This may sound weird, but I got ghosted by a long time gf, who became long distance in our last few months...

This may sound weird, but I got ghosted by a long time gf, who became long distance in our last few months. We dated for 3 years. She ghosted me for 2 months, and I just wanna get closure. She blocked me on everything. Should I make a toon account and go off on her?

I know I should let it go but I wanna tell her how it made me feel.

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Sure go for it but be aware that you will seem like a creep
Also, why waste time on someone who didnt even bother breaking up?

This is the thought stopping me, but shit ill never see her again and I need her to know that was dirty to do.

she. won't. care. she'll likely have a laugh at you more than anything else, i guarantee she moved on ages ago


>she. won't. care.
then if it'll make OP feel better, why not?
and yes, she will care. You don't date someone for 3 years, drop all contact randomly and not feel regret unless you're a certified sociopath.

That's what I wanna hear, thanks bro. I just keep thinking about her and I'm pissed finding a new chick is hard.

beware if she takes a screen of your messages and posts elsewhere saying what a creep you are

That's true too. hmm

Take screenshots about what a ghosting cunt she is.

Messaged her with fake name, she said Do I know you?

i highly doubt it will, most likely he will look back with extreme embarrassment in a few years. and yeah people do that all the time, her ghosting him out of nowhere is all we need to know on the matter.
i hear ya man. just keep putting yourself out there and things will turn around. once you get some success going again, this chick won't be a thought in your mind

>most likely he will look back with extreme embarrassment in a few years
I have never once regretted letting someone know my feelings. If he feels betrayed and abandoned, her feelings on the matter stopped being relevant the second she ghosted him. He will feel better for getting it off his chest and she's just going to block him again so they can both just go on living their lives. It's a win-win as long as he's not blackmailing her with nudes or threatening her. She deserves to know how much she hurt him.

no sorry, that is sperg logic. neither you nor OP are special, nobody deserves to have another be some sort of emotional sponge. the "deserves to know how much she hurt him" is just a rationalization to get her to pay attention to him again. this is naive entitlement.

I wanna just say. " I want you to know you hurt me." Then just delete the account after it says she read it or something.

Now all I have left are the nudes.

What if it stops her from doing it to others.

>just a rationalization to get her to pay attention to him again
it's really not, clearly you've never been on the receiving end up a bad breakup because you would know exactly how OP feels. It's about closure, exactly as he stated. He doesn't want her attention or particularly to hurt her or to get back with her, he just had an emotional connection that was never properly severed. It's like never getting to say goodbye to your grandfather or childhood friend before he moves away. It sticks with you and it hurts if you have it in your power to speak up, take the opportunity.

nothing at all, whether he messages her or not. he is irrelevant in terms of her future actions.

taking screenshots is petty overall, but also is something one needs to be ready for


I did the same thing, long distance and for a year. When she just ghosted me I didn't know what the hell happened from the last time we saw each other and just went nuts trying to contact her.

Don't do it, it's not worth it and will hurt more in the end.
It's gonna be hard but try to just forget about her existence.

I really feel spite reading "she ghosted me out of nowhere". It's never fucking out of nowhere, there have always been multiple warning signs that probably had been brought up to you multiple times that you chose to ignore, until the other person couldn't take it anymore and chose to block you and save their own mental health/go take some healthier dick. Don't write to her anymore. Leave her in peace. Go fuck someone else, there's three billion pussies on earth

my guess is the warning sign was that they both went to different colleges

Yeah, was a warning sign, me coming over a week before she ghosted to help her build some shit in her back yard. Then she tells me how much she loves me.