The word "incel" fits you indeed...

The word "incel" fits you indeed, you have no political and judicial knowledge and you pretend to understand the workings of our society, you justify your emotional distress by "muh race", to avoid any discount in question about your pathetic lives.
You certainly do not represent a viable future for the white race, let alone for humanity.

Attached: Incel become trash.jpg (1024x763, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I have a girlfriend and you niggers and kikes deserve to die. Fuck off plebbit faggot.

This is more true than these faggots want to admit. I was basically a big angsty faggot but once I finally got a girlfriend I stopped being a pathetic Nazi larper

By pretending not to be what you are, I guess ?

btw she's ugly and you too.

Trash copulate with trash after all.

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Nice try. Kikes want us to be chasing thots around as opposed to plotting and preparing for the upcoming war. As if fucking some whore is going to solve all our problems. Fuck you.

Have sex

You are as prepared to wage war as to seduce women.

you're a joke.

Attached: RIRE.jpg (275x183, 6K)

Another skinny fat projecting?

>By pretending not to be what you are, I guess ?
What the fuck? Learn English you goatfucker.
>btw she's ugly and you too.
Post a pic of you right now faggot. Guarantee you'll bitch out because you're a legit white knight commie faggot or shitskin kike, either way can't wait to kill you.

You haven't ever killed so much as a mouse

This pertains to politics how?

Do people like this actually exist or do they just start threads and leave em?

KYS Abdul.

Yea well I bet you have a shitty nerdy voice you fuckin frog cuck

you have trouble with your own language.

Dude, you're not a proper man , how can you claim to be a brave killer?

Stay at your place

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What I want is the streets filled with the blood of my enemies. Women would just get in the way of that. Right now, we must go into war mode. Having children is for peacetime. We will never have peace until our enemies are dead.

Post your hand you shitskin. Guarantee I'm whiter than you.

>you pathetic incels need to MAN up and look after a sloppy blown out roastie and her tranny niglets NOW!!!

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Stop LARPing you get squirmish looking at videos of a slaughter house

Hate is useless. Genocide is necessary. Can you really see Jews as human after you have understood their genetic character? They pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics.

A poetic justification for eradicating Jews down to the last child, is that contact with them destroyed perhaps a billion instances of the expression of love between virgins getting married for life.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else. The second half of the 20th century demonstrates the need for Jewish extermination.

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>Cherry picking examples of terrible women
Have sex

The entire term 'incel' is weak propaganda. Imagine being so scared of internet trolls working in a polynesian porn warehouse you have to rebrand the word 'nerd' just to describe them.

I'm glad you think this is all a joke. It'll make our jobs that much easier if you're ill-prepared for what's coming.

But the jews did do this.
They also made this thread.

You're not a warrior, just a guy in front of his computer.

Playing Fortnite or shit like this i suppose.

Attached: gros.jpg (508x344, 23K)

If you unironically reply to this thread you're an idiot

Attached: fishy-chan-anon-kun-is-this-bait-39219993.png (500x396, 36K)

>doesn't do it
>you can't get a gf
>has a gf
>you can't be good looking
>is good looking
>you can't be a killer
>can't wait for you shitskins to try something
How does it feel being wrong time and time again and constantly being seen straight through? You dumb nigger shills would never even so much as stutter at me if I said kikes should be gassed near you.

Cows aren't my enemies though, I would take great pleasure in destroying my enemies.

Guarantee not considering you have a huge case of faggotry that seems to afflict you, post your nose first I want to see that before anything else.

Are your enemies the people who actually have sex with women?

you are not a threat.
we agree on this point

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>N-N-No you post first
That's all I needed, Tyrone, that's all I needed. Going to filter you with 4chanx because I've already completely dismantled your narrative

>You're not a warrior, just a guy in front of his computer.
Not everyone is a pussy little Frenchie who waves a white flag at the first sign of resistance. All the men around you are not warriors, so you ignorantly think that all men are not warriors like Frenchies. Not the case.

"You incels are full of hate and dont have girlfriends
"Your girlfriend is ugly and you both are thrash"

>N-N-No you post first
I called you a nigger first you retard. You just said I don't have sex and then when I said I do you pretended like I haven't ever killed a mouse (what??) and then acted like you're white. Why do you come shill here huh? I bet you don't even have a girlfriend and if you do it's actually a man. Fucking faggot.

you give a scathing critique of jews and niggers bravo faggot bravo

GOOD, I said everything I had to say about you, do not try to evolve, I never really hoped for anything, I will have beautiful undressed of all credibility, you will remain dumb .
After all, you are unhappy, and that's all that matters to me.

Attached: genocide is real.jpg (600x1052, 146K)

Women are a waste of time and money. You're not an incel if you're voluntarily shunning women so you can prepare for a war. INcel, involuntary celibate, I'm making a conscious decision to forgo women for the time being. Men have the luxury of being able to get a whore at virtually any age and reproduce, women do not have that same luxury. Once the war is done, then the reproduction will begin.

I end up having no standards or steadfast beliefs when I left a women mess with my opinions.

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>implying its like that

>I'm not a incel if I pretend my inability to fuck then is voluntary!
You've got me there

Dude , you are weak, I can affirm it with certain assurance.

there is nothing more to say to an obese American.

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consider copulating

Fuck off nigger I have a gf, she's a trap

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A very good team during this time.

I killed a mouse once, I did not care for it.

You guys have always been nigged

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It's not incel if it's voluntary.

Do you want to talk about NBA or NFL team ?

Stop insisting on ridiculing yourself

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>everything I dont like is incel!
lol. Namecalling truly gets you nowhere, especially when it is purely projection.

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t. Muhammad Al-Binah Rame-Rahme

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I have a big family and a nice career. But thank you for your concern.

Guess you have a point....oh wait you dont because black NBA teams only came about in America during the mid 60's while nigs were always in France ever since the ww1 days...I mean look at these posters man.. BAM!

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glad for ya

married + kids...
Wife's on her period. I suppose that could be called involuntary celibate... I prefer to think of it as voluntary though. Gets a bit icky sticking your dick into a bloody mess, and going down on that is just right out completely, though I've made the mistake of doing that a couple of times in the past when I was younger and more impressionable.

>Dude , you are weak, I can affirm it with certain assurance.
Just because you're weak, doesn't mean all men are.

Lyndon B. Johnson also said the Hart-Celler Act wouldn’t change the demographics of the US. He said a lot of shit.

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The only reason I think evo psych is valid point is because of my subconscious urges to get laid

I do not see the true relationship between propaganda posters and the evolution of American sport that you absolutely do not understand.


>cherry picks examples of women trying to berate men into liking them.
>does the same thing
Shave your pits

Nah dude , you're probably i'm manlet , that's why i'm looking down on you.
You have a hard time understanding what is being said to you with your child's rhetoric

Oh, waging war is far more fun than seducing women.

blah blah blah.
>y-y-you're stoopid!!!

I have a white nationalist gf so what now?

a manlet *

Why are you ashamed of your own race?

The point is you're calling us incels and making assumptions about shit YOU have no fucking clue about

No doubt, but I'm talking about your abilities to do it.

>i'm manlet
Freudian slip eh? Tell me something I didn't already know.

Because he's a nigger

It was not me who spoke about the French football team but you.

Assume your arguments.

Every minute spent chasing chicks is a minute not spent on mastering the skills required to safely nitrate organic compounds.

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Don't be stubborn , Typical of a useless coward during a time of war.

Prove what you're claiming or get out.

I'm 30, married, have a career and kids. I have been on Jow Forums and then /news/ and Jow Forums since creation.

The difference between our stereotyping of Jews, niggers, Muslims, Asians, and sexual deviants and your stereotyping of us is that our stereotypes are developed over time based on real world accounts and experience, while yours are desperate attempts to manifest your desires and ideals on a world and reality that actively rejects it.

wheres the image of wojak imagining the left panel?

>Typical of a useless coward during a time of war.
Well, you're the experts on that.

Besides, I had corrected my misspelling, I signal you that it is not my native language.

So stop being stupid and embarrass yourself more

> I'm talking about your abilities to do it
Said the cheese eating surrender monkey.

Only a fool chases after women. A smart man builds an empire and has women chase after him.

Let's talk about germany during our day then

>ad hominem and projection- the post
nice nice, rape u next week

thank you for the armchair psychoanalysis you virginal leftoid

Don't worry, you're not very complex you know

>I don't know what Incel means: the post

How do you know?, You don't.
You like making claims, it's up to you to prove them.

> Let's talk about germany during our day then
Do you even English?

No, he clearly speaks frog.

Can confirm. I'm happily married and I still know the truth behind the JQ.

I do not have to justify myself any more, the fact that you want somehow to prove me the opposite is a remarkable proof in my opinion, that is to say that from suppositions, I managed to make you Spill it.

Very funny to see how smart you think you are

Attached: begging.jpg (552x263, 34K)

>The word "incel" fits you indeed, you have no political and judicial knowledge and you pretend to understand the workings of our society, you justify your emotional distress by "muh race", to avoid any discount in question about your pathetic lives.
You certainly do not represent a viable future for the white race, let alone for humanity.
Haha and you have aids.

see? we can both say shit with no proof.

stop whinning.

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I only see ribbit ribbit