What's the best way to humiliate a woman?

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ignore her

Were you able to make her commit suicide by doing so?

Turn her friends against her. I've never seen a woman more devastated than when she found out that she was secretly a laughing stock.

Interesting, got any anecdotal stories?

And men say women are the evil ones. Lol.

It's justified vengeance.

I'm actually a girl too.
This is an anonymous image board bitch.

Ignore her. Then fuck her best friend in front of her parents. I did that once.

women love attention so don't give her any

Lol I hope I never meet someone and make the mistake of letting you into my circle in that case.

You attempt to humilate us 24/7. You literally share our private lives to all your friends. Plus all the other shit you bring up publically.

Leak her nudes

Rape her but make sure you make her cum

Let others know you're associated with her.

i remember some reddit story about a guy who found his girl cheated and proceeded to fuck her best friend and cousin, both of whom turned on the gf and had no regrets of fucking her bf. Completely ruined her life

Humiliation is a woman's thing, will you want to play the feminine?

Ask her to marry you and jilt her at the altar

Came here to say this. I’m a girl btw.

fuck her dad

You don't have a circle. Deep down, you know that you're the pity "friend".

Turn the women in your social circle against her

I may have read that one, but wasn't that a typical sweet revenge fake story?

If you're on decent terms with her, what most girls will do is make up rumours about her, ranging from petty things about insulting another girl or having an embarrassing time, to straight up constructing stories that seem plausible such as being an escort and being involved in gangbangs.

If you got nudes of her (Or have nudes of someone who resembles her and are pretty good at Photoshop), sending them to her parents will make them pretty angry.

You could always get this done but it seems like a laborious effort.

I'd say the most painful thing you could do is go out of your way to make her single and then snag up her boyfriend (since you've mentioned you're female)

Let her be seen in public with you

Weak and passive.

Still weak

That's a nuclear bomb but it takes a lot of time and effort and OP is a woman.


I'd say the most painful thing you could do is go out of your way to make her single and then snag up her boyfriend (since you've mentioned you're female).

This is like sinking the ship were you are to kill the captain.

I'm a man and this is a tricky question I'm very interested bc most woman are Machiavellic assholes, they are so subtle, prudent (at least compared to me), lie a lot, prideful, they always use masks.

What I have found is that they are very anxious and get strong emotional attached.

My advice; pose as a friend and work as an spy, gather vulnerable information go to parties with her take pictures when drunk then set the timing to the most appropriate moment to revealed it in public bc most women care about social status a lot.

If you are an impatient bitch just call her fat fuck, is cryptonite for women.

Only way to do that is to say she's fat. And that only works if she's actually fat.

Tear her clothes off and pretend like you are gonna rape her but dont actually do it. Same scars as rape with no actual legal proof

this or tell her no.
most western women are so spoiled and have become so accustomed life on easy mode with men doing everything for them and bending over backwards to please them that they've never been rejected or told no in any way. As soon as they're told that they can't have access or aren't allowed to do something or even if someone refuses to acknowledge them and refuses to bend the knee to them to fulfill their petty needs or desires, it's is so defeminizing for them that it drives them insane.

here you are good sir

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friendzone her in front of her friends

His actions are a testament to the true strength of a man liberated, freed from the prison of women, relationships, and monogamy. If only I could be so grossly incandescent.

During sex, wipe your dick on her curtains

ask her for her freinds number for a date, tell her you and her are just friends