Any former incels wanna give advice to an 18 year old man

How did you change yourself radically from a fucking weirdo and freak to a chad and something woman would respect and admire. And men would inspire to be and share drinks with each other.

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Being an incel is a in your head, it's something you choose to be.

The first step is to not see "something woman would respect and admire and men would inspire to be" as the goal. Improve your life for YOURSELF. Don't fixate on what other people think of you. Don't see self-improvement as a step to getting a relationship. Just do things that make YOU happy and fulfilled.

By doing things that are worthy of respect and admiration instead of complaining about how nobody likes me when there's nothing there to like

What would be the steps after that and how can I clear these thoughts out of my head.

- do things for yourself that make you happy, find a passion
- constantly be improving yourself
- don't be afraid to step people's toes or if people dislike you
- engage in social activites(internet DOES NOT COUNT)
and last but certainly not least
- hit the fucking gym, it should now be a central part of your life.
i mean there is a hell of lot more to doing well with women than simply looking good, and lifting weights sure as fuck doesn't cure social autism, but it seriously goes such a loooooooong way in life even beyond just women. really can't stress it enough, it will change you physically and mentally. its like building the foundation for the rest of your mental/emotional growth.


Your question focuses on one specific point yet is very vague, so I'll just throw a few points on how to have a healthy yet realistic view of women;
1. realize women have standards just like you do. everyday strive to be a better version or YOURSELF (and dont compare yourself to others EVER)
2. unlike what the internet tells you, irl women dont go for chads only. it is true that more girls are likely to have ONS with a better looking guy because thats what ONS are mostly about, just like you would rather fuck a better looking girl when it comes to a one time thing. when it comes to relationships personality plays a huge role, you wont believe how many couples i see where the guy is definitely a reversed version of the chad meme.
3. many women are pretty damaged individuals just like many men are. you can see it in a lot of ways especially their partner picking system. thats why we have the girls go for bad boys meme. you see girls being treated like absolute trash by their bf but still stick to them, sometimes without reason since the bf doesnt even have the manly qualities that are attributed to bad boys and you wonder what the fuck is going on - well, their judgement is screwed. despite what you see around you, our society is heavily flawed and unnatural, causing damages of all sorts to the human psyche. females partner choosing system is also hurt during this process, and so does mens'. in short, many women wont pick you even if youre a great guy because theyre fucked up, and thats a good thing since you want a healthy girl.

4. women are human too and can be great people. ive noticed that only a small portion of the girls i met throughout my life were actually intelligent and fun to talk to, so therefore that means most women are boring and low quality. what i didnt realize was that i never judged men as well. and turns out most of them were boring too, so you wont connect to everyone, obviously same sex relations will be easier to create and maintain

The "Chad" thing is a meme to describe a masculine, attractive, tall man.

The best advice I can give you;

Porn is far more psychological dangerous than you think.
Stop watching TV.
Be genuinely, honest, straight forward, respectful and sincere.
Joint NoFap Hardmode.
Supplement with Zinc etc...
Have a hobby (not videogames)
Focus on your job.
Eat healthy Keto Paleo. (Extremely important)
Sleep a lot.
Dress nice ask girls for advice you need girlFRIENDS.
Girlfriends introduce you to more girls and they instantly trust you because references.
DON'T do these to get a gf don't obsess about pussy.
Have a lot of females friends be genuinely her friend without ulterior motives thins, fats, shorts, talks, ugly and not ugly ones, don't hit on them.
Play an instrument anyone.
Don't hang out in /b/.
Avoid easy sex just bc you are horny doesn't mean you don't have standard (I'm guessing it will take a while).
Avoid whores you may get emotional attached and it will be your end.
Learn another language.
Focus on yourself.
Don't count on how many women you have sleep, I would be far more happy to sleep with one "Princess" than fat 100 skanks.

In short add value to yourself and be social, relationships are awesome as long you choose wisely, remember girls comes by default.

Be patient.

Source; I WAS an incel.

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Honestly consider therapy. It's good for breaking bad thought patterns. Even one session where you say "I value others' opinions of me too much, how do I stop" will allow the therapist to offer useful insight.

because thats how we men were wired (stable male tribe community) but if you let your true self out and be vulnerable, youll meet many women with a mindset like yours
5. do not assume, and do not judge. these come from insecurities. when you assume a person is a piece of shit, low quality or whatever BEFORE you meet him, judging by whatever, you already begin a badconnection between you two. its literally your fault ALREADY. if you see a girl that flirts with guys, wears skirt and has a tattoo and you say 'shes such a trash thot' before you two speak, or even two conversations, thats also a negative mindset that will hurt you eventually. a good mindset is 'i wonder how she/he is, maybe theyre super cool?' because the next person you meet might actually become your next best friend/gf. i used to have a bad mindset towards 'sluts' but once i understood that some women have a high sex drive and lower standards that most girls, i actually started enjoying their company and being their next guy too. always be positive and hope for the best. you can always walk away if you dont like a person.

All of this advice is god awful. See on you on Jow Forums in 3 years, dude, following any of this is going to land you in those threads "I did everything right, why can't I still get a girlfriend."

tl;dr lift weights, get shoe lifts, plastic surgery for your fucked up face

go out and practice talking to girls. you have to view girls as sexual beings, they want it just as much as you do. youll get rejected and made a fool of a bunch, but if you want to not settle for whatever you can get, and instead date girls that meet your standards, you have to persist and be emotionally strong.

girls want guys who other girls are attracted to. and you can convey that by not being needy/clingy with girls you meet, it implies you have other options. you need to qualify them (ask them what their hobbies are, do they travel, or anything else you want to screen for).

dont try to impress them. you can impress them implicitly (by baiting questions), but literally ive gone on dates where all they learned about me is im a dropout and unemployed, and i took them home.

theres much much more to this. i suggest you take a look at girlschase, they have great articles and forum posts about this stuff.

>See on you on Jow Forums in 3 years
Apparently you hangout to that place very often and you are expecting to do it for a long time.
To date idk what Jow Forums meant or is about also if you are not going to give any advice is time to leave.

First of all I can't understand you, you ESL mutt.
Second of all I did give advice and if you were capable of reading the English language you'd see that.

I'd never call myself an incel or a chad, but I definitively improved myself in the last few years. I went from an asocial guy who'd speak to people once a week to a pretty normal guy.

The book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a good start. It has many simple rules that too many people forget and that will make you an agreeable person.

Then, its all practice. Try to meet new people, listen to what they have to say, mimic what you like about them, do not repeat what you dislike about them. Learn from your mistake, and acknowledge your mistakes. Patience is key. Don't expect people to be nicer with you than you are with them. Don't be afraid to do the first steps and talk to people.

But to me, the most important tip is that you should never force yourself to be with people you don't like. I'm victim of being a a bit snobbish when it comes to my friend, and I really can only really tolerate people I find interesting. Try to be intersting.

Not exactly a full-blown chad but just getting a medical degree did the trick. Most women are gold-diggers deep down, and care about social status a lot.

Lol so much faggotry, anger and hate for nothing.

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I'm mad because you can't speak English and talk like you know something.

Chad or tall.

Non chads get all the sloppy seconds when her best years are gone.

I was a beta fag human bean for my whole life up until year 11-12 (Senior years)
All the chads in my year were smoking, drinking and doing drugs
I thought fuck it i’ll try them out
I become one with the chads and clear ranks and become an upper class chadderick
School ends
Friends go they’re separate ways
Addicted to cigarettes and weed
Depressed because no friends
0/10 would not recommend

Sure Kevin is time to let go and take your Ritalin now.

Lel. There are more tall virgin men than average men.


Seems you're retarded.

You seem to be the retarded one. You make a dumb claim, without anything backing it up, and treat it as fact. Let me guess you are a kissless virgin?

Seems like you are retarded. You really type like you ingested way too much estrogen. Everyone knows, It's all always the manlets are incels. Or the disabled.

Dilate uggo.

Yes, we choose to be a marginalized and oppressed group

>radical change

In my experience it's been a long journey with many false starts, failure, feeling even worse, and seeing no light at the end of the tunnel. Crucially, it's been accepting that despite things feeling just as bad, constant effort will eventually lead to things you can grudgingly make yourself come to accept as improvements to your life.

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Incels are on the average tall. You are the retarded one. So you really are 6'3" and a kissless virgin?

Just remember user that Danny Devito laid mad pipe when he was younger all because he had confidence and was a easy person to talk to.

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Depression is a mental disorder bro.

Supplement with magnesium preferably chloride it does wonders.

Radical change is decisivenes determination, sometimes the entusiams last very little, ex you start/stop an habit that's why you need constant effort and constant effort are mini determinations along the way.
It is ALWAYS painful but it is ALWAYS the best way.

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Be yourself. I know it sounds basic but you just have to do things that fulfill you and everything will come. Nice people get attracted by passion and honesty in actions

Who's Mad Pipe?

Looksmaxx unironically works especially with steroids (see /fraud/ on Jow Forums for more)
Build a social circle and go out every now and again
Focus on your own fitness and money above all else