Guys I’m so lonely
Why am I alone? I don’t have a single friend, never had a boyfriend. I don’t know why, I’m kind and love to make people laugh. I’m just lonely
I’m 20
Guys I’m so lonely
Why am I alone? I don’t have a single friend, never had a boyfriend. I don’t know why, I’m kind and love to make people laugh. I’m just lonely
I’m 20
You don't get out enough
me too OP, it hits harder once friday afternoons come on, i am 28
where do people my age hang around right now? i'm also broke so bars/clubs aren't an option
I work 10 hours a day. I don’t know how to get out
It honestly does. During the week I don’t mind, but when Friday comes and everyone is talking about their weekend plans it makes me feel pathetic
Monday I usually make something up but truthfully I sit alone and watch Netflix all weekend
Dancing lessons
Online dating
>Dancing lessons
this meme again... it doesn't work, it's all couples or old people
>Online dating
0 matches
My best guess is that you're just not attractive. Pretty simple, really. People don't gravitate toward uggos. Get hot.
Go to a park, ride your bike, just take a walk. Just do something outside where you are 10000x more likely to have a chat with someone, even if it's just a couple words back and forth, than sitting in your house. And it doesn't have to be people your age. Find a group for an activity/hobby your interested in on Facebook in your city. Even just talking with people on there will make you feel less lonely, eventually you talk enough and make friends and meet up.
I also work 10 hours a day, I am fucking drained usually afterwards but drink some coffee and go so something. Get involved in a hobby, something to get excited about. Like I told the other guy, you meet people through your interests. Loneliness is a hard fucking rut to get out of but if you put in the work to get out, it is fucking worth it
You can do it
I second this. People don't like being around mopey low energy people. Put the work into yourself if you want others to put work into you. Sign up for art classes and don't feel like shit if your bad at it. Everyone starts somewhere and everyone there will be happy to be able to teach someone new
>Go to a park, ride your bike, just take a walk
i already do these and have only met weirdos and druggies, normal people don't cold approach, plus wtf am i gonna do with just some words back and forth?
i deleted my Facebook years ago
>it doesnt work
So do i understand it right you didnt try it yourself and simply gave up beforehand?
>have to put in effort to be with others.
I feel like you people are just lying to yourself that you are not lonely and happy so that your efforts didn't actually go wasted.
But deep down, deep down you people are just bunch of depressing fucks just the same as us.
But keep on distracting yourself with more activities and materialism, with occasional mental gymnastic as well.
Stop being a faggot
Ok you're a fucking idiot, seriously just fucking off yourself. You come into this fucking board looking for help and not taking shit when people try. Seriously fucking kill your lonely self you fucking faggot
i just told you i did? i was the only faggot alone
Love it when you people tear off your fake persona and showed your true color.
You are not here to help.
You are here to give out useless advice and want to feel good about it.
And when i pointed out how useless your advice is, you people will immediately get mad because how dare someone stop you faggots from feeling good about yourself?
you are pathetic.
And very very unhappy.
I never had troubles making friends. Be it at school, job, online on various forums or in multiplay games. But since i am very curious person, i always ask
>why / how does that work
And yes, i even analysed how the fuck did i make all the friends.
What you call mental gymnastics and lame meme advices are (imho) your best bets how to make friends or lovers of you need to ask here (out of all places) how to meet people. Sorry if i didnt tell you what you wanted to hear. Maybe you wanted to read poc related?
Damn, that sucks. Do you have any other hobbies? Reasons to leave house? How big city you live in? Have you looked up your city webpage to see what social events are happening? These are your next best bet.
Not that user but I'm not catching the actual argument you're making. What's wrong with putting in effort to be with others? The only living things I can get to be around me without effort on my part are mosquitoes.
ehh I bike and smoke weed, do those count lol? i'm a film/music snob but no one talks at film screenings and going to gigs alone sucks
it is not the biggest city but a lot of shit happens, i just can't seem to connect with anyone past small talk
>be a bully
>call others inferior as to boost own's ego
>Feel good about it by bullying others
>Make up reasons aka mental gymnastic to legitimize own action
>Doesn't feel a single tiny guilt anymore
>Continue feeling good about self
I had see through you people's face from long long time ago.
your kind disgusts me to every inches of my bone.
Also, i have no issue making friends either.
I'm making this statement now because i can already see incoming name callings and strawmanning.
Same situation, and the worst part is that I'm feeling really neat.
Did something with my hair and I'm feeling like mamoa.
Weird, the only stoners i have ever seen were always extremly chill and they all formed friend groups effortlessly. They just smoked weed together and that was apparently the only common activity they needed for deep friendships.
It was like
>dude, wanna joint?
>sure bro
5 hours later
>wow bro, we gotta repeat this again, this time the pizza will be with pineapple though!
I suspect you really dont put in the effort :-) where the hell do you even get the weed? Thats your connection to other degenerate junkies to hang out. Also find out bars where they have the water pipes or whatever it is called. Officially its for tobacco, but we all know its weed only.
Your problem is that you cant realize you got (You) from different user. Not every (You) means its the same person...
ehh that only happens in like the first 6 months of smoking weed socially
you do get friends (I have 2) but it's only to smoke weed at a park listening to music, it gets boring after ~8 years
i get my weed at the hood, I'm not trying to befriend hoodrats/weed dealers lol
i... probably shouldn't make an effort at all, pretty tired of this constant need for interaction, i should just go mad doing art all day in my room
Thanks for admitting that you dont really want friends. Usually anons abadon the thread when they realize i was right. You are an exception: an adult who realized he asked wrong question and most likely improved himself.
Have a nice day user.
well i clearly did want and tried to have friends
talking about it made me realize how hard it is so now i'm like naaah
cheers for the convo tho
Its not hard. Just lower your standards.
>hoodrats/weed dealers
They are good enough to sell you weed, but not good enough to chat them up? Talk about double standards. In my eyes both of you are degenerates :3
>lol just meet trash people d00d
what a shit advice lol
i've had plenty of those friendships anyway, not trying to go down that hole again
i don't care about your eyes =)
Huhuhu weed Man that's so good huhuhu
There is this extremly rude saying, not sure where i have seen it first, but its often to be seen on internet. It goes something like this
>quality people dont need to ask where to meet other quality people. If you have to ask, it means you are just entitled person who lacks both the qualities AND the introspection to realize it
You know, its like when fat women complain about asshole men who only want them for one night stand and nothing more. You cant really say to them the truth, its extremly rude. Same apllies to your case.
when did i state i wanted quality people? just because i smoke weed alone you lump me with actual armed thugs selling drugs? lol...
Job. Work. People flock to money and selfless labour