So like

How many of us are there? So far ive seen 4 ancaps on this site. Also if you are an ancap are you hoppean or not?

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I am ancap. And yes, I am Hoppean. He is the non-coward thinker for libertarianism. Unlike those lefties who forget about the free market as soon as it behaves in "uncomfortable" manners.

So what if a community of gay communists form?

PS: btw today the Socialists won in Spain. Not by complete majority, so they will either rule with Ciudadanos (yuppie liberal globalists) or with the Communists and various separatist parties (these are all leftists too).

It is over. Today was the last chance. There is no hope.

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Not ancap but minarchocapitalist. Also open to some extremely non-voluntary exchanges during the period of transition from this oligarchy to capitalism. Obviously Hoppean.
People call me fascist but I promise we'll all be free after everyone I don't like is dead.

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Eh just move to brazil they are having an ancap movement there

What's the difference?

Within an Ancap world you mean?
Well, if they try to impose their lifestyle on others, violating property rights in the process, using violence, destructive protests (like they do), they shall be punished, of course.
If they do not do that, and instead resort to forming a ghetto/commune of gay Communists, within their private property, then they are fine to me. They will have to face, however, that many people including me could marginalise and economically boycott them if we saw it fit. Let them sodomize each other in a starving autarchy.

only ancap I see regularly is the one who posts gang weeder memes in every pol humor thread

What specifically do hoppeans believe that are different rom other ancaps then? They seem the same.

Minarchists are basically what the founding fathers were but "limited government" today at least means cutting down taxes by 15% or something

What you’re going to do to us communists is not enough we took down hitler a bunch of autistic lolbertarians isn’t going to faze us

They do. It is just that many "non-hoppeans" seem to not approve of the last thing. They will get jumpy when you tell them that you would ban negroes from entering your restaurant, for example.
Some of them want to essentially ban discrimination, by law.

It does not make sense to me, it is just what I encounter.

They dont realize they can do the same to people that discriminate. Essentially they can discriminate against discrimination. Which would make them hypocritical because they are anti discriminatory or at least supposed to be.

We are too few, true.
Only consolation is that you will eventually fail. Your success is your death. You kill others, and when you win then you starve yourselves.
It is poetic. It is fair. Vermin like you deserve nothing else but suffering.

I agree. They can do that, of course. It is part of the mechanism.

Honestly the libertarian movement has to unite, it cant stay divided because if they do we fall.

why does the An-Cap ball have Homer Simpson hair? Only just noticed

Doesnt matter we cover it with our top hats

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Well, I like engaging in discussion with all libertarians, but that does not mean that I am a radical about "hoppeanism" or anything else. We can differ in details but obviously I always try to find a common ground, especially when defending our ideas against a collectivist adversary.
Unfortunately, still, we are few. At least in my country, libertarianism is very niche.

Ancaps are just outlaws who haven't fully evolved yet.

t. pic related

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We're sophisticated outlaws tho

Define Hoppean.

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More like Ancaps are just fascists who haven't fully realized that their ideal society has no means of propagation and will eternally fall victim to organized outside influence.

>jews and big companies without restrictions
what could possibly go wrong?

>Substitute governments with corporations
Snek poverty time

Generally agreeing with or embracing hoppes ideas of voluntary collectivism.

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Put like that, it sounds really bad.
I think Hoppe simply acknowledges/thinks that there is such a thing as natural order, that is well... natural.
You can live in a purely individualistic manner, but it is hard for most people. Most people need others to live, and what a libertarian society allows is that everyone finds their adequate place. Nobody is forced to accept a particular lifestyle or neighbours.

Refering to the gay communist situation you talked about: a gay communist commune can exist in a libertarian society. A libertarian commune can not exist in a communist society. It can not exist in any statist society, in fact. You become automatically a criminal (Agorists propose we should do it anyway)

This but unironically. And the people you want to kill are the hovernment or the physical removal of gay communists?

Memes about it are not critiques. They are jokes. I find them very fun, honestly. Ancap balls are like absurd/madmaxian representations of our thought. But many things used in them simply are not libertarian (like trademarks)

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Not ist not, i completely agree with that sentiment. If people need a community for livelihood and comfort so be it. Nothing wrong with that.

Ancap here.

BR has now the largest ancap community.


ancap is gay
anarchist politics in general is gay
become nazbol

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Ancap here too

Keep up the good work man. I bet you're proud of your country's people

All of the AnCaps including myself have realized that today’s times require collectivism, action, and potentially force - none of which are found in the ultra-individualistic, NAP, anarcho-capitalist belief system. At least the conservatives claim to preserve something, but ancapistan is literally about saying “fuck it” I don’t care about my nation or my people.

These times require authoritarian right doctrine. Tradition, culture, and sovereignty *matter*, and your ideology is exactly what the (((powers that be))) want so they can flood our countries with more brown people and replace whites once and for all.

It’s a trash ideology completely incompatible with our current situation and the state of the modern world.

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How narrow and long was that pipeline?

literally everyone who was an ancap in 2014 is now a fascist so idk

Ancapism is as retarded as Communism, just not as well documented because it hasn't actually existed.

not really
ending gibs and having weapons for self defence equals eugenesia under anarchism i.e. the murder of all subhuman scum on the rights of selfdefense when they start looting
t. ancap since 2009

Dont debate them. You'll lose. I made a thread defending ancapism and it was raided by statists. We need a platform for our opinions more than anything.

It does exist, just not as government. Government and anarchy cannot co-exist.
So to be an ancap, you must live outside of the law, and outside of authority. That means being an outlaw. Wanna buy and sell illegal drugs for a living? Do it. Wanna buy any gun you want? Take your earnings from selling heroin and buy an M60 with it. Sell more heroin and buy some ammo cases.

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>normie-tier Republican
>oooh Libertarianism sounds cool, if they’re not hurting me why is it my problem
>but it has to be Conservative Libertarianism
>wait what even is government?
>start following Adam Kokesh and become full on ancap around 2015
>free market economics are the only way to have a free society
>frequent Mises/Cato Institutes
>if you have a problem with getting banned from Twitter, just make your own company hur dur
>start actually paying attention to real world
>why are all of these migrants flooding into my country
>wait as ancap we don’t even have countries or borders
>hold on maybe we need to do something about this
>Trump is not so bad
>start caring about protecting American interests again
>realize that if we are to maintain our cultures, we need to monitor who is coming in and stand strong against degeneracy
>realize (((who))) is actually behind most of the problems
>want to do something about it
>start moving upward on the political spectrum
>start realizing we were all wrong about Hitler and Germany
>acknowledge that corporations like FB, Twitter don’t give a fuck about me or you and shouldn’t have the right to censor ideas
>and no you can’t just start your own multi-billion dollar corporation
>even if you do it will get shot down — see Gab and Google
>one of the greatest faults of capitalism (let alone anarcho-capitalism) is not being able to do anything about that
And here I am now. I care about my people and country, and anarcho-capitalism is the epitome of doing nothing to preserve it all. It was nice ideology while it lasted, but now I am mature enough to realize it is not feasible to implement into modern society. Into the trash it goes.

It's also pie-in-the-sky nonsense designed to paralyze you in a prioristic logic puzzles. If you manage to escape it, you'll find that it works out that you DESERVE to be oppressed by Jews.

The state exists, and will exist. Forever. Use it to your advantage.

So you admit that "anarcho"-capitalist is all about murdering the poor.

Well I am a white nationalist ancom (with primitive leanings) and when revolution comes the poor murder you

How did it work out that I wish less harm on niggers than the libertarian?


Why what?

>using meme flags ironically
You're new.

currently rethinking his entire worldview (pic related)

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Just give me a white nation and leave me the fuck alone. That's my desire...if that's ancap then sure we'll do that. Get the shitskins away or me away from the shitskins and then LEAVE ME, MY FAMILY AND MY PROPERTY THE FUCK ALONE.

That's the thing with ancapistrannies, you're supposed to be able to do whatever you want to do that doesn't violate the "NAP", and do whatever you want to people that violate it, then expect it to not devolve into mindless savagery and Africa-tier warlording.
Just the reverse of the communism coin.

Yeah there’s no way of attaining that via AnCapism. That’s what they don’t realize. It couldn’t be further from reality.

I listened to the Tom Woods almost daily for two years, and to a lot of mises and PFS talks. I know the drill, the culture, but I'm not ancap.
I think in order to make some people live a better life, other people must be coerced even if it's immoral. For example I'm in favor of net neutrality and I think the biggest payment processors shouldn't be allowed to discriminate for any reason. Of course this is coercion, but I don't care. As long as you know you're doing something immoral, and you have good economics to guess in the best way possible, it's all good.

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I'm no ancap. I've evolved beyond that. I'll violate the NAP at the drop of a hat if I need to.

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fuck she's hot. I'd do magick with that witch.

I fall somewhere between AnCap and AnNat.

that cartoon is unironically why i've never taken ancaps seriously though.
your whole notion of ownership is quite literally based on "the government sez it's mine"...
the only reason ownership seems like a natural concept to you is because you've never known a a world without it.

i'm an anarcho primitivist, btw. take the Ted pill.

Why deal in drugs just to buy a gun? Why do all of that.

Drugs sell well in all environments, are in extreme demand, and there's no fucking taxes so you're not giving up your money to make politicians, their riffraff, and nigger programs wealthy.

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not even once

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fuck off commie

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Sure, I get that, but I hate drugs. I wouldn't sell drugs to have more of them in my environment and surround myself with druggies.

You have greatly underestimated. Never read Hoppe, since he seems to be more of an affect than and idea.

lol no, just have a culture while adhering to the NAP. There's no rule that culture, tradition, etc are exclusive with non-initiation of force.

If anything, libertarians underestimate the value of culture, but I certainly wouldn't want to make a culture with people who have fascistic tendencies like yourself.

Wrong. Ancap since 2011, libertarian since 2007.

I would like to point out that net neutrality has only ever been implemented briefly in the US. I suspect that it's simply not favorable to the large tech companies, which is why everyone's been hearing so much shilling about it.

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I am an Ancap. I just prefer to not use the flag since I think its better to argue if people can see that I am an American. Plus I find it annoying every time a commie, fascist, and even fucking ancoms ask “Muh roads” or “Muh voluntary exploitation” or something stupid of similar capacity.