What if God is actually a malevolent entity and fully supports the Jews in their subversion and destruction of all other people?
What if God is actually a malevolent entity and fully supports the Jews in their subversion and destruction of all...
>fully supports the Jews in their subversion and destruction of all other people
Take your meds, schizo
take your meds schizo
He doesn't, read the bible
Better ask him about it.
If God truly cared about us he would have struck the jews down after 9/11
Sit down, my mutt friend, let me tell you a story of things that once were... In the past, there were these objects of paper and binding known as books, they had the answers to all manner of questions. Then came the talking picture box and the facegram square which led man astray. These objects can still be found for a price, but you must learn to read them.
IT is. And IT condemned you to this struggle.
That's a pretty twisted interpretation of the truth. Maybe you should start a serpent cult.
Satan is not god.
Look into which version of the bible started claiming that jews are gods chosen people.