Julian Assange

Digits decide what happens to him

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He's dead.

He is pardoned. He puts all the major deep state players away.

Like the card says.

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sex change like that Manning whistleblower

Probably nothing interesting.

He starts a revolution that eventually spreads across the world and the world falls under wikileaks party hegemony

Most severe capital punishment.

Trump is gonna move him into the room above the garage at the White House.

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he btfo's the jews, the democrats and the deep state.

I loved his interviews. I can see why deep state needed him shut p

He moves back to israel a free man and the media makes up a story about how he got a gorillion years in prison and is never seen or heard from again.


>the democrats
Why do you aerimutts insist at diferanciating between democraps and republicunts? Its the same organisationcalled the establishment

Trans racial in prison

he subscribes to pewdiepie and writes a manifesto about it

I won.

I hope he is having good, hearty meals in Buckingham palace.

He dies in prison. Check 'em!

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the bradley manning treatment

What would his girl name be, assangia?


trial by combat. His champion: Alex Jones

Julie Anne

He gets raped by nogs in prison and eventually learns to like it.


seconding tbqh


He isn’t even alive and that was a body double

Hooray the winner

got raped

He's pardoned and gets into a witness protection programme where he's safe from harm.

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pardoned in exchange for Seth Rich evidence

Sentenced to death, then pardoned and becomes Trump's running mate in 2020

Prison. Suprise buttsecks.

Very likely.

7s Trump all other digits too.

a gay manifesto?

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Checked trips. Trips equals most likely prediction so far

Deep state is going to try to get him to testify against trump In exchange for a deal his charge for helping chelsea manning

Then does he become Trump's running mate?

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he dies in prison


He shaves his beard and donates it to charity as part of his plea deal.

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hopefully this happens

so he's goes into a witness protection program, larping as a pewdiepie-subscriber, writing a gay manifesto about him.

Le clown world is real

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This is the only future God must deliver. Too much injustice at the hands of evil for too long. It must end.

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Nobody believes this would work, only cucklords.

Michael Obama penetrates his pasty ass with her massive feminine penis hurling gallons of ape semen inside his anal cavity. In a state of utter shock and fear his arm is bitten into by Hilary Clinton who is trying to recover her strength having gone several minutes without a human sacrifice to recharge the demon spirit inside her. As the cum spills out of Asange’s rectum, John Podesta collects the overflow in his pizza related handkerchief. Tony Podesta brings in a small child and the handkerchief is forced down the chold’s throat in order to gag and muffle the screams of pure terror that will come from the boy as he is raped, dismembered, and eaten. The group forces Assange to participate in the sacrifice and cannibalism and his soul fuses with Molach and Molach gains another dark servant to do his bidding. Assange then becomes a CNN host and tells us how immoral Orange man is while attending nightly child sacrifices at Comet Ping Pong.


E for effort

freed after handing over the buttery males

Raped by muslims

He lives a happy free happy life or I kill myself.

Beard cutting

He bangs and shouts in the van when taken to extradition handover

>Julian gets extradited to the US
>He testifies that Seth Rich was his leaker.
>Still gets BTFO’d and sent to jail.