Since when is having no friends a "red flag" in dating and a red flag for what?

Since when is having no friends a "red flag" in dating and a red flag for what?

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Bad social skills. Like can’t talk to cashier or even take a serious call. And if you have no friends it’s a good cjance no one likes you, for good reason. Bog red flag if you trying to figure out if the person you’re dating is sorta normal and not a loser psycho. Lots of reasons, list goes on.

What if i dont want friends i have no friends by choice? I only want a girlfriend n

Why do girls care if a guy has friends if they don't let him hang out with them anyway?

I wish i had a possessive gf like that...

Because it’s like an amazon review. Lots of people can tolerate this guy so he must be decent.

If you have a girlfriend that’s already a huge bonus. Another woman already shown he is boyfriend material.

And the ultimate guarantee of quality is being married.

Those girls are cunts, not every girl represent all other girls.

You do you, I’m not saying it’s wrong. People live like this, it’s just harder to find a partner that’s into this. You have to find a major introvert who also happens to enjoy the company of you.

Since the dawn of human history.

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I have no friends. I'll list my reasons...
1. My girlfriend and I have a NO DRAMA pact. This means neither of us is interested in making friends, because everytime we tried (before we met each other), it only led to drama as our friends would invariably fuck us over or fuck each other over. Monogamous relationships are hard enough without other people butting in all the time and telling you how you should be in your relationship with your significant other.
2. Friends got married, moved, etc. or just didn't have time due to kids, responsibilities, etc.
3. Friends refused to grow up. Kept partying, using drugs, etc.
4. Etc.

Basically friendship is a farcical social construct based on the false idea that people in general are worth a shit.

Genuine friends are rare and most "friendships" last a year at most. I don't have time to waste on a pointless popularity contest with people who treat friends as disposable or like collectible baseball cards.

Facebookers and such are the absolute worst when it comes to shit like this.

To me, being friendless isn't a red flag. To me, being emotionally codependent on friends is a GIGANTIC red flag and most extroverts are the most insecure, codependent retards you'll ever meet.

that sounds like something that a GIRL would say... FEM user!

seconding this. the only thing an acquaintance from highschool got from having tons of friends is having the honor to drive them all around, for free, wherever they asked her to, and she always said yes because muh friendz (while sometimes complaining about it to me). doesn't sound like a good priority to have desu.

This kind of crap is why I focus on my girlfriend and my family. I'd like to get pets, but landlord isn't ok with pets and I won't bitch, because my rent is only 600, while everyone else pays at least 1000 in my neighborhood.

>I only want a girlfriend
This is kind of a bad sign as it shows you don't understand that it very much still involves a social element to have a girlfriend.
Despite this, you claim you have no friends 'by choice...' so why would anyone think you genuinely want a partner, instead of just some pussy to smash? The evidence isn't exactly stacked in your favour.

Since always.
It's almost always a sign that you're unpleasant to be with, or too much of a douche for people to stick around.

No it doesn't, you codependent retard. I personally have no desire for or need of friends. Read above.

If you have no friends, you have no social skills. If you have no social skills, why would a girl wanna be with you?

>I personally have no desire for or need of friends
And there is the red flag, my non-friend

Then why do all women act like any man with no friends represents all men with no friends?

It's not a red flag. It's a personal choice both myself and my girlfriend of 6 years made 6 years ago.

Stop being so needy and codependent on friends.

Your codependency and inability to exist on your own is a GIANT red flag, parasite.

Your need to insert yourself where you aren't wanted is another red flag.

Because people are scared. Scared of predators, scared of betrayal, scared of abuse and ridicule. Someone doesn't have friends? There's SOMETHING they're not telling you. They live at home in a hoarder house, they don't invite anyone inside because they don't want people seeing their giant collection of loli merch, or they have friends and they're trying to get you to lower your guard so you spill your guts. Maybe they're just flat out fucking crazy.
This is what they think, anyway.

You need people who live honestly and without (or in spite of) fear. That is the answer to loneliness. I think you need a certain intellectual capacity to be lonely in the first place. Everyone else huddles into their caste like frightened rats, drawing strength and security from numbers. When you isolate yourself from that, it's because some part of you craves the truth about yourself, rather than what other people put off on you. Like, "maybe I'm not a retail worker. I'm smarter and more proactive than my workers and bosses, I learn fast, and I impress most people I meet."
But you're not going to realize that unless you go away from people who are going to ask you who the fuck you think you are.

And yet here you are on Jow Forums surrounding yourself with people nonetheless.

Not necessarily something bad since every situation is different.

However, the obvious first impression anyone will have is ''This guy doesn't even have a small social circle or a couple of friends? something must be off about him''.

Its not always the case tho, many people understand there are many circumstances unrelated to your personality that has lead you to that situation.

It always has been.

Especially in the eyes of women, a man without friends = a man with bad social skills and low social value. And yes, women care about this A LOT. If a woman sees you have a bunch of friends and you're in general well liked by others, she'll assume it must be because you're a likable guy.

If you have no friends and none seems to like you, she will assume it's because you're a loser and thus she will think you're a loser as well.

I come here to learn. One can always learn more. No one's knowledge is absolute. I don't come here out of a pathological need for validation or to quell my nonexistent loneliness like some codependent idiot. On Jow Forums I have learned hacking skills, resource acquisition skills, etc. This place is a goldmine of information if you use it properly.

Fear is the mind killer. Fear is for the weak.

Any woman who cares about this isn't a woman worth having. She will always be seeking validation in others and will always be far more susceptible to manipulation by betas and Chads and will eventually betray you by virtue of her weakness, needyness, codependency issues, attention whoring, and overall lack of critical thinking skills.

The perfect woman is a woman that doesn't need anyone, but is content within herself, yet still wants a man to be her best friend and partner in crime.

Dude, you don't understand.

This isn't about morals or anything. This is female evolutionary psychology. Women are hardwired to value social proof in a man. If you don't believe this, go to any social venue where there are single men and single ladies interacting. 9 times out of 10, the women are trying to catch the attention of the few guys who are already surrounded by friends and other girls. Guys who are sitting at the bar drinking a beer by themselves are flat out ignored.

Yeah sure whatever but we're not talking about women not wanting shy men with little friends, that's understandable. We're talking about men without ANY friends, it isn't crazy to think someone would want a boyfriend that has someone else beside her and isn't really fucking dependant on one person.

So that she can help me learn social skills, cause I'm really a nice dood I'm just shy

>eating a giant amoeba

Sorry for bursting your bubble but getting a girlfriend isn't the solution to your problems, in fact it will bring more problems (wether they are worth it or not depends).

Try fixing yourself before finding a girlfriend.

Women aren't hardwired for shit. That's the excuse they use to fool simpletons into believing women just are a certain way by default...or the excuse simpletons use on their behalf. Point is, women, especially modern women, have been feeding men a lot of horseshit for years. If you go for those kind of women all you will ever get is horseshit. I had plenty of women hit on me when I was younger and nursing a beer on my own in some dark corner. THOSE women were far more interesting than the meek little attention whores who demand that you chase them.

If a woman wants you, she will chase you. Don't waste your time chasing after little girls playing their little thot games.

I'm dependant on Noone. I disassociated from most of humanity before I ever even met my girlfriend. I don't need people. I don't even need my girlfriend. I WANT my girlfriend. That's the difference.

Also, I'm not shy. I'm fed up with humanity in general. Social drama is so keked.

you need to have social skills to have a girlfriend. lack of friends indicates a lack of social skills. trust me, you won't be able to have a functioning relationship if your girlfriend is the only person you rely on. hell, even i didn't have a healthy relationship with a girl even with friends, so i can only imagine what it'd be like without having them.

you're likely to become overattached and scare off any potential girlfriends you may have if you don't have friends to rely on (speaking from experience). it'll probably happen anyway, but at least if you have some friends, you can use them to distract yourself from feelings over a girl and have something to do when the girl you're interested in is too busy to hangout or whatever.

This is true. Get strong. Get independant. Discover who YOU are. Become your own best friend. Develop hobbies and skills.

Well that's good for you and I'm glad yu found someone with the same mindset as you.

But I'm speaking on general terms, for most cases, what I said in is pretty much true

>>you need to have social skills to have a girlfriend.

Not true. Before I ever had social skills my big cock got me lots of girlfriends. All it took was ducking one girl and rumors spread fast.

>>lack of friends indicates a lack of social skills.

Not true. I had no social skills, but had lots of friends, because I bought their alcohol and they paid me well to do it.

>>trust me,

Red Flag

>>you won't be able to have a functioning relationship if your girlfriend is the only person you rely on.

You should not be relying on anyone. That's codependency and toxic.

>>hell, even i didn't have a healthy relationship with a girl even with friends, so i can only imagine what it'd be like without having them.

...and you consider yourself knowledgeable on women. Get Keked.

>>you're likely to become overattached and scare off any potential girlfriends you may have if you don't have friends to rely on (speaking from experience). it'll probably happen anyway, but at least if you have some friends, you can use them to distract yourself from feelings over a girl and have something to do when the girl you're interested in is too busy to hangout or whatever.

You reek of codependency issues.

Most people are codependent retards, which has been my point all along.

Yeah probably.

>You reek of codependency issues.
maybe so, but i think most people on Jow Forums do. not to mention after my first heartbreak, i learned lessons from my mistakes, and i know i won't make them again.

>Not true. Before I ever had social skills my big cock got me lots of girlfriends.
those aren't girlfriends, those are whores. OP is asking about dating, not fucking a ton of women.

>had lots of friends, because I bought their alcohol and they paid me well to do it.
those don't sound like true friends, those sound like people you buy alcohol for and they let you hang out with them as a courtesy for buying their alcohol.

>You should not be relying on anyone.
theoretically yes, but realistically no. everyone relies on people to a degree, it's in our nature to be social and have a group of people to be social with. imagine if everyone close to you was no longer a part of your life. how would you feel? you obviously rely on those people to some degree unless you're a sociopath and couldn't care less.

If everyone else is always the problem all the time, then the problem is you.

>He thinks that retreating from all meaningful human connection except for literally one (1) person makes *everyone else* the pathologically codependent ones. He doesn't think twice about how suspicious it is that codependency of all things is the first thing that comes to mind to project out onto other people as a whole with a broad brush...
Oh God. The explosion that happens when this is over is going to be catastrophic.

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>had lots of friends,
>because I bought their alcohol and they paid me well to do it.
Uh. user. that actually what comes to mind when you think "friendship"?

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If I were 100% alone, I'd probably just read a lot, learn to masturbate, play video games, and work on my golfing skills.

Sociopathy is highly underrated. It beats being a sniveling mangina.

Most people's friends are fake ass friends. There are very few exceptions. Part of being social is lying to yourself about how fake your friends are.

Or maybe just accepting most friends aren't going to be super close, some are casual ones ????

that sounds like a highway to depression if you ask me

>>beta loser keeps lying to himself

This is why you fail at life.

Maybe it would be if I were weak willed and a codependent pussy.

Underrated? Sociopathy is fetishized in popular culture to the point of being a played-out character trope. It's universally attractive to people who feel hurt and/or betrayed, especially juveniles, as representing some promise/ideal of liberation from their troubles. Literally played out, user, to the point where it elicits eye-rolls from viewers who've seen it a thousand times before.

>Most people's friends are fake ass friends.
Look if you're the original guy I replied to, I'm posting from a place of genuinely feeling bad. I've known enough oddballs who get taken for a ride to know the drill. Which is why I intend no insult when I say: No, really, most well-adjusted adults actually do have a support-network of people they can basically depend on. It doesn't have to be so shitty for you.

>fake ass friends

describe this

I don't feel hurt. I'm not depressed. I'm not suffering. I just genuinely don't give two shits about fake ass friends and fake ass people. Most people are a bunch of fake ass clowns trying so hard to impress other fake ass clowns.

No insult taken. I just have zero faith in humanity. I've observed too much backstabbing over the years with all my friends and their friends and friends of friends, etc. ALL eventually screwing each other over. Everyone has an agenda. A selfish agenda. Even a "support network" is just using people.

>Most people are a bunch of fake ass clowns trying so hard to impress other fake ass clowns.
You don't even know those people man. Pain is the *only* explanation for this vitriol.

I hope you heal.

Manipulators, liars, users, people who believe themselves decent, but by their actions are selfish, cruel, or even just dangerously ignorant.

It would take a lifetime to properly explain.

Because it only makes sense up inside your own head. These shackles are pernicious like that.

Wrong again. It would make perfect sense if I had the time to explain it. I know. I've explained it to someone before. It took an entire weekend of discussion before they finally understood what I was saying. Hilariously she began dating me afterward. She completely agreed. We've been together ever since.

i want a gf like that

So somebody finally came along who was pliable enough to rope into this resentment as a co-conspirator, instead of challenge your self-defeating preconceived notions the way a true friend and/or partner can do? This actually confirms my original hunch completely.

We've come full-circle to the start, where I posted . There's a reason why "codependent" is among the first things that comes to mind when you're in the mood to project onto people you don't know. I wish you luck sorting it out when you finally crash into that reality.

Wrong again. She already had similar views, but didn't understand why I wasn't interested in having threesomes. That was the only point of contention. She wanted to watch me fuck other girls. I only wanted her and she couldn't understand how she could ever be enough for me.

Anybody with a decent moral compass can easily figure out these type of people. Sometimes it takes longer to figure it out but eventually through life experience and being social, you can find quality people.
If you are lying to yourself, as you proclaim here , then you need to work on yourself ask yourself what drives you to do this.

Some people can't handle the reality that other people face. They can't handle how depressing a person's life is so they call anything scary to them a "red flag". But there are people out there that can handle it and will be with you don't worry.

I never claimed to lie to myself. It's something others do. I choose not to be social. In those rare moments I am forced to interact with people who believe they're my friends (I never lead them to believe I am, they just lie to themselves), I just avoid saying too much to avoid offending them. I'm polite, but not dishonest. I have social skills, I just don't manipulate people to get desired results like most people do.

Seems to me most people you have socialized with are shit people. Find better people to associate yourself with.

Most people are shit people. We live in a shit world overcrowded with shit people. That was one of my main points earlier as to why neither myself or my girlfriend enjoy socializing.

>just some pussy to smash
you sound like such a low iq NPC

>If a woman wants you, she will chase you.
If you're good looking, sure. I've never seen anything like this, but then again I'm ugly. It's pretty much up to me to make anything happen, but I have really bad social skills so it never does and never will unless I learn social skills. It's hard to learn social skills when nobody ever wants to socialize with you.

Learn an instrument and join a metal band. Those fuckers are all ugly as shit, have ZERO social skills, and women throw themselves at them like they're gods, even if their band isn't famous. I know, I used to do security for concerts. They got the hottest chicks all the time.

>too much to avoid offending them. I'm polite, but not dishonest

Why not just have ZERO contact with others? Why are you leading these people on? Why not just tell them you rather not interact with them?

if no one wants to talk to you there is a good reason for it
if you don't want to talk to anyone, excluding me, you're an asshole that wants the best of both worlds and i don't want you near me