GIOYC - Get It Off Your Chest

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im gay

i dont know what happiness feels like

You know, I used to ramble a lot on her about being foreveralone and all that stupid bullshit, but now I truly understand because unlike alot of the people on here, I actually bothered to see a therapist and you know what she told me at 31 years of age?
That, to paraphrase and said in the manner that therapists communicate such things, "now is not the time".
I'm supposed to focus on myself, apparently.

So, its true: Relationships do not make you happy. They are useless things boring fucks pretend are worthwhile because they put a lot of effort into them, so they value them more because of how much they spent making a relationship work. The reality is relationships are pure pain and not a "need". The "need" is to have kids, but that's not a thing now we aren't peasants. Its just easy for people to fall into a pussy/dick trap and they just deal with it.
Its all bullshit.
Casual sex is bullshit too, because you feel empty inside afterwardsa.

Even IF that's not so, the reality is I failed myself by becoming like this so now that's not something that will ever make me happy and I will never be secure in that way.

So you know, I mean there's a lot of people who can't do that. I guess I'm one of those worthless people now..

I don't need this shit.
But I can't have fucking friends either apparently because I get upset easily. I hate it. I hate everything. I hate myself. I hate everything. Everything. FUCK EVERYTHING I hate it and want to be alone. I want to be alone and I want...
I want relief... I want to not feel embarrassed and weird any more. But now I never will.

I don't know what to do. I will never know what to do.

And I thought I was done with rambling, but apparently the fucking memes were right. I wish I didn't have work tomorrow so I could drink.

By which I guess I mean that "work on yourself" bullshit.
Apparently it is supposed to come to you, I guess because she said that normally she guesses the reason is because the right person never came along.

So you're not supposed to even look or desire it at all. Its just supposed to happen. Fucking stupid. Worthless. There must be some reason after 31 years...
I have more worth than that...

Last month my older brother killed himself. Jumped infront of a train. I haven't told to any of my friends, only few coworkers know about this

why did he do it?

I was so dumb to think its something I should look for. To think it was something I wanted or to wonder if I needed it. To see what would happen.
It was so stupid of me.

Don't know. He had nice job, wife and 2 kids...

boggles me why people do this when they have everything i hope for in life, i guess he was troubled by something deeper, either way rip

I'm disappointed in myself that I'm seemingly loosing a grudge.
When I came out as bi, the first thing my parents did was log into all my social medias and read all the messages I had with my best friend .
I planned to off myself but I started to extensively talk with my best friend and I realized it'd be a waste.

This happened two years ago(when I was 16), I still dislike them heavily but I've got no idea why some of my grudge is simply gone. They haven't changed their attitudes or anything

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I could never understand what’s the point of coming out as bisexual. Your relatives still capable to shoehorn your into straight marriage, what’s the deal?

I guess it's just about being honest with yourself and informing those close to you that same sex relationships are a possiblity.

There's also the fact that unlike how some people think, the attraction to gender split isn't always fifty fifty. Like how I'd say I like guys more

In all fairness though I get where your coming from, predominantly I just came out so I couldn't turn back anymore since I've had over 5 years of denial where I just assumed my same sex attractions would fizzle out.

Still, after moving out they can only verbally pressure me to get married to who they'd like which is good :)

everyone i know is such a normo cunt. the only time i found someone cultured was around the time we moved. i wanna fucking cry0

I've fallen in love 6 times this week and I keep finding cooler and cooler chicks, I CAN'T STOP, SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE
Also fuck you to all the cunts who told me I couldn't make it into normiedom a few months ago, I DONE DID IT YOU CUNTS.

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I feel so terrible rn if you only know.

I want it all to stop. I know I can’t commit suicide but I don’t want it all to keep going.

My mom been watching church service on tv loud so I went out from house, but she went out too I bet she wanted to look if I’m crying ( I did).

People will hurt you in life!
New people can heal you

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I did beat myself a couple of times and it felt good.

Why don’t I allowed to self harm? It’s legit reason to keep functioning. I need something to maintain living.

How do I have fun in a club

I've worked weekends and Friday nights and Christmases and new years for the last 5 years and before that I was a shut in. I JUST spent the first night out progressively enjoying the music and not caring about future tinnitus by drinking more but all I did was just bob along to the music.

How do I make the most out of a night out alone?

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I already miss you fampai ;-;

Ai Love you, as usual.

Removing the tripcode from now on.

I have stability in chaos.
I want chaos in stability.
I know it's sometimes best to not fight against the current.
For all my attempts at holding everything together, something always comes to kick me in the legs and i drop everything I was holding.
For the good of my sanity I want to let everything go so I have nothing to drop when I get knocked down.
But I don't want to let go.

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Something to cheer you up.


I don't think it is complicated. He was depressed. Maybe he hated his job, didn't love his wife and kids. I'm depressed and I have a whole host of great vidya that I theoretically love, but ignore them like the plague. My point is he didn't have the life he wanted and so no way to get the life he wanted so he left.

Just getting it off my chest.

I want to make a move but a combination of RSD and a complex caused by my tiny penis have me convinced it will never work out.

I know that's not necessarily true and I still want to try but God damn is it scary and I keep making up excuses to avoid it.
Why cant I stop caring, I really want to get over this

I only jusy realized how much I want to draw and voice my own short animations, create my own longform webcomic...but I've only begun drawing now at the age of 25. I feel like I would need 10 years of practice to create the sort of work I coild be proud of. It doesn't help that next year I'm going back to school. Makes me sad that and regretful I didn't stick to drawing at 14.

There is literally nothing intrinsically wrong with two people dating regardless of age gap. All that matters is that they're compatible, trust, respect and admire one another.

That's it. Nothing else matters. Age is literally just a number from which certain average patterns can be guessed at but they are just that, averages. They do not define individual traits. Anyone that disagrees is demonstrably wrong.

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I want to know more about you!

I don't want you to know about me

But the more I know the truth about you the more I fall in love with you!

Ok. So I'm really sorry to waste your time like this but as I said before. I really don't give a fuck

It was all fucking trolling. ZERO context to.l any actual posts so this will never make sense to anyone. Guess what I wasted my own time and everyone else involved with this shit. I'm being 100% srs here
I'm a dumbass troll!

They think they actually found some bad fucking guy. I'm a useless nobody. This is more than ridiculous.
It's embarrassing

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Anything you want to know you can just ask i said this before

I'm a shut in. I have spent the last couple years sitting at home. I'm not only boring
But also a fool. Guess what
I've been sitting in the same place for some time allowing my time/life go to waste

I will go get counseling services!
There is no way I'm going to sit alone and be miserable any longer. If I have to go and talk to them about my depression i will do it. I'm waiting for their call next week. I will go and get counseling and hopefully it does help me

Idgaf but i still want to.
For now. I won't stay here trying to talk to you. I know i need therapy yadaaa yadaaa whatever. I get it
I'm a fucking fool.

Still somewhat feel like shit. Also somewhat not. Probably because of the alcohol.

I will text you tonight, and if you're free and meet up with me, I will kiss you, before even a sip of alcohol. Hopefully you'll still wanna get drunk with me, but if not oh well. If you've been patient enough to wait for me this long, I'm gonna make it worth your while.

Nice try FBI. Pedos deserve to die.





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I've been so down for the last two weeks. I thought it would be fine by now, but being around him while friendzoned is even worse. I know there were no chance from the begining. I feel dead inside

Im ugly and I'll probably kill myself this winter

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Make a move, dude. Just do it. No matter what the outcome is, you will have gotten it off your mind.

I deserve to kill you

No, please. im running out of trivia to share

I want you to be a corpse

I want to play with your severed head

I dont need it.
I dont need it.
I dont need it.

I'll always deserve to harm you

Im supposed to be studying but here I am.

I deserve somebody I can torture

What is this? A good nights sleep and no torturous dreams? I really am doing better I guess.

I want to abuse and harm others




Speak to me. Even though what I did was messed up and weird speak to me and express how you feel instead of playing the silent game. We're both adults this isn't high school anymore. Just give me your raw thoughts because I appreciate your brutal honesty more than your silence

I guess I'll have to bottle up my sadness again. Can't let them know that I'm sad over the girl I like.

I couldn't work on my alien fanfiction last night and I feel sad.

You don't inherently need anything other than food really.
>I want to be alone and I want...
you sure bout that? we're pretty social creatures
>I want relief... I want to not feel embarrassed and weird any more. But now I never will.
you'll get used to it after talking to more people you fucking autist

I'm going back to my country for a week and I was initially excited to see my friends, family and visit places I used to hang around too, but after some days I've started to fear some aspects of it. Seeing my ex-classmates doing better than me, being near my old University where I failed, being near my ex-gf although she technically never was my gf. These thoughts won't stop me from having a good time but now I remember how I felt when I lived there and it's a feeling I don't miss

I want a woman that I can torture


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What happened with your waifu
we want the sauce boss

I want to cut off her legs and head

Im legitimately sorry for everything. I shouldn't have done that.

Both of us should've been honest to each other from the start.

I should've been stronger back then...

I'll have my torture victim

imma take a shit yall need sum?

>being near my ex-gf although she technically never was my gf
She is not your ex-gf then you fucking idiot.

I deserve to cut off every limb of hers

Some of you need serious help.

I may be an incel. But I'm not like you guys on Jow Forums

this isn't r9k you fucking turboautist

Have you ever really wanted to say something to another person but fear the person would think you were completely out of your head? Mind you this person has been in your atmosphere for a long time but you for some reason get this knot in your throat that strangles any audible sound. Life is strange, I think I'll take the no emotion stance then coming across as some sort whack job, since I can't make any sense of anything that occurred in the past behind digital screens. I just want verification from this person as to what personas they embodied when we spoke, it would give me piece of mind. Thanks for posting this user, it really helped me spew a little personal boulder out of my thought cortex.

If evens, I get to eat breakfast.

I want to take a big step in my career but I'd leave behind almost everyone I know, and I'd be all by myself. I don't know how I would handle the paperwork and the money.
I don't know what to do and I'm afraid.

I've slowly begun feeling like I'm worth something and every now and then there are just little things that shouldn't matter ad they just make you start questioning yourself all over again because 'muh emotions make me feel bad'.
I fucking hate feeling anything at this point, I don't feel like my emotions reflect how I really should be and it's torture.
Fuck sentience. Fuck being an animal.

I'm super duper coper depressed

I regret meeting you
There was nothing terribly wrong with my life then it lost all it's glamour knowing the perfect person exists
I'm almost 30 I'm too old for this shit

ive been fasting. ive been exercising despite my doc telling me not to without supervision because of my spinal injury. ive been abusing drugs.

nothing works.

my mothers side of the family has the curse of being skinny like sticks up to their pre 20s and then absolutely ballooning and becoming absolute fat FUCKS. fucking WHALES. like they've caught some rabid disease that causes them to become sjw disgusting lard bitches.
like being fat is one thing ok but they become absolute self absorbed sjw assholes about it humiliating anyone that's not them.
they made fun of me all my life for being skinny. downright humiliating me. honest to god i was not doing it on purpose, no anorexia or anything, I genuinely could not eat much and despite even eating trash I was a stick.

my sister would constantly steal my clothes try to force to fit into them staining them with her gross fat sweat smell and period stains and fucking rip it and stretch it everywhere.
I remember a lot of times as a child not being able to be in the same room as my mom while she had her legs open because of HOW FUCKING AWFUL IT SMELLED.

well guess what you fucking whales. now im fucking ballooning like the rest of you. im gonna become a flab cellulitis sweat infested fat hairy hambeast like the rest of you despite me trying so fucking hard not to because god fucking hates me. fuck you. fuck all of you and fuck me and this piece of shit body i wish i could genuinely become fucking anorexic like you said i was

>tfw underweight and about to turn 21

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I’m depressed because I’m dealing w/a major dry spell and I can’t break it. I struggle with holding a guy’s interest for very long.

And I don’t want to believe I’m the reason why I get ignored, ghosted on, whatever. But because I continue to find myself in this position, I can’t help but think I must be doing something wrong.

...and it kills me because weirdly enough I’ll get remarks by both women and men about how attractive and how gorgeous I am practically whenever I go out and shit like I could pass as a model type comments, which makes me uncomfortable because it wasn’t always like this for me, and it’s been happening a lot lately to point where the topic of my appearance comes up in almost every other conversation I have with a stranger. And getting these compliments makes me feel more stressed and anxious because yeah, it does boost my ego and thus, I feel an added pressure to keep up with my appearance. But getting these random compliments makes me feel shitty about myself too though as it makes me wonder if that’s how guys see me.. as just a pretty face, even though I know that’s not true.

Part of me is still hung up over someone, who split from me despite the amount of chemistry we had and how well we got along. We only dated for a few weeks but it was the first person I ever had a physical and intimate bond with. I only mention him is because whenever i go off about him and my inability to grasp why he doesn’t want me, my friends will simply tell me to move on and he’s an idiot and that they think I’m out of his league anyway. And when I vent about him and my struggle to move on, the response that has fucked with me the most is getting told I can have any guy I want. Which I know isn’t true considering it’s average to fairly-decent looking guys that I go out with and they’re usually the ones to cut things off w/me.

Any way, this has exacerbated my Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria to an unbearable degree.

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I remember when I complained about turning 21 and now I would do anything to go back to that age.

You might appreciate it but it wont change anything...

Ask yourself what you value more. If you choose to stay where you are you'll be happy and comfortable but you'll wonder whether or not it would've elevated and left your family and yourself better off. And if you choose to take the opportunity you'll know you're improving yourself but the lack of social interaction and missing your family and friends will be tough. Knowing that you're missing out on their lives. It's your choice at the end of the day

I hope more women are killed

*sucks your penis*

Why can't you talk to me?

Don't know why this made me lol

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I deserve to kill women

Do people pronounce the full "tts" sound? Like, I go "t-ss" when I pronounce it. Am I not supposed to be pronouncing my "s"s? Or should I enunciate my s less?
Native English speaker btw. I just realized I sound like a snake when I talk.

Why did I lose the habit of having an active lifestyle? Why did I ever stop boxing? Why didn't I seek out places to exercise when my friends didn't want to play soccer? Why didn't I go out of residential area to meet new people with my friends? Because "muh criminals in the streets and buses"? What a fuckin pussy and why did my parents let me be like that? I wish I would've learned to move around the city in public transportation earlier instead of HAVING to wait for them. Such a bitch way to grow up and once I did I realized all the time I lost both because of my indecisions and the borderline chokehold my parents had on me. The city is dangerous but you can't coddle people to the point where they cantt do anything by themselves. That's not life

What should I tell you? I have no words. im speechless..

I want to kill them I'll always deserve to

I want to get completely fucked and dominated by a hung tranny. I want to be her (his) bitch. I want it to hurt bad when she (he) fucks my tight asshole.

No one in my real life knows I harbour this fetish, and they definitely don't know that I have acted on it in the past, and had sex with a few trannies.

I can't wait until I can torture a women and have her die

>Have a QT as fuck friend
>Have a big thing for her
>She knows all about it, and thinks my crush is cute
>She has a boyfriend though, so I never actually act on it
>One day I'm over at her place
>We're just talking or whatever
>She makes a move on me
>I turn her down, tell her to think of her boyfriend
>She's actually shocked that I don't want to have an affair with her
>She stops talking me after that.
>Not a text, not a call, nothing
>All because I wouldn't fuck her
Women, I swear. Sometimes I wish I was gay