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Ayden Flores
Carter Phillips
F for VOX
Dominic Gutierrez
QRD on what Spain did and why I should laugh.
Jayden Sullivan
For the past 10+ years we have had:
>rampant corruption from the biggest parties
>ever increasing radical feminism
>rampant unemployment
>immigration from low iq countries, emigration of college graduates who can't get a job because shit economy or start a business because the economy is pseudo-socialist
>daily muslim rapes, robberies, etc
>regional fracturing getting worse and worse
A (unfortunately zionist) conservative party with no representation started copying Trump's strategy. The MSM and big parties started panicking, much like they did with Trump.
Unfortunately the result was very different: they managed to mobilize people to vote for PSOE, a big leftist (not American "leftist") party that is as corrupt as it can get, that has swallowed the radfem pilled, etc. In other words: we are going to get even worse.
Vox managed to get representation, but they won't affect politics much.
Jayden Long
i'm sad for you bros, i want europe to change course asap.
Adam Jackson
>Vox managed to get representation
How many members in Parliament?
Blake Ross
24/350 in the Congress:
0 in the Senate:
Jeremiah Cooper
It's ok I guess for 1st time
VOX reminds me of Golden Dawn but we became 3rd political party from the start
Gabriel Watson
A comer mierda fascistas.
Chase Nelson
BASED COMRADES!!! now it's time to make friends with China and Russia