I'm not going to make it over summer break, I work with kids. They are fine. I just can't do it anymore...

I'm not going to make it over summer break, I work with kids. They are fine. I just can't do it anymore. I am going to blow my brains out.

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/b/ is that way faggot

Why do you want to die?

Really wish you wouldn't, bud.

It's political

None of those sentences were well connected


You'll miss all the happenings though.

Thank u grammer jesus

Yes give them what (((they))) want.

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at least go out in style faggot

Are you brain damaged? He never said he's on summer break now retard. He's waiting until June to an hero

Stick around for at least mid summer thats when things really start to heat up.

Drop some acid and rethink your life

If you're gonna do it, don't do it with a really nice gun. If you've got a nice SIG or Benelli, sell that shit, use part of the money to buy a cheap Ruger or Maverick, and use that. That way if your next of kin ask the police to melt it down, a decent firearm isn't being taken out of circulation.

I know how gun-Jewish that sounds, but please, be considerate.

Nope, just going to walk out in 10 acres and eat a bullit

I work with kids too. Are you serious or just blowing off steam.

I have a nice walther. It will get the job done.

I'm dead serious. Seniors last day is Friday. These kids are fucked. I dont want to see a new year.

Everyone on here can relate to your pain. Learn to embrace the struggle, make your ancestors proud and remember that you're far from the only one. Who knows, maybe they'll replace you with another pedo drag queen to teach the kids instead

Don't do it, your eternal soul is at stake. I left California because of the ridiculous politics there. Don't know your situation...care to elaborate?

If you're a teacher then subtly feed redpills to your students. If you're gonna die at least give us some soldiers

I am sick and tired of these kids being killed by policies being made made in my small town.
How do people in this small town make 160k a year in a town of 7 thousand people?

No, I'm an ALE teacher. We take care of autistic children.

Instead of quitting like the yesterday shooter, who still did one good, stick around, raise your (hopefully) white children, and go out and redpill more people.

Been teaching 15 years now myself. I started in severe sped in Oakland. The kids there were treated like trash. Moved into general Ed science after I couldn't take it anymore. There they want teachers to indoctrinate students in all kinds of trash. I went international. Public schooling has always been based on secularism and moral relativism, it just took a while for the last fumes of Christian morality to burn off. Don't destroy the temple of the Holy Ghost because of the immoral choices of our ancestors. It's not within a teachers control to save the kids morally/spiritually.

Three white kids. Single father.

Yeah, but a mediocre Walther Creed will also get the job done. And then if the executor of your estate requests the gun you used be destroyed, we're only collectively losing a budget polymer framed pistol, they'll just make more. Using a good Walther and risking its destruction is just selfish.

I mean unless a Walther Creed *is* your "nice" Walther you plan to use, in that case I can understand why you're suicidal, being such a poorfag, and can sympathize.
>t. owner of a turkshit polymer copy of the CZ-75.

This nigger is why I have no hope.

Jesus tells me I can't kill myself.

Lmao even better, send em right to pol

Who do you think comes to Jow Forums?

What happened to your wife? How old are your kids?

To sum up this thread, In going to kill myself soon. I have the gun. Kids are fucked. White children love niggers, I see it every day. Nothing is going to stop it. End post

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user, wake the fuck up.

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I don't normally post here so I can't tell if you're telling me I am making things worse, or if you are agreeing with the assessment I gave. Please let me know because the last thing I want to do is make things worse for you.

Please write "chaika on the front page" on your suicide note

Don't waste your life, brother.

You know what to do.

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Everything now is a joke.

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can I come over and watch?

dont use a gun. jump off something real tall like a man. do a flip while you are at it

Kill mudslimes? and get more Christians killed?

why dont you just quit your job then

Don't be boring, use a chainsaw instead.

Are you implying more Christians wont die regardless?

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Shoot up a synagogue

This. Don't jump off a manlet. They aren't tall enough.

Provoke the wace rar

No jews are doing that just fine.

I have a feeling you're implying much more

user, if you are going to kill yourself then do something more productive then just putting a gun to your head and puling the trigger. I mean spend some time fighting for what you believe in. If it's making you want to kill yourself, there are others feeling that exact same pain. If you can use your money or your time or your effort to make it better before killing yourself then do that. Not telling you to go shoot up a synagogue or whatever, but ffs if you are going to end your life, do SOMETHING to help end the evil that has killed you. As retarded as John Earnest and Terrant's actions and manifestos were, they at least made it clear that they were willing to die and defame themselves for what was conflicting them. If there is anything you didn't want to say or do because of fear of blowback, then do it before you kill yourself.


I'm not implying anything

dam. why don't you take them out?

Race war would involve a ton of virtue signalling from cucks while they accept all retribution and attacks with open arms.

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Get some counselling. Things aren't as bad as you think.

Im a Christian, I can't hurt anyone. Jesus tells me I cant even kill myself

You should reconsider, you have 3 kids, they don't deserve to grow without a father figure. Be a man and endure the pain. It's only by doing this that you progress as a person.

do a flip

Might as well go on a honking spree against whatever group of people you like the least. I vote politicians or journalists.

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Christ says you can't murder anyone. Those who commit crimes must be punished.

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If you really want hope, get off this site and find some moral people. The real solution to the worlds problems is Jesus, not the stuff these moral degenerates post. If you have been here a while, it is probably the reason you feel hopeless. Jesus said love the enemy, which is not the message here. I'm a sedevacantist and I know that the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. I also know that Jesus already won the battle, so our job is just to persevere until the end. Jesus' message has nothing to do with the race-based ideology posted here, which is probably why you find yourself in despair. No one can take away from us the love of Christ


I have enured the pain, Damn it. when do I get to quit? I am in tears.

dude, what's the deal? what's so bad? you can't do an hero without telling us why. it's against the superior rules of chan, mmmkay.

I have seen the evil of the world. And I want out.

We quit when God calls us.

quit your job then retard

what do you expect us to do about it nigger outside of tell you to live stream it

Holy Kek user. Most American posts I've ever read. Much respect to you

>Im a Christian, I can't hurt anyone.
This is why the white race is going to go extinct. Thanks, Jesus.

Sorry bud, but you gotta ride this one out till the end. Unless you want to end up in actual hell.

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Be the change you want to see in the world - whatever that looks like to you.

I was suicidal for several years, until I pleaded with God for some kind of purpose in life (not really expecting anything at that time - I had strayed from religion for several years at that point).

I had no desire to live, and could seem to find no joy in life. I told God that if he would reveal a purpose for my life, that I would pursue it as my life's goal; essentially, I offered my life up to fulfill his will, in exchange for relief from my despair. Ever since that night, the desire to kill myself ceased, and I've always felt as if there's an almost pre-determined path opening up for me; I can't see exactly where it's going, or exactly how it's going to end, I'm confident that God answered my prayer that night, and is guiding me towards some purpose greater than myself.

You sound like you already faith, and you sound like you know what is responsible for the hopelessness and despair that seems to be overwhelming you right now. Have you considered that maybe God is trying to guide you to some sort of action?

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You'll find no shelter here asshole

go to mexico do cocaine and fuck hookers

I think hell would be better

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That's not what Christianity says.

You're either not a Christian, or you false Christian teachers.

There's at least a chance of making this world resemble hell less. Besides, the fun is about to start.

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I could fight Satan...I cant fight whats going on here

If you have three kids then killing yourself is literally the most cruel thing you can do to them - except maybe buggering them. Your kids must be such little fuckers for you to hate them as much as you do. What's so bad about them?

No fren. Think of your kids. My girl found her dad after he did this. It's very uncool. Not like life is all roses and rainbows but take time to do fun stuff with your kids. Go camping, stay up late and talk with them, buy a telescope and watch stars together, anything just don't scar them with this. The bullshit life throws at us never ends, but you learn to make good times for yourself and good memories with your family.

Imagine having 3 kids and killing yourself lol you're a piece of trash man get a grip

had false Christian teachers*

I got the same clone. Very much like it. Try the hogue grips and the 32 round extended mag. Wont disappoint

my kids are in a place that's safe. I worked hard for them. I love my kids. and they will be rich if i die.

we all have seen the evil. no need to spread your brain across the wonderful nature. what exacly is the 'evil' stuff you talk about anyway?

> pic related

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This is the ultimate bait mate I'll give you that. A real man would know that material goods and a 'safe place' have no value over a father

I can literally die and they all have 400k to do whatever.

So they'd prefer money to their father? Yeah, proper little fuckers indeed.

Stop posting on Jow Forums again, Dad.

Jesus began poor with twelve men and completely changed the world. The faithful disciples all suffered immensely to hold the faith. Being a real Christian is not easy, but the alternative is how the evil you hate spreads. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, including your own. Something in your spirituality is off that has brought about despair, I am telling you it very well may be the race-based hatred spread here. It is not of God. Think about it, do you feel hopeless because of something Jesus and His disciples taught or do you feel hopeless because of the ideology being spread here?



is that usually at the time of the explosion?

That's fuck all mate. 400k between three people won't get them a pot to piss in. A father is worth more than that. Stop being such a melodramatic faggot.

It's not bait mate. I really want to walk into the woods and do it. I would leave three kids fatherless. I know it,

Just do it fgt

Please don't waste your self. Be the change you want be that next domino.

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LMAO could you imagine