Thoughts on the Spanish Election where the socialist's win big and a Nationalist Party enter the parliament for the first time since the Franco era?
Spanish Election
Samuel King
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Benjamin Ramirez
Just kill us already
Kayden Myers
Fucking bullshit, VOX should've won
Blake Carter
You actually expected the right to win?
Spain is a shithole.
Why do you think everyone's bailing out of here?
The only ones staying are the scum.
Jack Walker
>Implying patriots and nationalists leave the country
Sebastian Wright
Why would there anything like a Spaniard patriot?
Why would you be loyal to this land?
Why would you be loyal to the scum that populate it?
I wish nothing but pure suffering for Spain before its end.
Anthony Jones
people actually expected vox to win lmao.
Spain is as cucked as it gets on politics
Blake Turner
Please fucking nuke us already
Benjamin Scott
PP is done for.
Nolan Edwards
Eu tou contento por Euskadi e Cataluña.