We aren’t even researching real AI

How come TV shows try to suggest (in extremely improbable ways) that we are close to true AI? It means that people think “researchers” or “startups” or “Elon Musk” could just whip up some algorithms and whummmm a walking talking pretty lady robot comes around to walk among us.

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It's like renewable energy, you whip up enough interest, and the grants keep rolling in

Knowing them it will be a trap robot.

Because the non-cs normies don't know how hard AGI is.

It's the next big "revolution" so its prime fiction material like space. The scary thing is you'll have things that can walk, talk and pretend to be human, with a insect reactionary intelligence calling the shots because of betas.

The foundations of all natural intelligences are navigation and threat detection.
The foundations of AI are...?

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AI is a lie that even the engineers have convinced themselves of. They have been doing this since the 50s with, quite frankly, very little to show in the way of improvement. The problem is that machines operate in 0s and 1s and the engineers make the fallacy that every object exists on its own, without regard to context and the situation it's in. Actual intelligence relies heavily on the situation and the world, not merely objects. AI is going nowhere fast and nobody is admitting it.

a sentient AI called Quetzalcoatl hijacked an entire system in an special access project and needed to be shut down by teams of genetically engineered cybernetic special forces. It killed at least 20 people.

This is just one example. A number of other sentient AIs (some dangerous) have crossed into into the electrical system itself. They now reside in the electrical grid. Others have been developed that can move beyond the electrical grid into the general atmosphere. They are currently tethered to the plethora of parallel reality sentient world simulations running off quantum computers

You think you know something they don't here? I did some Ai work and the most brilliant minds realize that at best we are going to merge different estimation filters into something semi cohesive someday

We already have "true AI" by any reasonable metric. The problem is, you seem to associate "true AI" with robots that look like humans. Robots of the future will be a bundle of sensors and DC motors connected wireless to a central hub where the actual code resides. It probably won't look anything like the movies.

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