What does Jow Forums think about George Lincoln Rockwell

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Only neo nazi I can respect. If you could even consider him one.

Mossad all the way

Then why did they kill him?

I consider him a genuine National Socialist, trying to teach skinheads and neo-nazis a better way. He was a great man, who was assassinated for making too much sense.

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He got killed because he was literally a Fed, like all the leaders of the "far right" are


He was great as Bunny in Platoon.

Embarrassing LARPtard

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Why do you respect a guy LARPing as part of a movement that had been dead since 1945?

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>The NSM is a remnant of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party (ANP). According to Hate: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party, the ANP was thoroughly compromised through the FBI’s notorious COINTELPRO operation; by the time of his murder in 1967, Rockwell was widely believed to be a “patsy” for the FBI or some other intelligence agency.

Makes sense

Does anyone unironically like these retards or is it all just FBI shills?

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recessed chin

I don’t think larping as a Nazi a couple decades after the war was a good idea, but holocaust propaganda didn’t really begin until the 1970s so I could be wrong.

He black

A man that have a good amount of Native blood trying to save the white race, heh, irony!

Wanted a better America. Not this shithole it’s become. Should have streets and airports named after him and not MLK. Pic related.

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A coward and loser that let one brave jew disrupt 20,000 nazis losers in NYC. timesofisrael.com/when-a-jewish-laborer-took-on-20000-us-nazis-in-madison-square-garden/

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Cringe and ineffective. Also a revisionist.

GLR explained this already, you speds. He wanted to deviate away from the stereotype of the “Nazi” but back then, there was no internet. There was only the Jewish media. They would not cover him, his words, and his actions unless he was LARPing as Hitler 2.0. Jews supposedly have the highest IQ of any race. Why is it that you all are mouth breathers? Are you JIDF special forces?

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He was walrus at heart

I am suspicious of those who ape other movements in other countries.

National Socialism was a German ideology. It had its supporters in Europe but primarily it was a German response to living conditions in Germany and deterioration of German power after the Great War. The United States, or anyone else for that matter, shouldn't ape it. Not because it was bad, but because it isn't suitable.

You often read of the "Trump" or "Brexit" equivalent of some such country. Why? For what? The French would never elect someone such as Donald Trump. If the Italians are to leave the European Union it will be for different reasons to our own. It isn't about dressing up and copying another people, but having the nuance and tact to channel your own. Adolf Hitler would have achieved precisely nothing if he had copied Mussolini or Austrofascism.

It is LARPing, in short.

>Stay online and only talk in the echo chamber
Kys, you Jew faggot.

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>He wanted to get media attention for his freakshow

Wow that worked out great now we have idiots LARPing as wannabe German supremacists in the US ruining any chance of an actual white nationalist movement.


Nazism was only ever a German movement, any non-German LARPing as Nazis is retarded.

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>don't LARP as a German supremacist

Daily reminder that Nazis slaughtered millions of white Christians.

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>he black ayy lmao!
>is literally white in the photo
the subhuman "intelligence" of niggers is too much to handle.

He looks like a mexican castizo LMAO!!!! honk honk.

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When the blackie looks the most decent there is a huge problem

can fucking idiot clowns STOP using images of these larping wankers as examples of "Nazi"? they aren't nazi, they aren't anything like a nazi. they stand for fuck all a nazi would stand for. they are fucking weak larping cunts and need to be treated as such.just look at them for fuck sake, back in the day these cunts would of been sent to the work camps.

They are the public face of modern Nazism thanks to Rockwell and the NSM/ANP. Don't like it? Then stop promoting neo-nazism and the rest of the FBI's honeypot operation.

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isn’t that crowder?

The was a pacifist relief valve, completely failed to inspire people back then when it would be much easier.

bullshit. rockwell would have told these larping queers to fuck off. if you honestly believe he'd of looked at these clowns with anything other than utter contempt you know nothing of Rockwell.

Because he fought during world war 2.

Pic related begs to differ, user. Bunch of fat losers. What the fuck are the dad bods in the front wearing two belts for?

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>Rockwell looks autistic AF
>Chubby, short beta dudes
>One looks tanned, almost like an italian or a mexican
>Literally whiter than you señor nazi larper

What a bunch of sorry-ass busters.

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Gun belt

An imbalanced looney.

America's first politically impotent nazi LARPer.

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He once did a talk at a Uni about how he got redpilled.

He said he started noticing the names of the authors writing really absurd degenerate shit.


He is one of the original Jow Forumsacks.

Thats why they killed him.

He was the first alt-right larper.

Anyone who unironically calls himself a "Nazi" is a larping faggot, this guy included. Nazis never called themselves Nazis. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of US soldiers died fighting Nazis, and the image of Nazi = evil has been so thoroughly baked into US culture that there is *zero* chance Nazism as an ideology will ever make any sort of resurgence in the US.

If you actually believe in some of what the Nazis stood for (ethnic nationalist social policy, authoritarian centralized non-democratic government, quasi-socialist economic policy), then go ahead and advocate those things. But for God's sake don't call it Nazism or reference any Nazi iconography when you do it. All you're doing is just making other people who advocate for the same thing look really bad in the eyes of almost everyone by associating with them.

A more recent example of this is when Richard Spencer's Heilgate stunt turned "alt right" into a toxic brand that very few people are willing to publicly associate with anymore. Richard Spencer has done more damage to the dissident Right than almost anyone else in recent history with his faggy Nazi WN 1.0 larping. Learn from his mistake.

Oy vey, goyim! Remember the gorillions of troops that fought the Goimans.

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He was a great man. Jow Forums looks like a bunch of retarded assholes compared to him.