Women Peak at 18 While Men Peak at 50, Study Finds
Men peaking at 50 has nothing to do with those men and everything to do with women in their 40s basically willing to grab on to anything with two balls.
Men peak at 35. Women peak at 25.
Doesn't mean 50 years old men peak with 18 year old women.
Your accessibility to young women don't increase with time.
>women peak at 18
>the minimum legal age in america...
OP and jews have a fetish for old men fucking young women, user finds.
Here's a link to the "study" (opinion piece that received federal funding).
Women Peak at 14
How old are you?
No it increases with wealth
Young girls don't care about money, idiot.
invert it.
do you believe the nyslimes?
Just buy one, lol.
Lol that is totally not a gaussian
>Women Peak at 18
A "1" seems to wandered in there.
Men don't peak at 50. Mid to late 30s probably since they are still young enough but are already making money. Women peak around their early 20s.
>Study finds
>Men Peak at 50
That's just stupid.
This. JCs are prime.
Women at 21 at the latest
No, it's because by 50 men have more money. If they have a nice house of their own, nice car, money for hormone replacement therapy, they'll be more attractive. My friend's dad is almost 60 and regularly pulls 18 year old women because his house is like a fucking mansion, and he drives a sports car, or rides a Harley. He works out daily.
Men peak at their peak earning potential. Women peak at their peak fertility.
Google Hypergamy
Women peak at 14.
Fixed that for you.
wrong, man never peaks
Women don’t peak at 18... at 18 most chicks don’t know what they want, who they are, what they’re going to do with themselves, they’re still dumb enough to not realize they aren’t smart.
20-25 is the best cause that’s when reality hits them
Lmao at any retarded boomer who believes this. No one wants your divorced deadbeat ass.
If you haven't retired by 50 you're doing it wrong
>Men Peak at 50
kind of misusing the word peak here, which we usually associate with looks.
Women should be having children since puberty like nature intended
>implying those aren’t the perfect combination of traits to mold a wife from
spoken like a true roastie
Sounds about right.
This is entirely on the men for choosing to date girls close in age.
It's a meme. They always tell the nerd kids in high school that in 10 or 20 years they will be the ones getting their pick of girls and the tables get turned on male-female relationships. What they conveniently don't tell these kids is that they get their pick of 30 to 40 year old women who have hit the wall mostly because all the chads they went to school with are married already or moved onto 20 year olds.
That's why fathers have got to marry girls off to a nice boy before they turn 18. This is only possible if degeneracy isn't taught in schools. Let the kids make their own destiny.
The actual article is data from dating websites (as in people looking for relationships) and I think they discuss & post their careers and whatnot. In which case it doesn't surprise
lol that ultra gullible fucking boomer face. i could sell this guy a bridge.
tell me more about this bridge
I'm 32 and I literally just banged a 18 year old with an AMAZING bubble butt last week. She let me stick it up her ass too, it was heaven. Things are looking good bros.
by what metric? what are they measuring the peak of?
>This is only possible if degeneracy isn't taught in schools
Cunts should not be allowed in schools
whats a negative 3 year age gap? how can an age gap be a negative number
>Women peak around their early 20s.
I've never seen a 21 year old woman who was more attractive than their 17 year old version. IMO peak is 16 for most women now. If they don't heavily drink and party a lot they can extend their peak till maybe 20-21.
They're already past peak when reality hits them
That woman could very well be 40. Asians age much better and she's wearing makeup
Normally I don't do anal, but when a girl has a super nice butt, I want to stick it IN her butt. I don't know why but the urge is overwhelming.
Old men dating barely legal women is degenerate as fuck and only lead to unnatural unions. If you're a man and not married with kids by 35 at most, you're a degenerate and waster your life.
Yeah men peak when they got cancer, heartattack and sagging balls and no testosterone left, for sure
Found the muslim
It's absurdly high.
baste and clown pilled
Hormones say otherwise.
F: 22
M: 35
based libertarian
Of course thats what the study finds. Because the impotent incel rage will become even more impotent when they are 50 so till then let them dream about the pussy they are promised to have when they will be old fat beta fucks instead of just fat beta fucks lol.
Pic related is the best thing for everyone. This is from 1887, South Carolina. They were together 60 years and had 6 kids.
roasties BTFO
This user gets it.
Asian woman, old white man= she's a golddigger, he's a loser
>Men Peak at 50
lock up your granddaughters lol
Men peak at 25, after 28 it all goes downhill in terms of appearance.
If you're fucking that at 50, you're not a loser.
Sounds like you’re a 25 year old faggot
Listen to me, I’m a 32 year old boomer. Things have been getting better since I was 28, no decline yet. Faggot
> Women peak at 14
This. I remember a study where it only showed female faces to men and asked if they found the woman attractive. The most attractive age was 14.
>being 42
>tfw you will never get married at 16 and buy a house at 18 to live in with your wife
>tfw 23 year old wagecuck that lives with parents and can only find Tinder/Fetlife trash to date so I've just become an incel that plays Xbox because modern women literally disgust me
Thought I was posting a thread:
or turned into balding fat fucks!
excuse my ignorance , but what is a "32 year old boomer"?
How did you meat her?
>20-25 is the best cause that’s when reality hits them
By 25 they only have one year to make healthy babies before the great autism cutoff
>Hormones say otherwise.
>F: 22
>M: 35
Sex hormones peak at 17 in both sexes. Dunno where you are getting your bullshit numbers from
looser. stop playing games get a skill
imagine a 30 year old with like 2 skills
no men like 40
Degenerate scum like you belong in death camps
on the dating market you absolutely do. due to desperate 40 yo hags tho mostly, pulling sought after women will still require effort
Feelz bad, man
The future is bright, Lambright 2020. Age 50.
when shtf and the internet dies, your anonymity will die with it. you will hang with the others
meme flag shit stain
"Pussy ages like bread not like wine" - Prophet Patrice O'Neal.
Meme Flag = Muslim propagandist.
mehmet my son
7 is for love 18 good as slave
Ride the Tiger
Enjoy the Decline
Can most dudes even get an erection at age 50?
and then he lost everything
You have to pay for it at 50, no exceptions
Men peak at whatever age they want as long as his pockets are full
Women peak once their looks go away, no money will make her appealing.