers lost their lives being told they were fighting for the freedoms of those muslims, after being invited by their leaders most of the time.
>german right-wing news
>right-wing news
Daily reminder that islam has nothing to do with islam. Islam is a religion of peace.
fuck off easily triggered faggot.
>german right-wing news
i've got bad news user
Germany isn't that cucked. Come on there must be something. A blog maybe?
the List is being made and every name is worth a sacrifice. Let them reap what they have sown.
Why are you lying so hard kike.Islam is evil read it easy to do.
Why don't you read that newspaper tomorrow and tell us how wrong you were?