/nova era/ General - Clown World Edition

A fellow user shitposted irl by pasting Honkler, NPC wojak and "Olavo tem razão" stickers over Liberal lefties' posters in a University in São Paulo.

>pic related mocks the establishment of a street sign dedicated to Marielle Franco

Attached: IMG-20190428-WA0032.jpg (720x960, 47K)

>Another poster questioning Marielle's assassination

Attached: IMG-20190428-WA0031.jpg (720x960, 39K)

>Protest against the Social Providence Reform

Attached: IMG-20190428-WA0033.jpg (720x960, 49K)

>Antifa smeared

Attached: IMG-20190428-WA0030.jpg (720x960, 42K)

To a nova era, macacos filhos da puta.

Attached: honk honk.png (700x700, 615K)

LOL! Keep doing it! I'm thinking in doing the same thing here in my university huehuehuehue

Fucking USP, as always. Do you know whether there are any other lads doing this around the country?

>random leftist bullshit and a honk

Attached: IMG-20190428-WA0034.jpg (720x960, 44K)

> forced meme, sucking zionist dick and beating the leftist dead horse

I was happy until I saw this kike-normie cringy stick "Olavo tem razão". Are there more?